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What's in your workboxes today?

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If you are doing workboxes, and want to share ideas about what you put in those boxes, read this post. I thought it might be fun - sort of a workbox version of "the weekly reporter". So if you are interested in sharing the contents of one of your kids workboxes each week - I am going to try to post every Monday (except this week :) Join me if you like!

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Well, we're doing about 70% of our work this week (plan to be ramped up to 100% next week).


The fun thing we had yesterday & today in our workboxes were science experiments. (I particpated in the science activity bag swap on the workbox yahoo group. So, now I have a bunch of pre-made science kits in ziplocks sitting here & ready to use. It's awesome.) Yesterday, our experiment was crushing a can w/ air & today we put skewers & pins in balloons w/out popping them. Very fun experiments!


My kids love, love, love doing science experiments. We have assorted types around (the ziploc sets I mentioned, various Harry Potter themed experiments, etc...) & I figure I'll put in one a day (even if it doesn't match our 'regular' science program). I have plenty of books that list neat experiments too, so once my existing supplies/sets start running low, I think I'll spend some time to go ahead & pre-make more sets to put in ziplocs.


The regular stuff we've had in our workboxes so far this week:

Math, Composition, Reading, Spanish, PE, Logic, Memorization, Science, Handwriting, and making a card/writing a letter.

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Daughter--------------------------------------------------------------- Son



1. Saxon Math w/Mom------------------------------------------------Bible on CD/Book Basket

2. Bible on CD/ Book Basket-------------------------------------------Saxon Math w/Mom

3. WP La 3 w/Mom---------------------------------------------------Computer time

4. Computer time-----------------------------------------------------WP La 1 w/Mom

5. Pocahontas and the Strangers (chp13)------------------------------Christopher Columbus (pgs 12-15)

6. Pictures in Cursive (A)----------------------------------------------Pictures in Cursive (primer)

7. History (together w/Mom)-------------------------------------------History ( together w/Mom)

(MYO notebook pg. on Spanish Explorers & Reading together)

8. Science (w/Mom)---------------------------------------------------Science (w/Mom)

(experiment on why fresh water freezes, but not salt water)

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I posted on my blog after I got everything together for the week. Just click the link in my signature. I have one post for 4th and one for 2nd.:001_smile:







Ok, now you can click on the direct links to the posts. The first is for 2nd and the second is for 4th.:001_smile:

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sorry - I did not express it very clearly on the board (I had just done a blog post and was trying to not completely repeat myself :) What I meant, was to list everything in all the workboxes of one of your children (I have 3 kids using them, so what I was saying was that you didn't need to list every kids boxes, just select one child each week, and list all 12 boxes for that kid) I listed everything that was in my oldest son's boxes for yesterday (we are only using 8 - 10 boxes right now per kid)


If you check out my blog post that might help - sorry I just shot that thread off quickly and did not re-read it well enough to catch the ambiguity!

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here is a great explanation from another blogger - the best one I have found so far, and here is a link to where I talk about it on my blog - those might be more helpful than some of the discussion threads in understanding "what" it is, then check out the discussion to see how people have changed it, or how they like it

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here is a great explanation from another blogger - the best one I have found so far, and here is a link to where I talk about it on my blog - those might be more helpful than some of the discussion threads in understanding "what" it is, then check out the discussion to see how people have changed it, or how they like it


Thanks for those links. They are very helpful. When I first read about workboxes I wasn't interested. But I can now see where the system just might be beneficially to our homeschooling.

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love this idea! I am using an experiments book and have gathered supplies - but I love the idea of having them all bagged and ready to pull out - hmmm, another weekend project :) to go along with all of the file folder games I am trying to get ready for the youngest (got a small laminator from sams this week for only $25 and now I want to laminate everything in the house!)

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all of the file folder games I am trying to get ready for the youngest
I hear you! I got enthusiastic and bought about 5 different Evan-Moor "Take it to Your Seat" center books, each with about 12 centers to laminate and cut out. I've done 3 of them so far. Only about 57 to go . . . :001_huh:


And I love the idea of bagging up science experiments! I buy kits, but after the first experiment or two, things get scattered or lost and it doesn't have the same excitement. Maybe if I split things up right from the start, we wouldn't have that issue!

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We are using the crates with file folders, but it is working great for us.


