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Must-Haves for Kindergarten

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  1. A list of fabulous books that you want to read aloud. Read! Read! Read!
  2. Things for creativity: finger paint, clay/play-doh, glitter glue, craft supplies, chalk, etc.
  3. Nice alphabet cards to hang on the wall
  4. Math manipulatives - flash cards, counting bears, clock, place value materials, etc. Saxon math has a nice manipulative kit.

Have fun!!!

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Honestly, I don't think ANYTHING other than reading together is a MUST. Following interests, learning naturally, living life is PLENTY for young children. We did this the first several years (not just Kindy). It was a very good experience.


However, if I had it to do over again, I'd do phonics, math, handwriting, and probably FIAR (unless they could just join in with older kids for history, science, art, etc). 30-60 minutes of "school" per day ain't gonna hurt nobody :)

Edited by 2J5M9K
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If a child is read to learn to read, I'd say



some sort of math (getting familiar with numbers thru play, counting, cooking, sorting, patterning, less/more, time to the hour, etc.--Saxon K and 1 do this very well, imo)


I like to add in devotions or Bible of some sort (we liked Leading Little Ones to God and a friend's bible curriculum that is not yet available)


Reading aloud


I also like to have some field trips, lots of freely available art supplies, and lots of outdoor time. The daily living would cover that sort of stuff. No need for history, science programs, readers (unless child was ready, and then only until the child can get in to regular books), or any other formal activities.

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This is my 4th year of kindergarten at home and here's how I do it:

Ruth Beechick's 3 R's (practical, hands-on ideas)

Phonogram Flashcards

Bob Books

Startwrite is great for handwriting practice b/c you can choose what topic you want to have them trace (or copy) AND you can use it for years.

Abeka Numbers K (I use only the workbook.)

If you join the SLPreschool yahoo group the owner has created a very rich lesson plan (great literature) that's available FREE.

Create a language rich environment and spend the largest part of each day on Read Aloud Time (my goal is 2 hours per day ;)

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I like the "What every>>>>>> needs to know" (Hirsh) They now have them for pre-k and k. It's really just a book with the basics of each subject. They also have a book that shows how to teach k-8? I am going to get it, even though my youngest is in 1st.

I have cds that my youngest likes to listen to... we all listen to it, but he LOVES knowing the material.

Going through any set of one letter phonograms, and then moving on to 2 and 3 letter phonograms... (so by then deciding a phonics program)

I've done maybe 4 pages of math with my son, but because he's always asking what numbers add up to... he is at grade level... (And, when you're at the table, eating gold fish, you can make up story problems.)

We have a few sets of manipulatives that he plays with.

When I looked at scope and sequences, I realized that for most of it, I just needed to talk with my son.


Oh, and Obedience and him being willing to co-operate. Now this is something that takes time:-)



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My kindy requirements:

-Phonics Pathways, along with easy readers like BOB books

-library card

-pile of wooden blocks, perhaps an abacus to go with them

-writing workbook for learning to make letters, whatever simple one I find at Staples

-library card

-writing tablet for practicing writing their name

-pencils, crayons, paint, scissors, glue

-Did I mention the library card?


A membership to the local children's museum has been a blast too, but I wouldn't call it a requirement.


Kindy at my house is just phonics, learning to write, writing their name, and counting. Really. My kids have all been workbook fiends at this age, so I usually end up buying the big chunky Comprehensive Curriculum workbooks at Costco to spare my printer ink. They also really enjoy nature study, we read lots of living books about animals and take nature walks together.

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Must do:

Handwriting, whatever the child is ready for, to prevent bad habits later

Reading, both reading alound and teaching the child to read at whatever level he is ready for, preferably with phonics

Math, not necessarily a formal program, but counting, 1-to-1 correspondence, time to the hour, money with pennies, nickels and dimes, concepts of more/less.

Field trips


Must have:

Library card

Patience and/or a really great margarita maker

Fun art materials, like finger paints, play-doh, crayons

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