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what bag to use at Disney?

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We're headed to Disney World in a few weeks, and I'm trying to figure out what kind of bag to take along in the parks. We have three kids--ages 7, 5, and 2, so there's lots of stuff that I'll want to carry. We'll have a stroller for stashing bigger things, but I'd like to keep our tickets and other valuables with me. The all-knowing books recommend using a fanny pack (over a back pack), since you can wear a fanny pack on rides. But I'm not really a fan of the fanny pack. Any recommendations? Links and pictures would be great if you have them at hand! Thanks so much for your help!



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My Dh wore one of those around the neck wallets for plane tickets and we put all the passes in it everyday. We had multi-day passes and I was so worried that one of the kids would lose their ticket and we'd be in trouble. Snacks, waterbottles, lunches and sweatshirts all stayed in the stroller. Phones were kept in adult pockets at all times. Whoever was least likely to get wet carried the camera.


Have fun,

Amber in SJ

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My Dh wore one of those around the neck wallets for plane tickets and we put all the passes in it everyday. We had multi-day passes and I was so worried that one of the kids would lose their ticket and we'd be in trouble. Snacks, waterbottles, lunches and sweatshirts all stayed in the stroller. Phones were kept in adult pockets at all times. Whoever was least likely to get wet carried the camera.




We do the neck wallet thing for tickets and such as well. Our kids are older now so we don't need as much stuff. One of us with a fanny pack does it. When they were younger, everything was in the stroller. Then the in-between stage had the neck wallet and backpacks. At a fairly young age, the kids wore backpacks. It was fun stuff for them - a little toy to play with in line, a snack, autograph book, and jacket.


Think about what you want to take into the park with you and then take the smallest bag you can to fit everything.

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My tickets and stuff are normally in my back pocket :p


lol, back when I was on vacation I'd use a neck lanyard with a clear pocket (it was a free gift from Amex) and carry them in there. I sometimes still use it now. But I could stash it in the diaper backpack then easily grab it to go on a ride. I'd keep any credit/debit card I was using in there too.


Never have had a problem leaving stuff on the stroller or scooter.


My biggest advice is, clean your purse out. Drivers license, debit/credit card are about all you need from your wallet. Less to worry about losing, less to carry.


I recently bought a Vera Bradley small hipster bag, I think it would work in the parks. The strap is a string though so it might not be overly comfy if heavy. It wouldn't hold a lot. They make a bigger one- I found a pic online in a Disney forum ironically when I was looking for a the pic. I have to have a bag with a strap I can carry cross body too.


Most of all, have fun!!!!!!!!

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If we actually take a bag into the parks, I use a cross-shoulder sling bag similar to this one. The one I use is maybe twice the size of a fanny pack (shudder!), but not as large as most backpacks. It feels more secure than a tote I'd just wear on one shoulder, but it's less of a hassle to take off to store (on certain rides) or hand to dh than a fanny pack would be.


That said, I strongly recommend carrying as little as you can get away with. If you're staying on property, the main thing you'll need is your "key to the kingdom" cards (these act as room keys, dining plan cards, and adult cards can be used to charge purchases to your total). But, of course, sometimes we need EpiPens or cameras or diapers, etc. And even though each thing you add to your bag is something to lug around with you alllllll day (unless you get a locker, which again, except in certain circumstances, seems like a bigger hassle to me than paring down on stuff to carry), some things you just need available.


I also like the simple black sling bag 'cause dh doesn't mind wearing it either. Much more stylish (or at least less hideous!) than a fanny pack. ;)

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We go often and we just use a backpack with lots of pockets. However, we do still use a stroller since our children are still little. Actually, we use two backpacks. One stays in the bottom of the stroller and holds things like diapers, wipes, change of clothes for the kids, snacks, etc. It stays there even when we go on rides. The other backpack holds my camera and lenses, wallet, tickets, etc....anything of value. That backpack comes with us on the rides. This way, we just grab the "valuable" backpack and get in line.

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I totally agree! Less is more! LOL!!!


I just have found for us that having 2 bags is easier.... i'd prefer to NOT have to lug diapers on a ride, so they stay behind. Those things go in the backpack. We also always use our own stroller, so we can leave stuff in the bottom and such. Seriously in my 26 years of coming back here (only the last 5 being local), we have never had an issue with leaving stuff on the stroller, or in our rooms on Disney property. Use the safe for the times when you forget to clean out your wallet ( :glare: not that i'd EVER do that :rolleyes: ), and other odds and ends (plane tickets if you aren't paperless). For the older kids carry a change of underwear/socks (wet rides, underwear takes forever to dry and can NOT be bought in all parks.... ask me how i know). Maybe a thin/light pair of shorts to throw on if needed while main clothes dry.


