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Male Pisces Student - Weird Question


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Okay, this is an astrological question and may seem a bit weird, but here goes....


My MIL has been a public school teacher for practically 30 years and she swears that she can spot a male Pisces student a mile away. She says they cannot sit still, ask a million in one questions, talk just to be talking and don't seem to know how to shut up and they, are often class clowns and they crave one-on-one attention from their teachers. My ds8 is a Pisces and seems to fit that description like a glove.


I'm wondering if any other moms of ds Pisces who can relate to any of those behaviors? Before leaving PS ds8's teachers used to tell me that he really wanted that one-on-on instruction and often would be oblivious to the fact that there were 19 other students in the class when he would try to engage in questions with the teacher about the subject she was teaching at the moment. I am finding that to be VERY true here at home. As long as I'm standing next to him, across from him or sitting next to him he's fine....even if he doesn't need my help and is doing the work independently. But the moment I go to leave the room and try to work with dd4 or multitask and get some other things done while he's working, supposedly "independently", he starts to go through this "Mom, I need your help....I don't get it.....I don't understand.....I can't do it" mode. So if I go back and stand there he goes right back to doing his work with needing little to no help from me at all.


I understand his desire for one-on-one interaction, which he's got exclusively now, but how do I curtail this neediness of wanting to have me right there every waking moment during school time? Even when he's doing math games on the computer he just wants me to stand there to watch him play. I love him and all, I do:D, but why do I need to stand and watch him play Math Man? I could be using that time to work with my daughter or fold a load of clothes. This wastes A LOT of time and drags our school hours out much longer than they need to be.


Any suggestions?



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I had to go to the chart to see what birthdays Pisces was.


My dad is a Pisces and he is the most calm, cool, collected man I know. Those who knew him as a child say he was like that then too.


He is not a class clown at all and is most often fairly serious.


I admit since I had to look it up, that I don't know who else is one to compare.



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Before leaving PS ds8's teachers used to tell me that he really wanted that one-on-on instruction and often would be oblivious to the fact that there were 19 other students in the class when he would try to engage in questions with the teacher about the subject she was teaching at the moment. I am finding that to be VERY true here at home. As long as I'm standing next to him, across from him or sitting next to him he's fine....even if he doesn't need my help and is doing the work independently. But the moment I go to leave the room and try to work with dd4 or multitask and get some other things done while he's working, supposedly "independently", he starts to go through this "Mom, I need your help....I don't get it.....I don't understand.....I can't do it" mode. So if I go back and stand there he goes right back to doing his work with needing little to no help from me at all.




My older DD is the same way, and was at school also. I started using a timer and she seems to respond to it as a competition (can she beat the timer?) which works well for her. It gives her something to strive for and pat herself on the back when she gets done before the timer goes off. And she knows I'll be back in 30 minutes to reset the timer for the next lesson - so she knows she's guaranteed my attention every 30 minutes.


When I started doing this I was afraid it would make our days feel too rushed, but it's been the opposite. Our 6 hour days turned into 3-4 hour days and DD has more time to pursue her own interests.


My younger DD hates to be timed, so this would not work for every child.


Just a thought....

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Funny....I guess Pisces are not that unique and obvious as students after all.


We use a timer as well but that doesn't stop him from wanting to have me attached to his hip joint. If anything if I forget to keep the timer with me when I leave the room he tries to sneak and wind down the time. :glare:



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Funny....I guess Pisces are not that unique and obvious as students after all.


We use a timer as well but that doesn't stop him from wanting to have me attached to his hip joint. If anything if I forget to keep the timer with me when I leave the room he tries to sneak and wind down the time. :glare:




My ds is 12 and he still doesn't like to work independently but he is getting better. Some of that is probably being an only child, some of it is his personality. At 8, I couldn't leave the room otherwise he was with me.


We started doing 15 minutes of clean up before school. Go around and straighten from the night before, a few small chores, etc. It got my mind off of them so I could focus on schooling. I also made sure I had things for me to work on in the room while he worked independently.


I figure this is a season of my life. His education is the most important part of his day and a high priority for mine. Housework sometimes stays undone, but when he is off at college I'll still have housework.