The 1st file was her math worksheet

2- was her English book

3- spelling book

4-Famous men of Rome, her MP3 player to do her Latin drills with and her drill sheet

5- Kingfisher History Encyclopedia and Atlas

6-The Virtuous Woman

7-Mind Benders

8-Artistic Pursuits and a sheet of nice drawing paper (I keep the pencils put up and hand them out when class starts)

9-Her reading book


I don't put regular paper or pencils in there as they have a box with all their stuff in it and folders of paper. I do put their "evening work" in with their regular work so they know to do that at night.

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We're using hanging file folders with just a few boxes, "Math Madness", "Games Galore", "PE Power". Here's what was in them today.


12yo dd:

Bible-A Life God Rewards for Teens

History-Outlining in textbook, Library books on medieval castle life

Literature-CLE 7 book/workbook

Math-choose a math game out of the "Math Madness" box

Logic-Think A Minute and Orbiting with Logic books, one page each

Writing-Jump In book

Grammar-assigned pages

Vocabulary-index cards to make vocabulary cards

PE-Choose an activity from the "PE Power" box

Memory-verse & poem

Fine Arts-Artist Study page


6yo ds:

Bible-A Life God Rewards for Kids

History-Knights & Castles leveled reader

Vocabulary-index cards to make vocabulary cards

Math-workbook page, choose a game out of the "math madness" box

Reading-BJU 1 reader

Grammar-workbook page

Spelling-spelling book/and instructions to practice online games

Phonics-choose a game from "Games Galore" box

Logic-Stepping Stones book

Fine Arts-Artist Study page

PE-choose an activity from the "PE Power" box

Library book-"A Medieval Feast"

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I like the idea of this thread! The workboxes are working great for us. My daughter likes both finding out what is in the boxes, knowing exactly how much there is left to do, and I am using more of our resources, and finding new fun ones! It IS taking quite a bit of time, but I'm hoping to spend some time researching and planning, so it won't be so much on a daily basis.


Here's some highlights from the past few days and tomorrow:


Making an Ocean in a bottle as we are starting Apologia Zoology 2

Logic File Folder game / math file games / grammar file games

Ocean animals that dd taped to our big wall poster under its heading (eg crustacean/marine mammal, etc)

a book of stickers and paper to make notes for friends for first day of CC

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It has almost been a week since I posted to this thread last and I didnt' see a new one, so I will just add this week's here.


These are for my younger ds:


#1 - Schedule binder and CLE Bible workbook

#2 - CLE Math book, Teacher Guide, Judy Clock, My Counting Book

#3 - Explode the Code Book 3

#4 - CLE Language Arts 1 and Teacher Guide

#5 - HOD Bigger Manual, Read aloud book "A Sword in the Tree" and Poetry folder

#6 - Pentime 1, Book 2 handwriting workbook

#7 - Stories of the Pilgrims book, Bible Verse, Little Pillows devotional book, Hide 'em in your Heart Vol 2 CD.

#8 - a note that says, "talk with mom"

#9 - Index card notebook with spelling words, copywork notebook

#10 - Early Reader's Bible (emerging Reader - he reads it to me)

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Oh yeah! I meant to post in this on Monday.


Here's today for my 2nd grader:

1 - scripture and journal

2 - SRA Real Math lesson

3 - WWE and FLL

4 - Health (Abeka) and handwriting

5 - art

6 - reader


Together time:

- SOTW, CHOW (didn't intend to do CHOW, but they can't get enough history) and timeline

- Sonlight read-alouds

- Geography


They made shields today. So fun!

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Here is mine for my oldest. I didn't think I would get caught up in the workbox craze, but I have to admit, I LOVE it and my kids are so much more motivated. Plus, this way I don't feel guilty adding on all the extras that we never got to before....they don't mind doing this much, and it is more than we ever got done before! It is going so well, I won't ever go back!


Box #1 Orthodox Children's Bible Reader, Victor Journey through the Bible, and Prologue selections for the day

(we do this together on the couch)

Box #2 Math (1 page MUS, 2 pp BJU)

Box #3 English (2 pages BJU)

Box #4 Lauri puzzle....United States

Box #5 Reason for Spelling, cursive

Box #6 Mystery of History--make card, read lesson together

Box #7 Queen's Copywork for Little Boys

Box #8 Complete Theophany art page from Journey through the Liturgical Year

Box #9 Fun reading assignment about Little League (World Series is going on now nearby)

Box #10 Draw and Write through HIstory, choose a drawing (my kids adore art)

Box #11 Nature Journal

Box #12 Geosafari cards

Then Spanish and Piano and Typing, and reading independently....