And i agree - make that bag something your DH won't mind carrying :D


I should also add that i carry my camera - a dslr - cross body and that is the main reason everything else tends to go in my pocket. My phone is always in a case at my waist - no need for a bag for it.

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Aren't the tickets in card form? I think I remember dh keeping all of our tickets in his wallet and then pulling them out when we need it. He's guarding it pretty well anyway since it contains our money and credit cards.


For the camera, I just wore it around my neck. We took so many pictures that putting it away would have been pointless, so I kept it unpacked and around my neck or dh's neck for the most part.


Phones were kept where we normally kept them, in pockets or my purse, which was slung over my shoulder as usual.


For the extras that we needed to bring, I put all of that in the stroller and tried to bring as little as possible.


Have fun!!!!!

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We go often and we just use a backpack with lots of pockets. However, we do still use a stroller since our children are still little. Actually, we use two backpacks. One stays in the bottom of the stroller and holds things like diapers, wipes, change of clothes for the kids, snacks, etc. It stays there even when we go on rides. The other backpack holds my camera and lenses, wallet, tickets, etc....anything of value. That backpack comes with us on the rides. This way, we just grab the "valuable" backpack and get in line.


:iagree: That! LOL!!!! It drives me bonkers to watch my mom having to shift stuff around.... she is finally getting better about it - and has quit asking about what i'm leaving behind.

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A totebag works well:

wrap the water bottles in the rain gear for insulation to keep them cold

everything else on top of that in zip lock bags (your billfold, personals, cellphone and chow).


The advantage of the tote bag over the backpack is that you don't inadvertently hit other guests and the width is smaller, making it easier to stash on rides such as space mountain


Some people stow their lunch in the lockers at the entrances so they don't have to carry it around.

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I am not a hip bag sort of person, however...I use one every year at Disney. We end up taking three bags-


My hip bag- holds my phone, drivers license, cash, a few little things, and ALL of our tickets

*This way I can leave my family standing together, or having a snack, while I get a fastpass ticket of each of us. It is tons faster than hauling everyone around with a stroller!


We use our tickets (credit card types) for everything at Disney, which means I need them frequently.


My husband takes a small camera bag he carries on rides, and then we have a backpack with extra shirts, rain gear(if needed), sunscreen, etc...that can remain in the stroller.


Have a wonderful time!!

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We usually bring a backpack because I love to bring water bottles and snacks for the kids. I take the backpack on the rides with me with no problems. Disney is great about that.


The last time we went to Six Flags I was so disappointed because on many of the rides you can't wait in line with backpacks any more. They have lockers outside the main ride area and expect you to pay $2 each time to store your backpack. Even though I don't ride most of the rides I usually wait in line with my kids and then pass through when they get on the ride. They don't let you do that anymore. Ugh! So I think I am going to switch to a fanny pack for Six Flags.


Have fun at Disney!!

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I bought a Baggallini, on the advice of the folks from the Disboards and I LOVE it! You can wear it your the side, front, or back! It's lightweight and water resistant. It has lots of compartments and pockets!


It was much more lightweight than a typical backpack (which is what I've carried to Disney before), and everything was more easily accessible. I do use a lanyard with a pocket, like these, to keep my Key to the World card and fast passes in so they are more accessible. Sometimes I would clip the pocket part onto my beltloop instead of using the neckstrap.


Have a wonderful time!

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Wow! You are all so great! Thanks for the wonderful advice so far! It's our first time going, so I'm trying to figure EVERYTHING out. Bag? Stroller? Rent or bring our own? What to see...and when? Books are great to a point, but then I just want some advice from real moms. So...THANKS! :001_smile:



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I have NEVER regretted having my own stroller.


A former friend that managed a resort gift shop LOVED when they started selling strollers. HIgh priced, lots of markup and sold like hotcakes. :D


My youngest is now 5 and I still normally take a stroller... especially if it's going to be a long day. I can get away somewhat not at times if my Dad will be there, he has his own scooter and she can bum a ride on his lap if needed (and we have a "thing" to haul our bags on! LOL!!!).

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I had a very small backpack made by that company that puts a red swiss type emblem on it?? It held our camera, a few snacks, wet wipes and park guides (before we knew them by heart)....It was designed to go as a backpack or over the shoulder..


But I really loved putting room key/credit card/entrance card inside the lanyards we hung around our necks..no chance for us to lose them compared to a bag....I've been when I was pregnant, when I had babies/toddlers/elementary age and ages 7 and up...I know that you can survive without all the stuff and it's a much easier go of it...the last few times we carry nothing but what is in our lanyards and the camera...easy going means carefree fun!! :) But if you're using a stroller and have to carry it anyway feel free to carry extra..



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