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Confession of a carboholic!

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I am 40 and I need to stop allowing myself to eat white foods! For about 8 weeks this past Spring I was very successful at limiting them, but it just didn't last. It seems so extreme to say I just can't have any ice cream or M&M's! But, I really just can't. It gets me on a really crazy path of wanting more and more. So this is my public declaration and my goal is to have it last a lifetime.

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I am 40 and I need to stop allowing myself to eat white foods! For about 8 weeks this past Spring I was very successful at limiting them, but it just didn't last. It seems so extreme to say I just can't have any ice cream or M&M's! But, I really just can't. It gets me on a really crazy path of wanting more and more. So this is my public declaration and my goal is to have it last a lifetime.


Lauren, can I just say, I'm right there with you.


I've been able to lose 57 pounds so far this year by radically changing my diet. And by 'radically', I don't mean I'm eating a radical diet. I mean, I stopped eating just junk and started eating real, healthy food.


But, I just realized this week that I'm still addicted to sugar. It's crazy. CRAZY!


I don't know if it's the habits I learned in childhood or what. But I just thought that after 9 months of change, I'd have broken the addiction. But I haven't. Sigh. I guess it's a lifelong battle, hunh?


Hang in there. Get back on that horse, as they say. It's worth it, for your health.



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You can be addicted to carbs/sugar. What worked best for me is South Beach - it has a 2-week sugar detox phase. After that the cravings are gone. Phase 2 (everything after the first 2 weeks is lower-carb and also lower-fat but basically just a healthy diet (veggies, some fruit, whole grains, low-fat meat and dairy - no sugar or white carbs, also no fatty meats or whole-fat dairy). The recipes are delicious; I still use the cookbooks and I haven't been officially on the diet in years. I can't diet without doing Phase 1 - my sugar addiction undermines me every time.

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Hello, my name is Dawn and I am a carboholic.


I feel your pain. I quit white potatoes, flour, and rice back in April. I lost weight and got much more energy. It was great. I felt like a new person.


Unfortunately, it's really hard to work around at times and I miss some foods. I caved the other day and made a batch of garlic mashed potatoes with dinner. I'm pregnant, and I HAD to have them. Sadly with the nausea I'm having carbs really seem to be the thing that helps.


I'm hoping that after the nausea goes away I can get back to eating better.

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I am here at this place in my life as well. I have gained about 10 pounds that I need to lose and I know that if I really got serious in the way that I eat I could do it.


Yesterday, in between all of the healthy stuff I ate (Wheaties, baked chicken, green beans, whole wheat sandwich) I ate 8 Keebler fudge sticks, a root beer, 6 Nilla wafers and cheese crackers and some vinegar and salt chips ( my mouth is watering just writing that :tongue_smilie:)


I just need to quit cold turkey, but do not seem to have the motivation to do it at all!


Maybe we can start a support thread :grouphug:

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What worked best for me is South Beach - it has a 2-week sugar detox phase. After that the cravings are gone. Phase 2 (everything after the first 2 weeks is lower-carb and also lower-fat but basically just a healthy diet (veggies, some fruit, whole grains, low-fat meat and dairy - no sugar or white carbs, also no fatty meats or whole-fat dairy). The recipes are delicious; I still use the cookbooks and I haven't been officially on the diet in years. I can't diet without doing Phase 1 - my sugar addiction undermines me every time.


I went from size 16/18 to 12/14 last year but still have 20 lbs I WANT to lose! It's 2:00pm and so far I've stuck to phase 1 today, :D .

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I am too...its really annoying. My mother (who still drinks Coke nonstop all day), raised me on soda, and its just killing me now. I am just really have to try to go cold turkey and treat it like an alcohol addiction or something. I can't have any junk food in the house at all! (Plus DH comes home from deployment in one month, it would be nice to lose a few, if ya know what I mean?) :grouphug: Good luck to us all!

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I hear ya sister! I'm still in phase 1 of South Beach and it has been working for me. I just feel better in general. I don't feel as discouraged (maybe because my blood sugar isn't as up and down as it used to be), I'm not quite as tired. I don't snack nearly as much and when I do - it's almonds or a cheese stick. But, all I can say is... don't give up. If you blow it, just keep working on it. I have had some carb cravings this week, but... I eat almonds. Or a glass of skim milk.

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One thing I have found that helps reduce my sugar cravings is if I am getting adequate amounts of *healthy* fats. The right kinds of fats are an excellent source of fuel, and I think it's really that energy that my body is craving, not the sugar itself.


Coconut oil is one of my favorites: it's delicious; it's made up of mostly short- and medium-chain fatty acids so it's easy for your body to digest and metabolize; in it's natural state (non-hydrogenated, virgin) it is very healthy and even has natural anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. And did I mention it's really yummy? :001_smile:

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If you like noodles try Barilla Plus. I love carbs too but simple carbs are making dh tired and depressed and have lowered my milk supply and I just don't feel my best when I'm eating them too much. We eat a lot of pasta and weren't real fond of whole wheat pasta. But once we discovered Barilla Plus we can have pasta meals again. It contains a few kinds of complex carbs plus flax seed.

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I love sweet stuff! I was a baker/cake decorator for years and never tired of it!


I've done Atkins on and off over the years, and lost quite a bit of weight before getting preg and afterwards following it; I think around 40# both times. I've just recently started back up (DH too!!), and it's coming off slowly again...I feel SO much better when I'm off carbs. After a couple of days, my energy really picks up and I don't feel 'bloated' after I eat.

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I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who loves carbs!! I was nicknamed the carb queen in high school. My friends would crack up when I'd order a baked potato AND french fries at Wendy's for lunch- with a frosty!! Luckily, I was blessed with a very high metabolism. But, when I turned 37, I went through some health changes and found I was prediabetic! Keep in mind, my weight is slightly under normal - it was the 37 years of overloading on carbs that made my body say ENOUGH ALREADY!

I cut back to only eating complex carbs with a low GI and really beefed up the protein in my diet. I had to cut out chips, french fries, homemade bread, desserts, etc. It was hard, but I felt soooo much better! My health has evened out now, and I have added some more carbs back to my diet, but I'll never go back to my 90% carb 10 % protein diet! Good luck to you! If you can get through the first couple of weeks, it really does get easier to say no to carbs!

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This may not be popular and it certainly isn't the in thing right now, but I find that I have to go to almost zero carbs to get rid of cravings. I cannot do lc tortillas or the like, I just need to eat plenty of proteins and healthy fats like coconut oil and butter. Fortuneatley I love meats and fish, so I do fine when I stick to just about an all meat diet.

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