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My MIL has been a public school teacher for practically 30 years and she swears that she can spot a male Pisces student a mile away. She says they cannot sit still, ask a million in one questions, talk just to be talking and don't seem to know how to shut up and they, are often class clowns and they crave one-on-one attention from their teachers. My ds8 is a Pisces and seems to fit that description like a glove.



My dh was like that as a kid, but born in October; my brother is a pisces but nothing like that. I don't think it has anything to do with the constellations. Have you ever randomly read horoscopes? If you don't look at which it is, it somehow seems to apply to you anyway, which makes me think there's not much to the whole birth-sign thing.


I've found with my dc that a little time of completely focused attention goes a long way. They'll sometimes beg me to stay & play & watch or whatever, being total pests, but if I really drop everything and focus on them for about 10-15 minutes it buys me an hour or more of time that they don't need me. It somehow fills up their little attention-bank, and then they're all set. Spending two hours kinda paying attention won't do it, either - they know. ;)

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My ds8 is a Pisces. In PreK, he was chatty, but sat still and was well-behaved for the most part. Now he goes to a schoolish CCD class every Sunday morning and he's "a pleasure" according to all his teachers. But it's only once a week, so who knows what he'd be like in all-day/every day school.


At home, he gets his work done quickly and efficiently, with very little dilly-dallying. He's getting more and more independent as time goes by. He likes the one-on-one attention and prefers to be in the same area with dd(13) and me while she's doing her work - yes he wants attention too, lol. He does ask tons of questions all. the. time. He's very proud of the things he does (whether it's academic or not) and likes showing me everything (handwriting, lego creations, solved math problems, drawings, etc) with a very big confident smile. He also likes me to sit with him during his computer games to watch him.


He's definitely a performer and loves being the center of attention (theater classes are awesome for him).


At homeschool group classes he will sometimes raise his hand to answer a question without really knowing the answer - he likes to be a part of things no matter what, lol.


My mom just sent this to me yesterday:


PISCES - The Dreamer (Feb 19 - Mar 20) Generous, kind, and thoughtful. Very creative and Imaginative. May become secretive and vague. Sensitive. Don't like details. Dreamy and unrealistic. Sympathetic and loving. Kind. Unselfish. Good kisser. Beautiful

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It does sound more like a virgo ... my middle son is a virgo and if I don't praise him for every little thing, he's up in my face about it....


My husband is a pisces, you would never know if he were upset or happy...he's pretty much the same all the time and hides his feelings well.

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My son HAS to be a part of what's going and doesn't like being left out of anything. But, he has rare moments when he "acts" shy but he really isn't. ETA: My son also has a HUGE need for approval and recognition. He needs to be validated constantly and we try to do that when truly warranted, but I don't want him to grow up thinking and expecting that as an adult everyone he comes across is going to pat him on the back for every little thing. He'll be sorely disappointed.


Angela, I think our sons could be twins as far as the personalities go. On the work-front, uh, not so much. He's my baby and I love him but he's a procrastinator and lazy. Drags things out much longer than need be. He can't seem to see how much time he wastes toodlepippin' around. He's easily distracted and I'm constantly having to reel him back in. I look forward to the day (if ever) when he'll settle down and focus.


I like the idea given by K&Rs Mom that perhaps if I just fill him up with a bunch of attention on the front end that maybe that will buy me some time on the back end. I'll give it whirl.


Thanks for all of the great responses!



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I am a Pisces myself. I used to be very very shy as a child & would not dare to open my mouth in class. I hated the attension.

Offcourse as you grow you realise being smart is a good thing & showing off a lttle bit won't hurt.


My nephew is a Pisces. As a student he is very foucussed & is a joy to teach. Has excellent memory, but is very picky in this selecting clothes & food. My mom tells me he is very much like me.


He has a good sense of humor & quick with smart answers. This trait is from his Dad. But is very shy outside the family.


Shyness & pickiness seems to be a Pisces trait that I have observed in most people born in Feb.

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Another thing to consider is that western astrology is no longer aligned with the actual constellations. So, the western dates for pisces, February 20 to March 20, are not truly aligned with the stars.


In ancient Vedic astrology, which is sidereal, pisces is from March 15 to April 13.


In Vedic, you are only the same sign in western if you're birthday is in the last 5 days of the sign. This might explain why we have some major differences in what is a pisces...most are aquarius! (Aquarius is February 13 to March 14), although rising signs are much more specific to the time of birth.

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