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What a Mess! (Traffic Ticket)

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I knew it was coming but didn't expect this added mess.


Today, my husband received a "Notice of Infraction" in the mail. It's for a red light violation as seen by one of those camera/video thingies. Only, he wasn't driving; he wasn't even in the car. It's my car. The ticket shows both us listed as registered owners but the tickets was mailed to and issued to just him.


Then there's the photo and video evidence that looks like I really did run the red...but doesn't show the whole story.


I was driving on a 45mph highway with Madelynn screaming her little head off in the backseat (right behind me). So, naturally, I wasn't paying the best attention. I was heading towards the turn, didn't notice the red right away, and passed the marked line and crosswalk before stopping. The video shows me stopping with my back bumper in the crosswalk and my car angled to the right. Only, it's worse. I was looking to the left and saw a truck coming so I quickly kept going to get out of the way...so it looks like a rolling stop rather than a real stop.


And this comes the day I was having a difficult day anyway...Madelynn crying. Josh throwing tantrums. Mika needing more one-on-one help with math than usual. Sam finished with all of his independent work and waiting for me to get to our group subjects....all at the same time. Oh, and I'm feeling like a cold is coming and am tired from Madelynn refusing to sleep until midnight.



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If I were your husband, I'd take it to court (with the picture) and claim a solid "not guilty" as it is clearly not him.


I assume WA doesn't do more than fine (i.e. no points) for traffic camera tickets? (Since they're not seeming that accurate)


I feel you, though. I thought I had the only infant who would scream from the beginning to the end of any car ride. Going places was stressful, to say the least.

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If I were your husband, I'd take it to court (with the picture) and claim a solid "not guilty" as it is clearly not him.


I assume WA doesn't do more than fine (i.e. no points) for traffic camera tickets? (Since they're not seeming that accurate)


I feel you, though. I thought I had the only infant who would scream from the beginning to the end of any car ride. Going places was stressful, to say the least.

Yep, they goofed by naming the wrong person as the driver.

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Technically you DID run the light. If your back tire is past the line.....even if your car is still sitting there.....TOO BAD....you have technically run the light.


I have looked it up before, LOL!


And....it doesn't matter WHO was driving....if your neighbor was driving....you would still get the ticket. The car 'owner' gets the ticket.


So....I hate to say this....but it looks like you will have to pay.



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And....it doesn't matter WHO was driving....if your neighbor was driving....you would still get the ticket. The car 'owner' gets the ticket.


So....I hate to say this....but it looks like you will have to pay.



No way. Parking violations follow the car. Moving violations are against the driver's license.


And, frankly, I have a friend whose speeding ticket was thrown out because the officer recorded the color of her vehicle incorrectly on the citation. Accuracy matters. (She was just in court to have the points on her license waived, but expected to pay the fine)

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I received a red-light ticket as well and mine was a rolling stop. It also came in my husband's name, because the vehicle I was driving lists him first on the title. I don't know about where you are, but in TN you can pay the fine ($50) or you can take it to court and most certainly pay the fine PLUS court costs.


It doesn't go on your record, but it sure is a pain in the hiney! Sorry :( Hope your day gets better!

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Yep, definitely a mess. There are several laws involved:


RCW 46.63.170 (e) The registered owner of a vehicle is responsible for an infraction under RCW 46.63.030(1)(e) unless the registered owner overcomes the presumption in RCW 46.63.075....


RCW 46.63.075 (2) This presumption may be overcome only if the registered owner states, under oath, in a written statement to the court or in testimony before the court that the vehicle involved was, at the time, stolen or in the care, custody, or control of some person other than the registered owner.




So, technically, he should be able to get it dismissed. But then, I assume they'll just reissue it in my name where I don't have a chance because:


RCW 46.61.055


(3) Steady red indication


(a) Vehicle operators facing a steady circular red signal alone shall stop at a clearly marked stop line, but if none, before entering the crosswalk on the near side of the intersection or, if none, then before entering the intersection control area and shall remain standing until an indication to proceed is shown. However, the vehicle operators facing a steady circular red signal may, after stopping proceed to make a right turn from a one-way or two-way street into a two-way street or into a one-way street carrying traffic in the direction of the right turn; or a left turn from a one-way or two-way street into a one-way street carrying traffic in the direction of the left turn; unless a sign posted by competent authority prohibits such movement. Vehicle operators planning to make such turns shall remain stopped to allow other vehicles lawfully within or approaching the intersection control area to complete their movements. Vehicle operators planning to make such turns shall also remain stopped for pedestrians who are lawfully within the intersection control area as required by RCW 46.61.235(1).



I did stop...just not in time.


The ticket is $124 which we really don't have. Wonder if they accept WIC checks or food stamps for payment. LOL


Wish they had a nobody's perfect defense for cases where the person tried to follow the law but didn't quite stop in time.

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Technically you DID run the light. If your back tire is past the line.....even if your car is still sitting there.....TOO BAD....you have technically run the light.


I have looked it up before, LOL!


And....it doesn't matter WHO was driving....if your neighbor was driving....you would still get the ticket. The car 'owner' gets the ticket.


So....I hate to say this....but it looks like you will have to pay.




The car owner gets the ticket, but if the owner can prove he wasn't driving, the ticket is dismissed. In NC, I don't think they re-issue the ticket to the person who was driving, but that might vary by state.

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Everyone I've known who has taken a ticket to court here in WA has had their fine reduced, even if still charged "at fault". So, even if the judge doesn't think your story worth dropping the ticket, you might still save some money.


:iagree: I work with crazy drivers and one or the other is always getting off work to go fight a ticket. Some women brag they cry. Every Single One has had a reduced or dismissed ticket. (Or at least they all claim they do).

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I had this happen in Oregon. Car was in hubby's name. It was clearly my picture. Ticket was issued via mail to hubby. It came with a form asking him to either verify if it was him or if it was not him. If it was not him it requested him to name the person (didn't require him to name the person.) He said it was not him, did not name me, and that was the end of it. No other ticket was issued and I learned to slow down!

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i got one of these photo tickets in GA. googling showed me this is a major source of income for municipalities. the operation is run by a private company under contract with the county; they split the revenue!


here in GA, it is a 'civil' violation that causes no points on your license. if you don't pay they could take you to a small claims type court over it. in other words, eat up a considerable amount of your time and energy. if you insist on going before a judge and get a guilty decision, you pay the fine and court costs. i didn't think i deserved the ticket but i realized i did not have the energy to deal with it. that's what most people choose. that's why the county makes money on this.


btw, if you say you weren't driving, you are required to say who was.

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