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First Day and new School Room (pics)


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I've been working on our school room for a couple months now, so I just had to share pictures of it and of our first day today!! My DD's first day of Kindergarten :)




ETA: If you click Slideshow at the upper right of photobucket, the pics are easier to view.

Edited by myfatherslily
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Your kids are so stinkin' cute, I can just imagine how much you are enjoying them all! That little guy in the diaper is ADORABLE, and I love how happy they all look. The room is great, too! I especially like the bright red "clothesline" for hanging up artwork (good idea, I need to do this somewhere in our house, about 150 feet of it, LOL). :D Enjoy your first year of HS and have a happy (and safe) Kindergarten.

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