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Does your spouse feel the same about the H1N1 flu as you do?

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I ask this because my dh doesn't. I am concerned, though not over the top with worry just yet. It bothers me that children and younger adults who were healthy are dying of this. I wish there were statistics on WHY. If it is the "cytokine storm" thing, then that is scary. If it is more because young people take longer to seek help, thus become much sicker before going to a doctor, then I know we can be more on guard in that respect.


My dh, on the other hand, thinks I am nuts and refuses to put any efffort into reading about this, making a preparedness plan in case we do get it or it gets really bad, etc. He is somehow "against the vaccine," yet he won't really dig into the issue at hand here to make a more informed decision.


Is anyone else having this issue? Or maybe the other way around? I would love to get dh on the same page here, but I have no idea how. I hate to think that it will take someone he knows almost losing a child or dying before he sees that there is at least cause for caution and preparedness! :(


Anyone else in the same boat?

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Mine does. We don't think about, or plan for, this flu because there really is nothing that we can do (short of live under a manhole cover) about it. We will not take the vaccine, nor allow our children to do so, because many of the vaccines being produced are derived from fetal stem cells. Not all are, but we very likely would have no way to prove which vaccine was being served us.


I do not post this to trigger another vaccine debate, and trust that nobody will chase that rabbit trail after this request not to do so. I was just answering the original question, including details of why my dh and I are in agreement.

Edited by Orthodox6
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I'm more worried than he talks about anyway. I haven't actually asked him about the vaccine and how he feels about it. I don't want it because I feel it's been rushed, it's a "minor" flu. (I know they expect lots of people to die from it but from what I've heard it's usually not serious.)


DH generally takes my advice on medical things. He knows that I don't come to the decisions I come to without having researched it at least a little. He takes care of so many other things, he leaves this to me.

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We haven't talked about it much. Even though both ds and I are considered high risk, we aren't freaking out about it.


DH generally takes my advice on medical things. He knows that I don't come to the decisions I come to without having researched it at least a little. He takes care of so many other things, he leaves this to me.

Same here.

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Our difference is slight, but it's about the vaccine. I'm very informed on these things. Thankfully he is seeing news reports about the rushing through of the vaccine, etc. We have come to a compromise that if things start to look like they are heading toward life-threatening with the flu, we will defer to our pediatrician, who is conservative with meds, she is a Christian so we know her wisdom comes from the Lord, and we trust her. (Caveat: I would and did defer to dh on childhood vaccines, and would defer to him again if he felt strongly about this vaccine. I simply had the MMR split up-it was before I knew about delayed vax-I wish I HAD known about it-he would have been fine with it like he was with splitting the MMR.)


I asked him if I could stock up on a few extra meds and food and stuff we will end up using anyway and he thought that was wise.


I am very encouraged to see that the flu season has not been too bad in Australia and most of the rest of the southern hemisphere! Hoping it will all amount to nothing.

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It's not even on his radar. Well, he knows it exists....somewhere... because people mention it now & then.... sorta...


That's it.


Now, if we could get some sort of swine flu character to show up in one of his video games....that might get his attention. :tongue_smilie:


Mmm, well, he did discover my just-in-case stash in the basement - extra foods, bottled water, flu meds, some stuff like that.. I'd been tucking it away into the spare room.... he never goes down there... one day ~ in search of a missing video game no less LOL ~ he wandered down there and tripped over stuff. He's just chalked it up to one of the "weird things that the wife does". Y'know, like homeschooling. :lol:


(Don't get me wrong ~I love the guy to the ends of the earth & back.... He's just... him. ;) )

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We are the opposite as most here. My DH works for the Dept of Public Health (computer techie), so he is typically more paranoid about things than I am. Thanks to these and a couple other boards I haunt, I am typically more informed than he is. For example, he called me up yesterday to tell me that they were giving flu shots for employees and spouses today and wanted me to come get one. I had to inform him that it wouldn't be the H1N1 vaccine because it isn't out yet. He debated with me before finally going to ask someone to find out I was right. Needless to say, he knows how I feel about regular flu shots and I can't see my stance changing for this one. He will just have to hole himself up in his room when the kids all start getting sick like he usually does.

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Yup, this is my dh. If enough people Twittered about it and posted humorous videos about it, it might be on his radar. I think if it had been handled better initially, rather than the huge media frenzy, then he'd be more inclined to listen now.



