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Why does she cry every night?

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My baby's colic was due to lactose intolerance. As soon as I eliminated dairy from my diet he was a totally different baby.


If this has been an issue for you before you should seriously consider giving up dairy.


:iagree: We had the same problem with our DS Jaren! He was a different kids w/o the dairy!! He was finally able to drink regular milk at about 2.5 and does fine now. Same with DS1. HTH!


I can totally relate...Mama's w/o sleep are not a great thing. :grouphug:

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It means that for 6 hours you offer the same breast and only that one at each and every feeding.


In this way the other breast will lower production because of not being used. In addition, the baby will more fully empty one breast, getting more of the fat that is in the hindmilk and not just the foremilk or skim milk that the child would be getting if they drank from each breast but not emptying them. HTH


OOHH! and then you switch for the next 6 hrs? until when? from then on? just wondering because 1. i like learning new things and 2. i have always overproduced...and have therefore had HUGE babies (I'm talking off the charts - my 4 mo is in 18-24 mo clothes) and 2 of the 3 threw up A LOT until my production calmed down a bit

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I haven't had a chance to read through all the posts, but Gripe Water helped all my babies with stomach issues. You can buy it at a Whole Foods store; I think Baby's Bliss makes it. My husband called it liquid gold because it worked so well to soothe their tummies!

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OOHH! and then you switch for the next 6 hrs? until when? from then on? just wondering because 1. i like learning new things and 2. i have always overproduced...and have therefore had HUGE babies (I'm talking off the charts - my 4 mo is in 18-24 mo clothes) and 2 of the 3 threw up A LOT until my production calmed down a bit
http://www.kellymom.com/babyconcerns/growth/weight-toomuch.html This is a good article about big babies. My lil guy was 19 lbs at 3 months and 24 lbs at 5 months. :) I had links about the block nursing and other ways to manage overproduction on an earlier post.
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http://www.kellymom.com/babyconcerns/growth/weight-toomuch.html This is a good article about big babies. My lil guy was 19 lbs at 3 months and 24 lbs at 5 months. :) I had links about the block nursing and other ways to manage overproduction on an earlier post.


Well, I'm 5-9 and the shortest in my family - most others are over 6'...my kids don't have much of a chance. I think I see it so much because I seem to be surrounded by short people :) I don't care about the bigness (is that a word?) but it does make me sad when they throw up so much at the beginning...I feel bad for them, but they regulate me pretty well and by 2 mo, all throwing up has ceased pretty much :)

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I am glad that his little belly is handling things better. Your breasts usually regulate better at 4 months too.


Yeah, my bf had tiny babies. Come to find out she was tiny as a child too. She is still short. lol. I was born at 7 months and weighed 4 pounds. That is huge for as premature as I was. :D Not to mention my 6'3" gorgeously built husband who weighs 225.

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This may sound odd, but consider a chiropractor!


My DD (now 4) would never, ever, ever sleep. She cried almost 24 hours a day, I was going insane. I took her to the Drs, eliminated everything from my diet (bf'ing), tried soothing sounds, and motions, bought the special Amby bed. You name it I tried it.


Then someone suggested a chiropractor so I went to a wonderful lady that worked with a lot of infants. I was really skeptical that it would help with any SLEEP issues but it really did! She slept for the first time through the night after her first visit, and after a few visits she was sleeping with some regularity - not perfect, but a noticeable improvement. I would definitely start with diet changes, but if all else fails I would give it a try.


Good luck!

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OOHH! and then you switch for the next 6 hrs? until when? from then on? just wondering because 1. i like learning new things and 2. i have always overproduced...and have therefore had HUGE babies (I'm talking off the charts - my 4 mo is in 18-24 mo clothes) and 2 of the 3 threw up A LOT until my production calmed down a bit


Usually with block nursing, you start with blocks of 2-3 hours. If that doesn't do it, you can increase it from there. So, you'd only nurse on the right side for 2-3 hours, say 12-3. Then you'd nurse on the left side only from 3-6. Then back to the right from 6-9 and so on. Here's a Kellymom link that explains it.


