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Tell me *this* isn't service!! LOL

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So I was trying to find a way for my kids to take the seasonal flu shot without having to go to a dr office and be exposed to all the germs there. They usually do this at their yearly exams, but we cancelled this year due to the high number of cases of swine flu the office is seeing. The doctor recommended that anything "routine" just wait. But that left us without a shot this year.


So today I started calling around and narrowed it down to two options (no way I am getting the kids a flu shot in a pharmacy!)... 1. Go to the health department and get it there. They don't take care of sick patients. However, they do renew wic vouchers and such - so there is always a chance that someone (out of necessity) would come in sick for that renewal. The chance is lower than in a dr. office, but still *there.* Option 2 totally floored me. I see a dr. in town and he has seen my older son, but not my younger. I called them (they are also located at our area ER) and they recommened that I come to the parking lot, side door and call them - then someone woudl come out and give my kids the flu shot! I was skeptical, but it seemed like the best option with the least exposure (outside with one person and not a whole room full of patients).


We went, and I am amazed at how easy it was. I called them from the parking lot at the side door and the nurse came out with the shots and papers for me to sign for each child. I asked her if she had "hugged any swine flu patients today" and she responded that she wasn't even doing patient care today! :) So, that made me feel much better. I think we got the most minimal exposure we could get with this method...Thank God!


I just thought I would share the service that my totally unconventional dr office provided today. The only down side is that it was VERY obvious that these people are taking it very seriously if they are willing to vaccinate patients in the parking lot to cut down the spread.


As a side note, the health dept and this office that I took them to today are offering the mist for the H1N1 virus right now. That terrifies me! How will they cut back on the spread when people who take the vaccine in mist form are likely to spread the virus to others and even come down with a milder case themselves?? The nurse that gave us the shots said she wasn't taking it.

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Our pediatrician does parking lot service for kids with suspected chicken pox.


I'm glad that you got your shot in the least hazardous way!

When I had chicken pox (at 26) my doctor had me call from the parking lot, then smuggled me through the back door and into a storage room! :lol: Nothing like suddenly finding yourself the village leper.


Treehouse - I've been hearing about drive-thru flu shot clinics in our area on the news.

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When DD was little, her immune system was compromised by a med she was taking (long story). Our family doc would have us take the last appointment of the day and have her wait in the car until the waiting room was empty before coming in. This worked great for limiting her exposure to sick people.

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We live in a very small, rural area (Popualtion like 5,000 LOL), so that is unheard of around here. I am glad the bigger cities are already doing this. It seems so much safer than putting well kids in waiting rooms next to sick kids (even if there is a well and sick side - at our dr office you have to walk by the sick to get to the well! LOL).

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That sounds very sensible.


When I was a child our doctor's office had a "sick" waiting room and and a "well" waiting room. There was never more than one "sick" family at a time in the "sick" room. It was just the way they scheduled things.


I was surprised to find with my first child that this practice no longer exists. I don't want to bring my healthy children to the doctor for a well visit and go home with Chicken Pox or the flu.

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That sounds very sensible.


When I was a child our doctor's office had a "sick" waiting room and and a "well" waiting room. There was never more than one "sick" family at a time in the "sick" room. It was just the way they scheduled things.


I was surprised to find with my first child that this practice no longer exists. I don't want to bring my healthy children to the doctor for a well visit and go home with Chicken Pox or the flu.


That was me. We are healthy right now and the pediatrician we see is having a huge influx of flu patients right now. When I called to cancel our well checks, the receptionist told me I was about the "smartest parent she had talked to." LOL

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We live in a very small, rural area (Popualtion like 5,000 LOL), so that is unheard of around here. I am glad the bigger cities are already doing this. It seems so much safer than putting well kids in waiting rooms next to sick kids (even if there is a well and sick side - at our dr office you have to walk by the sick to get to the well! LOL).


My parents live in a small town too (2000) and they've been getting drive through flu shots for several years.


I am not taking my son for his well check up which he is due for right now. And I"m not getting him the shot. I feel comfortable in my decision, but reading about how sick Joanne's son is has me a bit freaked out.

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My parents live in a small town too (2000) and they've been getting drive through flu shots for several years.


I am not taking my son for his well check up which he is due for right now. And I"m not getting him the shot. I feel comfortable in my decision, but reading about how sick Joanne's son is has me a bit freaked out.


I agree Scarlett - when I had that flu back in 1996 and my older son had the flu in 2003, it was just like what Joanne is describing. It was UGLY. Since my son had it, we have gotten flu shots. *I* only got them twice, but I make sure to get them for the kids. I just can't bear to see my child as sick as he was that year. If I never see another person that sick, it will be just fine with me. I wish I had words to describe the experience...

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When I was a child our doctor's office had a "sick" waiting room and and a "well" waiting room. There was never more than one "sick" family at a time in the "sick" room. It was just the way they scheduled things.

Well, I dislike when a kid who has, say, allergies is put in the same room as someone with the flu. Those things are not normally contagious, and why should a sick kid have to get a second infection?

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Well, I dislike when a kid who has, say, allergies is put in the same room as someone with the flu. Those things are not normally contagious, and why should a sick kid have to get a second infection?


I agree with that too! If your kid goes to the doctor (here) for anything that they had to be working in for - they sit on the sick side. Broken foot? Sick side. It is not all that great!

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I agree with that too! If your kid goes to the doctor (here) for anything that they had to be working in for - they sit on the sick side. Broken foot? Sick side. It is not all that great!


Well I think that's just plain stupid. A broken foot is not SICK. When I think "sick" I think germs and contagious, a hazard to other patients.


The broken foot patient should sit in the "well" waiting room.


Common sense is dead in most of America.

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That sounds very sensible.


When I was a child our doctor's office had a "sick" waiting room and and a "well" waiting room. There was never more than one "sick" family at a time in the "sick" room. It was just the way they scheduled things.




My pediatrician's office has this too, but I have noticed that nobody really adhere's to it. I cannot think of a single time that I've brought my kids in for their well baby visits that I haven't seen sick kids on the well side. :glare:

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That is really GREAT customer service!!


And, incidentally, ......do you REALLY homeschool in a treehouse? (Cuz that would be really, really cool! We don't have a suitable tree for treehouse building on our entire property which makes me exceedingly sad. On two acres you would think you could find a decent treehouse tree!)


Anyway, back to our regularly scheduled thread......

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My daughter's first pediatrician's office had different "sick" and "well" waiting rooms. As a new parent I really appreciated that they did that. Kids with broken bones or sprained ankles were allowed in the "well" room, but if anyone had anything that might be contagious, they had to wait in the "sick" room. The nurse would even come in and kick out the patient's family if one of their kids was sick and they tried to wait in the "well" room. I was sad when we changed insurance carriers and couldn't see him anymore.

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That is really GREAT customer service!!


And, incidentally, ......do you REALLY homeschool in a treehouse? (Cuz that would be really, really cool! We don't have a suitable tree for treehouse building on our entire property which makes me exceedingly sad. On two acres you would think you could find a decent treehouse tree!)


Anyway, back to our regularly scheduled thread......



LOL - no, not technically. However, we live on a mountain and our house is surrounded by trees. From out school room on the 2nd story of the house, you can see way out across the mountains - so that is our "Tree House."

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LOL - no, not technically. However, we live on a mountain and our house is surrounded by trees. From out school room on the 2nd story of the house, you can see way out across the mountains - so that is our "Tree House."



Well, that sounds lovely! We live on a prairie where the Wind Comes Sweepin' Down the Plains.

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