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Do you agree with this statement?

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Doesn't that statement need some context?


I mean, if you give me rotten directions on how to bake a cake and I get confused about why my cake turned out rotten, then that's not spiritual.


Or do you mean, I'm in love with two men and I feel so confused about which one to marry?

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Doesn't that statement need some context?


I mean, if you give me rotten directions on how to bake a cake and I get confused about why my cake turned out rotten, then that's not spiritual.


Or do you mean, I'm in love with two men and I feel so confused about which one to marry?


Well, that's why I'm asking. See, you gave me two examples and one of them you thought was not spiritual. That then, would make the statement false, right?


If the statement is what it is, does it need a qualifying context? To me, the word "all" doesn't require a context because it's just "all".


Which is why I am pondering on this statement. How can it be true? And yet....

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Some thoughts are generated within ones own mind; other thoughts are inserted into ones mind from the outside. Confusion is a possible result, depending upon what ones mind does with the thought(s). What ones mind chooses to do is determined by ones spiritual state.


Therefore I conclude that confusion is a possible result of ones spiritual condition at a particular moment in time. This does NOT mean, however, that "confusion is spiritual". Spirituality is not the "essence" of confusion. Confusion is a condition of thought, and thoughts are created things, but are not created as part of the soul.


That is the best that I can muster, drawing upon the religious tradition within which I stand.


(So are you confused by the foregoing ? :D )

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If I'm confused because the conveyed communication is vague and illogical, that's not spiritual. The information I have is lacking. Like making a cake and not having all the directions or ingredients listed. I may be confused why it didn't turn out well.


If I'm confused about something of which I already have all the necessary information (like what Scripture says about it--a moral issue, maybe) then IMO, that confusion is spiritual and by that I mean, evil-spiritual.

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I can't say I agree with that statement. As stated above, some situations are not spiritual. If I am confused by the layout of my phone bill and thus cannot figure out what I owe, then no that is not spiritual nor does it have any bearing on my spirituality or lack thereof. If however I am confused about whether I should pay it at all then spirituality could play a part in that.


I do agree that no context should be needed for such a statement if the idea is ALL confusion is spiritual.

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Ok, Janna--why'd you ask this? Did someone say this to you? Are you trying to figure out what someone meant when they said it? Were you thinking of the statement on your own?


The statement isn't true for all confusion. (Like the traffic signs, complicated bill, recipe, etc.)


Now, if the statement is in regards to confusion over moral issues, then we may be able to debate it.

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"All confusion is ultimately spiritual."


Agree? Disagree? Why or why not?



As others have noted, some confusion comes from an inability to interpret written, spoken, or unspoken words or actions. There is a current thread about the funny things that kids have said. Most of those were due to simple confusion. I know I have temporary confusion all the time. I misunderstand something, but then in just a moment, I realize what I missed. We have a foreign exchange student at our house and sometimes one or the other of us is confused. Sometimes it is an unknown word or a word pronounced so differently that I don't understand it at first.


A great deal of confusion in our lives I could classify as spiritual. Things that involve relationships or moral issues or even prioritizing may fall into this category. Confusion that is caused by chaos often is spiritual, but in the middle of chaos, not all the confusion is spiritual.


I have been in one situation where I watched very obvious spiritual confusion take place. I hope never to see this again. People would speak to one another, but the words seemed to twist in mid air. Perfectly normal people were hearing different things (Not like all the words were changed, but the meaning of them was clearly different.) from what was said. It wasn't just a couple of people; it was at least 20 people, if not more. There are also those who seem to weave a spell over people when they speak and everyone seems to agree with them, at least when that spellbinder is in their presence. I think that this is also spiritual.


I could imagine someone who counsels all the time making this statement or someone who has been realizing that spiritual confusion is far more pervasive that previously thought coming to this "revelation." In the end, I cannot agree with the statement as it stands.

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I Corinthians 14:33

for God is not a God of (BC)confusion but of peace


Thanks for this! The issue is that confusion has more than one meaning. It can be the opposite of peace and then it is a spiritual issue. BUT it can also be the opposite of clarity and most of the time that is not a spiritual issue.

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Sometimes I am confused because I can't think clearly. That may be because I am tired or have a headache or I have just taken Benadryl.:001_smile: I think that statement is far too broad to be true all the time. I think some confusion can be caused by spiritual issues but certainly not all of it.

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Guest Virginia Dawn

Things I have found confusing:



Instruction booklets in Chinese

Umberto Eco's book Kant and the Platypus

Driving in Sicily

The logic of small children


I certainly don't think any of those things has a spiritual basis. I can't choose not to be intellectually confused. I may have some control over physical confusion, which I know from experience can contribute to spiritual confusion. However, if someone accused me having a spiritual problem because I was intellectually confused about something, I would be very offended. That would look like passing judgement to me.

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