This may sound odd, but consider a chiropractor!


It was the first thing I did! My first had "colic" until our chiropractor cured her in one visit. Our chiropractor said she was fine and it didn't help.

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UPDATE: We had our 1 month newborn check today. Our pediatrician agreed with us on the reflux diagnosis and prescribed Zantac for her. He thinks it will help her whether or not dairy is an issue. He thinks the green poo is a supply issue and will resolve without an issue. He says it is caused by an overproduction of bile. He's not worried about it in the slightest.


BTW, I LOVE our pediatrician. He's never denied me anything I've wanted. I'm sure it helps that I don't ask for things that aren't needed. He's always listened to and considered my concerns with everything even when our opinions conflicted. His wife breastfed for over 11 years so he's a supporter of extended breastfeeding. He doesn't even blink at the knowledge that we co-sleep or that our kids don't sleep on their back or that we rarely put them down except overnight. He even told us we don't have to come back for the typical 2 month visit unless we want to because that is a vaccination visit which we don't do. He knows we don't vaccinate and doesn't every say anything, let alone push us to do it.

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Usually with block nursing, you start with blocks of 2-3 hours. If that doesn't do it, you can increase it from there. So, you'd only nurse on the right side for 2-3 hours, say 12-3. Then you'd nurse on the left side only from 3-6. Then back to the right from 6-9 and so on.


That is actually what was suggested from the nurses in the hospital this time around...I had just never heard of the term "block nursing" I guess...


Swaddling with arms out was also suggested but 3 years ago (baby #1), swaddling w/arms *in* was suggested...funny (and kinda frustrating) how things change so quickly!


Anyway, I am SOO happy that you are feeling better about the situation. It doesn't matter what baby it is (#s-wise), it is never fun when they cry :tongue_smilie: or don't eat :tongue_smilie: or don't poop regularly :D

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UPDATE: We had our 1 month newborn check today. Our pediatrician agreed with us on the reflux diagnosis and prescribed Zantac for her. He thinks it will help her whether or not dairy is an issue. He thinks the green poo is a supply issue and will resolve without an issue. He says it is caused by an overproduction of bile. He's not worried about it in the slightest.


BTW, I LOVE our pediatrician. He's never denied me anything I've wanted. I'm sure it helps that I don't ask for things that aren't needed. He's always listened to and considered my concerns with everything even when our opinions conflicted. His wife breastfed for over 11 years so he's a supporter of extended breastfeeding. He doesn't even blink at the knowledge that we co-sleep or that our kids don't sleep on their back or that we rarely put them down except overnight. He even told us we don't have to come back for the typical 2 month visit unless we want to because that is a vaccination visit which we don't do. He knows we don't vaccinate and doesn't every say anything, let alone push us to do it.

Sounds like a great doc! Just curious... why is the Zantac preferable to Mylanta?
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Sounds like a great doc! Just curious... why is the Zantac preferable to Mylanta?



The Mylanta reduces the acid already in the stomach where the Zantac reduces the amount of acid being made. With that, the Zantac is more preventative, where the Mylanta is kind of like putting a bandaid on the problem after it exists.

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I had one of those - she was my first & was the reason I became an LLL & then an IBCLC.


The poops are very suggestive of fore/hind issues. Knowing that you have oversupply issues, I'd suggest pump/express the first few mins before putting her on.


I'd quit dairy just to try it out. IME it's easier to stop eating dairy than to deal with an unhappy baby every evening. You'd know within a week whether it's helping.


Can you take her to the chiro too?


Otherwise carry her, & try taking warm baths together. One of my friends' babies settled only when held upright & walking up and down stairs. Walking on the flat didn't work as well as up and down the stairs. Those parents had awesome thighs LOL. Mine only needed to be held upright and walked. For hours each night. For a while I also slept upright with her stretched out upright on my belly. If we got past 45degrees, she'd start fussing.


This too shall pass :-)





ps. I don't like ezzo. at all.


