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I'm trying to decide if we should purchase a freezer for our garage. I've been able to get by without one for many years but my schedule for this year is going to make cooking dinner difficult. I'll be taking my oldest dd to a ballet school 45 minutes from home five days a week. That means I'll be gone around dinner time most school days. I'm thinking that I'll try to make meals ahead and freeze them. I've not done this in the past so I'm wondering how well it will work. Does anyone have any advice? :confused:

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I bought a small chest freezer last year and am happy I did so. It's actually motivated me to make large batches of meals so I have some to freeze for later. My chest freezer right now has 1/8 of a beef, several chickens, and a LOT of frozen veggies. My refrigerator freezer has frozen containers of soups (as well as ice and ice cream!)


Just a warning though. If you plan to get a HUGE jar of peeled garlic with the idea that you'll freeze small batches of it to use later, DON'T. The garlic will permeate the freezer bag and make every thing in the freezer taste garlicky. Not a huge issue for meats and veggies, but if you made a supply of apple pies to freeze, it will definitely "enhance" the flavor. And not in a good way, either. Don't ask how I know about this. :glare:

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Well, I love and use my stand alone freezer, but I think the biggest question is do you have enough freezer space NOW with your refrigerator? My side-by-side just didn't give me enough room, and I don't even make meals in advance and freeze them. It does allow me to buy meat, bread, and frozen items in quantity when they are on sale, and freeze them for use later though!

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How do you have two teens and no freezer? :ohmy:


Get thee to an appliance store post-haste!


I have two upright freezers (I like having shelves like in my fridge.) but we really only use one. That's about to change now that I can actually plug both in without blowing any circuits. For a family of five, a nice little 13 cf upright should do nicely.

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I was at Home Depot yesterday and hit the reduced appliance section. I found a 7.2cubic foot chest freezer that had a few dents and scratches. It was marked down a little and I asked my husband to speak to the manager and ended up getting a $220 freezer for $160. I plan on filling it with some homemade meals as well as quick fixes from the warehouse clubs. I think it is a wonderful idea. Make sure you fill it full. If you don't or can't just fill some gallon jugs with water. The fuller the freezer the more energy efficient it is.


Here is what Ive cooked that I know freezes well....any other suggestions.....?

Enchiladas- chicken, beef or cheese




Pasta (don't overcook)

Pasta Sauce


Individually frozen seasoned chicken breast-for salads, sandwiches, etc

Sausage and Peppers

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Just a warning though. If you plan to get a HUGE jar of peeled garlic with the idea that you'll freeze small batches of it to use later, DON'T. The garlic will permeate the freezer bag and make every thing in the freezer taste garlicky. Not a huge issue for meats and veggies, but if you made a supply of apple pies to freeze, it will definitely "enhance" the flavor. And not in a good way, either. Don't ask how I know about this. :glare:


That sounds fantastic....garlic apple pie!!!:tongue_smilie:

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I LOVE my chest freezer! I can cook big batches of things like beans, or sauces and then freeze them in individual containers and just pull them out as I need them for dinner. I also like that I can stock up on meats too. It is cheaper for me to buy a large quantity and have the butcher cut it up for me and then I just freeze them into portions that I will use to cook with. :) It really helps a lot. :)

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Wouldn't be without mine - we get a side of beef every year, and do grocery game, so we usually stock up on stuff - couldn't do it w/o a freezer. Definitely an upright - it's a cinch to find anything, and holds so much more.


We started with a massive upright freezer my mom gave us - it's awesome - actually pumps coolant in the shelves! But a huge energy hog. We replaced it with a smaller energy star model that I found almost new on Craig's list for cheap! Be sure to check Craigs' list!


I really miss that old energy hog. We really need to get it out of the garage - but I hate to do that to someone. But really, it's an awesome piece of machinery. Anyone live near central OH who would be interested? I'd take $25 for it - but you'll probably pay that much per month in electricity. :lol:

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We have an upright freezer in our garage which was donated to us. I love it and am so glad we have it. I'm not good with making meals ahead and freezing them. I don't really like the way the food tastes reheated.


I do cook hamburger meat in batches of 5 pounds and freeze it in 1lb bags. It's easy to add taco seasoning to or throw in spag. sauce to cut down on time.


I also use the crockpot a lot during our peak sports seasons when we're on the run a lot.

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I have a deep freeze and don't know what I did without it. It's full of frozen peaches, strawberries, blueberries, persimmon, etc. for smoothies. I made dozens and dozens of zucchini muffins with all my zucchini from the garden, just ready to heat up for snacks. I made Rachel Ray Meat Sauce in a huge quantity and portioned it out and froze it. Some things freeze well, other things - ie. with pasta or cheese, not so much. Although, I freeze enchilada casseroles a lot and that does well. I make a huge batch of calzone filling and that freezes pretty good. I freeze stews. Some turn out ok, some don't. But, it's so convenient to have homemade frozen dinners for those nights I don't feel like cooking.

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