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Any manufacturing plant tours in the western states?

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Not a question I ever dreamed I'd ask.


I have to work, and will miss our desert trip. :( Since I won't be along, Hubby requests a tour of a plant that makes something:

"cars, thimbles, anything" was how he put it. They'll be in WA, OR, western WY and MN, in UT and could make it to western CO (which is not a hot bed of manufacturing, AFAIR).


Any "plants" you know of in this area. I wouldn't even know how to google.

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There is actually a website with factory tours by state. I forget what it is called, but I'm sure with some creative googling you can find it. It might have been posted somewhere on the WTM forums at one time. I'm not sure whether that would be the old forums or the new. Good luck.

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Back when I was in college, I toured a violin case manufacturing business right near where you live. That was the coolest place I have ever seen. Out in the woods, this huge complex rose up out of the trees, and inside it was amazing. It was a family owned business. They showed us how all the machines work, how they order parts (so many parts!), how they size them.... Wow.


But, darn it! They've moved to Tennessee! I will keep thinking.

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Tillamook Cheese Factory, Aplets (you know those apple flavored gel like candies - name is escaping me, something like turkish delight) - Anyway they are somwhere in WA.


There is a candy (suckers mainly) place in Woodinville by the wine place that does tours. You get samples too!!!


Those are the one's I can think of for now.


Have you heard of REACH East. It is mainly a field trip group. You can join and just use it for the info you would get.




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There is a Frito Lay plant in California that runs on solar energy. The may give tours. The Frito Lay plant in Vancouver Wa (just over the border from Portland Or) used to give tours, but I am not sure if they still do or not.

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