:iagree: Every. single. thing. she said...including the p.s.

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UPDATE: We had our 1 month newborn check today. Our pediatrician agreed with us on the reflux diagnosis and prescribed Zantac for her. He thinks it will help her whether or not dairy is an issue. He thinks the green poo is a supply issue and will resolve without an issue. He says it is caused by an overproduction of bile. He's not worried about it in the slightest.

:party:This is awesome!!!! Even though I dont' "know you", I have been thinking about you & the baby... your entire family. This is wonderful news & I hope she continues to improve. Awesome news!!


:iagree: Every. single. thing. she said...including the p.s. (regarding not agreeing with Ezzo)


:svengo:I can't believe that I don't agree 100% with a post from you (haha, I thought it would never happen)... but (here it goes) EZZO saved my sanity & helped me tremendously to learn to understand the different cries and behaviors of my baby. Now, I cringe when I see people stick a bottle in a babies mouth at every single whimper. I would not have had #2 child without Ezzo.

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:party:This is awesome!!!! Even though I dont' "know you", I have been thinking about you & the baby... your entire family. This is wonderful news & I hope she continues to improve. Awesome news!!




:svengo:I can't believe that I don't agree 100% with a post from you (haha, I thought it would never happen)... but (here it goes) EZZO saved my sanity & helped me tremendously to learn to understand the different cries and behaviors of my baby. Now, I cringe when I see people stick a bottle in a babies mouth at every single whimper. I would not have had #2 child without Ezzo.


:) I'll love ya anyway ;) Seriously though, I do have a back story on it and reasons that I steer clear.

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:party:This is awesome!!!! Even though I dont' "know you", I have been thinking about you & the baby... your entire family. This is wonderful news & I hope she continues to improve. Awesome news!!




:svengo:I can't believe that I don't agree 100% with a post from you (haha, I thought it would never happen)... but (here it goes) EZZO saved my sanity & helped me tremendously to learn to understand the different cries and behaviors of my baby. Now, I cringe when I see people stick a bottle in a babies mouth at every single whimper. I would not have had #2 child without Ezzo.

Babywhisperer is much better. It teaches the same thing, but is more in tune with the baby, and much more about the baby's needs. :) No... she does not have any baby Cry It Out.
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Personally, I'm firmly in the Dr. Sears camp.
Yeah, I am to a degree, but I really got some great tips from Baby Whisperer to gently get DS to take longer naps and sleep for longer stretches with no crying! She has a lot of tips to understanding your baby's needs/cries. I never did do the EASY schedule.:lol:
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Yeah, I am to a degree, but I really got some great tips from Baby Whisperer to gently get DS to take longer naps and sleep for longer stretches with no crying! She has a lot of tips to understanding your baby's needs/cries. I never did do the EASY schedule.:lol:


I'll keep it in mind in case I feel like we need something different. Sleep isn't an issue right now. She sleeps well at night, waking only once or twice to nurse. Every morning, she sleeps in the swing for about 2 hours, giving us just enough time to do the subjects that we need the white board for.

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I'll keep it in mind in case I feel like we need something different. Sleep isn't an issue right now. She sleeps well at night, waking only once or twice to nurse. Every morning, she sleeps in the swing for about 2 hours, giving us just enough time to do the subjects that we need the white board for.
That's great! DS sleeps very well at night (in bed with me) but I have had to work on naps several times. Especially since he outgrew swings at 4 months.:D
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That's great! DS sleeps very well at night (in bed with me) but I have had to work on naps several times. Especially since he outgrew swings at 4 months.:D


Madelynn is the first of the four to like the swing. The others just nursed down for a nap and stayed asleep without a problem as long as I stayed with them until they were really asleep.

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:svengo:I can't believe that I don't agree 100% with a post from you (haha, I thought it would never happen)... but (here it goes) EZZO saved my sanity & helped me tremendously to learn to understand the different cries and behaviors of my baby. Now, I cringe when I see people stick a bottle in a babies mouth at every single whimper. I would not have had #2 child without Ezzo.