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We use two of these desk/wall organizers. Right now they're sitting on a side table.


Today was the "first day" of lessons for dd because it was ds's first day of school. Although we have 12 "workboxes," we only hit 7 of them in the shortened timeslot.


1. a book for me to read aloud to dd/little ds: Devotional Stories for Little Folks Too by Nancy Nicholson -- dd chose one of the stories


2. Singapore Math textbook and workbook


3. All About Spelling


4. a blank envelope, her pen pal's address, a piece of lined paper, and a pencil


5. a book dd has been reading: The Doll People by Ann M. Martin


6. a Dover coloring book: Birds of Prey


7. Learning Wrap Ups (the multiplication key -- she was to do the 1, 2, and 3 times tables and show me how she did)

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I found some great file folder games for my dd on this website: http://www.welcometothepond.com/index.htm


This site has good ones, too, but I haven't purchased any yet.



Today in our workbox: FLL3, WWE, Math, supplies for a noun hunt - paper, magazines, scissors, glue, choir homework, math file folder game, SOTW activity page, AAS, Cursive, Drawing w/colored pencils.

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Well, here's what is in dd's (11yo/6th grade) for tomorrow:


#1 Languages: Spanish workbook page & oral review of this week's lesson; Dutch book to read & log for her Dutch class


#2 Math: MUS page, plus a test from a previous lesson


#3 Composition: Work 30 minutes on her story outline (IEW SWI B).


#4 History: Read 2 chapters from "Black Ships Before Troy"


#5 Geography: I read-aloud from "Earthsearch" & we all discuss


#6 Information Resources: workbook page


#7 IEW Poetry Memorization (recite 15 known poems, continue working on learning the sixteenth)


#8 Grammar: The Bridge to the Latin Road (one lesson); 2 Mad-Lib pages & a quick exercise from a Capitalization & Punctuation daily warm-up book


#9 Fun: Color in her Bullfinch's Mythology coloring book; read a few chapters from Anne of Avonlea


We also take a break part-way through for some PE (laps, sit-ups, stretches, etc...). Plus, she has an outside class tomorrow afternoon.

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This was our first day with our "workbox" and it was wonderful! I must say THANK YOU to Amy in CO who in a previous post linked to a 7 drawer craft cart she bought from Target. This cart was the only storage/organization system that appealed to me. I bought mine yesterday and explained to my son what we would be using it for. This morning he eagerly got out the first drawer and wanted to get started right away! We worked our way through all 7 drawers (his choice) spending 2 hours doing "school". I didn't get my shower and get dressed until after 11:30am!


Here was our day:

#1 Saxon Math1 lesson 10

#2 HWT-K p60-61 and vocabulary review ('hue' & 'wince')

#3 misc pages from Brain Quest 1st grade, Hidden Pictures page, maze

#4 poem and rhyming words file folder game

#5 exercise cube activty and ASL review sheet of alphabet and numbers

#6 Progressive Phonics Bk1 p32-33

#7 two math file folder games and snack

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I already posted earlier this week about what was in my workboxes, but for those of you who (like me) are visual, here's my blog post with a drawer-by-drawer picture:




Ohh, what a good idea to take pics drawer by drawer!


Ours don't vary much! This week my son (7th grade) had:


1-Steck Vaughn LA workbook

2-Jump In (one day had Bible Memory verse copywork)

3-All About Spelling supplies--folder with the charts, his own white board marker & eraser, notebook.

4-Time with Mom box--anything we need to go over from the previous day's work

5-Bible memory folder & copybook (a nice 5X8 moleskine notebook with attached bookmark & closure)

6-Science 3X a week (Apologia General, notebook & folder), Sonlight Core 5 EHE 2X a week

7-Henry Reed, Inc. (Sonlight 5 reader)

8-Horizons Math 6, ruler, compass, other math supplies


We eat lunch at 1 & play a game then, that's their motivation to finish!


They also have 4 additional stickers to add to their chart for: Clean room/make bed, family service, exercise, music practice.


Merry :-)

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