It's not even on his radar. Well, he knows it exists....somewhere... because people mention it now & then.... sorta...


That's it.


Now, if we could get some sort of swine flu character to show up in one of his video games....that might get his attention. :tongue_smilie:


Mmm, well, he did discover my just-in-case stash in the basement - extra foods, bottled water, flu meds, some stuff like that.. I'd been tucking it away into the spare room.... he never goes down there... one day ~ in search of a missing video game no less LOL ~ he wandered down there and tripped over stuff. He's just chalked it up to one of the "weird things that the wife does". Y'know, like homeschooling. :lol:


(Don't get me wrong ~I love the guy to the ends of the earth & back.... He's just... him. ;) )

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I'm more concerned about it than my dh. Dh has been listening to talk radio and such :rolleyes: so he's no longer concerned with it. He used to be but now he thinks it's all media hype and is quick to jump on the "no big deal" bandwagon by citing the number statistics- how 36,000 people die each year of seasonal flu and how many have died of H1N1 thus far.:glare: I'm so sick of hearing that statistic I could scream. As for me, I'm with Rebecca- I'm concerned with the demographics of who is dying, not just numbers. I've explained this to dh, he sees my point, then 2 days later he's back to forwarding me more emails about all the so-called "hype".:glare:


I should add that he's respectful of my decision to put away a few supplies and has been helping me get things together in that regard. When I suggested we cut back on some of the kids' activities, he agreed. However, if I weren't the one who was making these plans or taking action, dh would not be concerned enough to do so on his own, kwim? He agrees with me or atleast he's pretending to to avoid confrontation.:001_huh:

Edited by plain jane
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Dh defers to me on this.

We pretty much run the house by the concept of Subject Matter Expert. The SME on a topic is the person who by virtue of education, training, prior experience, interest, fanatical googling, internet addiction or by other means is an 'expert' on a certain topic. So, one person might know a bunch about which computer to buy, and another person might know more about which curriculum to buy.


The person who is NOT the SME is allowed to question & debate, but if they want to disagree they must be willing to do some research, and at the very least read materials offered by the SME. Unless levels of knowledge are pretty equal, the SME's decision will prevail.

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Well, I think my dh did think I was nuts. But now that it's getting closer to fall there is more talk about it. Kids are back in school down here now and we are already seeing it spread. DH was talking to a lawyer the other night and he was told that one of the Catholic schools here already has 30% of their students out with suspected swine flu (they had only been back at school 4 days). There have also been more and more of his business peers bringing up concerns for this during lunch conversations. I'm expecting his company to come out with a plan soon of what they should do if the majority of their staff is out with it. He works for a Bank, and by law they can NOT close no matter how little staff shows up. So, he's coming around. I think he still thinks I'm a little nuts for stocking up early on meds and chicken soup, but he's hearing more about it in his daily life and coming home and asking me questions about it. We've talked about the vaccine and he's fine letting me make that call because he knows I've researched it. I've talked to him about getting us all on some supplements and he's willing to go along with it. That's really all I can ask of him. I do know that before his peers began talking about it he would not have agreed to supplements.


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Dh defers to me an all things medical except that he is military and has to take whatever they tell him to take. As it is, we are both pro-vaccine on most vaccines and he knows we have high risk people in our family and we need flu vaccines (both regular and H1N1). So far, they don't have any here yet of either.

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Now, if we could get some sort of swine flu character to show up in one of his video games....that might get his attention. :tongue_smilie:



Or during the middle of a football game would be good. Especially if it interrupted an important play, you know. Would really get his attention.



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Dh defers to me an all things medical except that he is military and has to take whatever they tell him to take. As it is, we are both pro-vaccine on most vaccines and he knows we have high risk people in our family and we need flu vaccines (both regular and H1N1). So far, they don't have any here yet of either.


Ditto here - dh has to get what they tell him to get.


Two years ago, we went on a trip home to visit grandparents, and my daughter and I got Type A flu on the airplane (lovely) to Seattle...we spent a week in bed, but I did drag us out the door to get Tamiflu. My elderly parents (both 78 at the time) got Tamiflu as a precaution...I'm glad they did because we passed it to them, and they came down with a very mild case. I'm thankful for the Tamiflu.


Last year the clinic ran out of the flu vac for dependents and I was too cheap to spend $30 - $40 a person to go to a Walgreens, etc. to get it. None of us go the flu, but we did have plenty of sickness all spring.


This year we are DEFINITELY getting the shots.

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