I just discovered this thread, but if I had caught it earlier, I would have warned you that if you mention Ezzo here, you have to duck and cover. ;) We Ezzo readers have to maintain a low profile. :001_smile:

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I just discovered this thread, but if I had caught it earlier, I would have warned you that if you mention Ezzo here, you have to duck and cover. ;) We Ezzo readers have to maintain a low profile. :001_smile:


Can't get through a thread without someone tossing at the ducks ;) :lol:

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I hope the Zantac works. It didn't help my little guy at all so we took him off it and just dealt with his reflux.


Here is an awesome Infant Reflux Forum that has some great info. Helped me a lot when my guy was younger.




UPDATE: We had our 1 month newborn check today. Our pediatrician agreed with us on the reflux diagnosis and prescribed Zantac for her. He thinks it will help her whether or not dairy is an issue. He thinks the green poo is a supply issue and will resolve without an issue. He says it is caused by an overproduction of bile. He's not worried about it in the slightest.


BTW, I LOVE our pediatrician. He's never denied me anything I've wanted. I'm sure it helps that I don't ask for things that aren't needed. He's always listened to and considered my concerns with everything even when our opinions conflicted. His wife breastfed for over 11 years so he's a supporter of extended breastfeeding. He doesn't even blink at the knowledge that we co-sleep or that our kids don't sleep on their back or that we rarely put them down except overnight. He even told us we don't have to come back for the typical 2 month visit unless we want to because that is a vaccination visit which we don't do. He knows we don't vaccinate and doesn't every say anything, let alone push us to do it.

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Can't get through a thread without someone tossing at the ducks ;) :lol:


I wasn't trying to pick on you. I just feel sorry for newcomers who post things they think will be benign- helpful even- and then are shocked at how controversial some things can be. Like the Ezzos or circumcision or booKshelves. ;)

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Personally, I'm firmly in the Dr. Sears camp.

:iagree:Not to get on a big Ezzo discussion but listening to Dr. Sears advice kept me in tune with my baby during a very difficult time. If I would have listened to my Ezzo friends and had my 4th DS cry it out when he had undiagnosed severe reflux and allergic collitis for 7 months he would have had to suffer alone. Instead I carried him and held him even though I lived on little to no sleep, 24 hours a day until he was finally hospitalized. Apparently the therapist said I saved him from loads of complications by keeping him upright. JMO:)

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Yeah, I am to a degree, but I really got some great tips from Baby Whisperer to gently get DS to take longer naps and sleep for longer stretches with no crying! She has a lot of tips to understanding your baby's needs/cries. I never did do the EASY schedule.:lol:


Baby Whisperer has really bad advice for breastfeeding.



I would recommend Dr Sears or Elizabeth Pantley's "No Cry Sleep Solution" for sleep issues.



My ds was on Zantac, once he started sitting up really well he didn't need it anymore.

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The more I read about reflux, the more I'm thankful that it seems to be mild for her. She spits up throughout the day but the crying is only for an 1 1/2 before bedtime. It isn't affecting our sleep at all.


I hope she outgrows it and it doesn't get any worse.


We gave her the first dose of Zantac but I'm reading that it takes a while to become effective. She needed her Mylanta but the crying was mild and didn't last long once we gave it to her.

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To relieve any worry from some, I have never and will never consider Ezzo advise. I'm firmly in the attachment parenting camp.


Update: We got yellow poo this morning for the first time in three weeks. I switched to block nursing at 6 hour intervals yesterday afternoon.


Woohoo! Glad it was that "simple"!

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Baby Whisperer has really bad advice for breastfeeding.
You definitely have to pick and choose. The best advice was from the forums, not the book. The EASY thing makes no sense with breastfeeding.:glare: But the kellymom forums aren't helpful at all. No tips to help baby sleep are even allowed! I tried to give someone a tip: It was to gently wake baby a few minutes before they normally wake and allow them to stir and resettle. DS would sleep twice as long with this technique. No crying, no stress.


The kellymom forum moderators kicked me off for that, calling it sleep training.

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