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Did I update this board on court?

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There was a flurry of what my legal side called odd and non standard activity the Friday before the Monday we were supposed to be in court.


Eventually, the attorney the judge assigned to my children (and who already evaluated the case in our favor - that the child in question should *not* move), suggested everyone step down with their orders. He told the other side to move forward with the Psych Eval. You know the one? The one on which they were granted the last continuance? They never got the eval.


Court is now rescheduled for - get this - June!! It will be 2 years of legal hell by then. I have to submit to 4 hours of personality testing, 2 2 hour long individual appointments, 1 2 hour family appointment and my DH will need the family appointment and an individual.


Insanity. One of my kids could go to state college for a year on what this is costing. Meanwhile, xh continues to pay $400 a month for 3 kids although I haven't seen a payment in nearly 2 months. And he's not paying for the health insurance.


So, while I am as mad as heck that the legal universe did not punish xh for the craziness and lack of follow through on HIS requested psych eval (requested because they didn't like what the ad litem said), I have decided to embrace this school year, this family year, our time.


In my more secure moments, I am confident that any sane person looking at this would evaluated in our favor. 15 years of indoctrination from my xh makes that confidence shaky at times, but I am getting better.


The child in question clearly does not feel the same way he did. He's much more conflicted now. I won't, however, march him in to sign any papers because good mother has to come before legal advantage. It would, IMO, be in my children's best interest for me to have full custody but it's not in their best interest for me to fight for that, so I don't.


My first of the many psych appointments are late December.

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Thanks for the update, I was wondering. What a mess.


When it's all said and done, is it possible your ex would be ordered to pony up some of the legal expenses?


That is already one of the counter motions. He is already required to pay the full amount of the psych eval (several thousand).

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