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Need Ideas for a Baby Gift Please

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I have a friend who is having a baby girl in a few weeks. Her youngest is 10 or 11, so it's been a while since she's done this :) I didn't see her much over the summer, but she said she's been busy shopping and getting ready. She thinks that she has pretty much everything she needs. She told me she has all the big stuff, clothes, diapers, blankets, etc...


I am racking my brain trying to think of something that would be a good gift - something that she has probably forgotten about, but will need. My youngest are almost 10, so it's been a while for me, too :)


Any suggestions ????

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If she plans to use pacifiers, you can never have too many of those! What about burp cloths, baby toiletries, Dreft or Ivory Snow?


Or, if she has all the basics, what about something special? Engraved picture frame, a wall hanging with the baby's name, stock in Apple Computer (J/K)? Or, something just for mom, for when after the baby comes? Lotion, body spray, g/c for a manicure/pedicure/haircut?

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If she plans to use pacifiers, you can never have too many of those! What about burp cloths, baby toiletries, Dreft or Ivory Snow?


Or, if she has all the basics, what about something special? Engraved picture frame, a wall hanging with the baby's name, stock in Apple Computer (J/K)? Or, something just for mom, for when after the baby comes? Lotion, body spray, g/c for a manicure/pedicure/haircut?


Good ideas, thank you!

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I always get feeding gear for the when the baby is older. I fill a basket with bibs, bowls, plates, sippy cups, spoons and some food that will keep like rice cereal and jars. This is my standard gift for baby showers and has always been well received. I find that many people think of the little baby things but forget that she'll have this little one for years to come! LOL

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I have a friend who is having a baby girl in a few weeks. Her youngest is 10 or 11, so it's been a while since she's done this :) I didn't see her much over the summer, but she said she's been busy shopping and getting ready. She thinks that she has pretty much everything she needs. She told me she has all the big stuff, clothes, diapers, blankets, etc...


I am racking my brain trying to think of something that would be a good gift - something that she has probably forgotten about, but will need. My youngest are almost 10, so it's been a while for me, too :)


Any suggestions ????


Does she have just one older child? My suggestion would be to get a gift for the older child. It's so hard on big brothers and sisters when the new baby is getting all the attention, you know?


Depending on genders/ages/number of older kids she has, you could do a lot of things. You could either get a gift certificate/card for mom and olders to do, if she's up to it, or you could take the olders and give mom some special time with just baby. Rock climbing, go karts, manicures (if they're girls, LOL), bowling and pizza; stuff like that.


That's something that was missing when I had my second baby, and I wish someone had taken the time to make Zee feel extra special; someone besides me! :001_smile: It's hard taking care of a newborn and giving all the olders the attention they're craving, too.


Just an idea.

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I second Miss Moe. My best friend gives a nice selection of books for the new baby (especially if they have most all the basics already). Usually she puts it in a nice basket or container that will work for the gender and whatever decor they are using for the room. You could also give the older child an age-appropriate book or two, as well. She said no one else usually ever brings anything like it, and it gets the baby started with a nice collection of books.

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I usually try to get the things others tend to forget. What we do is get a laundry basket, weave pink or blue ribbons in it and fill it with things like a thermomater, infant tylenol, a nose sucker, baby washclothes, a couple of baby towels, nail clippers, baby bath and shampoo and other things you can never find and need at 1am :P


It has always been a hit so far.

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Thanks a bunch for all of the great ideas!


This is their third baby, but as it has been over 10 years since they've had a baby, they don't have anything left from the previous babies. They do struggle a bit financially, but she has been buying used and has gotten the major purchases, plus lots of clothes, blankets, diapers (not used, of course :D)


Anyway, she thinks that she's gotten everything that she needs, so I have just been trying to think of stuff that she may have forgotten. You all have given me some very good suggestions, so thanks again :)

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For people with older children, I try to theme a gift for everyone (depending on my budget at the time)


One year I bought a fluffy robe for mom, older dd and baby (size 18mths). I filled in with bath supplies for all three, including sponges, and toys for baby. It was very well received, and she talked about it for a long time.


For another I bought "What to Expect the First Year" for mom, gift card for middle child to Barnes and Noble, and board books for baby.


For people who are from another culture, I like to buy books in their native language. This usually offers me the biggest challenge, but I live in a big city so a visit to a market (like a Mexican or Russian one) usually is successful.


I have done movie baskets with some chick flix, and toddler movies (just to keep with the theme) for the family with teen age daughters. I filled it in with the typical movie fare like popcorn, Jones Soda, nice chocolates, and some yummy candies. Later I explained that I thought it may give some chances to reconnect with the older kids, while she nursed and tended the baby. Or she could watch them while she was up at night.

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