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For those that plan to transition to private school...

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What kinds of records do you keep for application purposes? Our state doesn't require anything, but I'm wondering what the private schools will want to see. She would potentially be applying as a third or fourth grader.


We haven't chosen a specific school. There are many in our area, including two classical schools. Would they be interested in a portfolio? Or will they primarily rely on the entrance testing? And how do you handle teacher recommendations? I could possibly use her violin teacher, but most of the schools ask for at least two.


We are a couple of years out from this, but I'm trying to keep my ducks in a row.

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Well, when I investigated this, the school said they would be happy to see my dd's test scores, but they were going to test her with their own materials anyway. Ports are great, but again, they are going to think their way is best, and will not always take the word of the parent over their own testing. (After all, you could have given them extra time on the test, or been otherwise more of a "mom" than a "teacher"...I've run into that mindset.) A booklist would also probably be helpful. If you've got an outstanding reader, they may not believe that your child has really read at a high level.

Obviously, my experience wasn't that good.

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I'm somewhat prepared for them to rely on their own testing. That would make things simpler for me. I don't really prefer to try to keep up with grades, since we go over the material until she knows it.


We have such a large homeschool community, that I'm hoping the schools are used to the transition and not biased against us. Several of them even allow older homeschoolers to take some classes without being full-time students.


But, I frequently way overestimate or way underestimate how easy a process will be.

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I would look at the website of private schools you are interested in. Most will have their requirements listed.


All the private schools in my area require a certain standarized test (the name escapes me).


My daughter was in private school and I think they barely glanced at her school transcript. They relied more on her personal interview (and they made her write an essay while there), visit to the school for the whole day and her test scores.

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The best advice a homeschooling friend gave me was to keep a complete list of all materials used for each grade level. She also said to photocopy the cover page of any textbooks used along with the table of contents. In addition to this, I also kept chapter tests or quizzes. I also tested each year using the Iowa. Along with this, I kept a list of books read. When we went to apply for the Christian high school she now is attending, they asked for a complete list of materials used along with all her Iowa test scores. They also administered their own test and had a personal interview with her and we met with the headmaster. I am so grateful that she told me that. I always kept a list of books used but I never would of thought of photocopying the title and contents page. Hope this info helps. Have a great homeschooling day.

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My recommendations:


Standardized test scores (even though it isn't required in your state)

Report cards for each year, even if you have to go back and make them

Up-to-date health/immunization records, including a photocopy of her birth certificate

Resist providing her Social Security number (ok, that's a personal thing, but still...in most cases, the public school doesn't need to know that, really).


When you go to the school, walk right into the office and say, "Hello, I'd like to enroll Daffodil in fourth grade. Here are her records." Don't back down, or offer to have her tested for placement, or anything else. Stick to your guns. It shouldn't be a big deal at that grade level. Don't let them badmouth hsing, either.

Edited by Ellie
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The OP was asking about a private school.


As an aside, I wish I could just walk up to the front desk at the Quaker high school I really like and demand they enroll her. Maybe I could also demand that I be exempt from paying tuition. lol


My recommendations:


Standardized test scores (even though it isn't required in your state)

Report cards for each year, even if you have to go back and make them

Up-to-date health/immunization records, including a photocopy of her birth certificate

Resist providing her Social Security number (ok, that's a personal thing, but still...in most cases, the public school doesn't need to know that, really).


When you go to the school, walk right into the office and say, "Hello, I'd like to enroll Daffodil in fourth grade. Here are her records." Don't back down, or offer to have her tested for placement, or anything else. Stick to your guns. It shouldn't be a big deal at that grade level. Don't let them badmouth hsing, either.

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The OP was asking about a private school.

Yes, I understood that. My reply is the same regardless of whether it's a public or a private school.


As an aside, I wish I could just walk up to the front desk at the Quaker high school I really like and demand they enroll her. Maybe I could also demand that I be exempt from paying tuition. lol

My only recommendation was that she insist that her dd be enrolled in the grade she should be, and not subject to machinations by the school because the dd had been hsed.

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