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Sugar shortage?

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In the store the price of the brand of sugar I buy has gone up almost a dollar. Now I read about a possible sugar shortage. Is this for real? Or is it manipulation to get companies to use HFCS? Is it an effort to raise the cost of sugar? I buy the organic in the 3 pound container, and when the price goes up almost $1 that is quite a bit. I don't know how to dehydrate sugar cane otherwise I might would attempt to grow my own. I suppose that now I can use more honey and maple syrup in baking, but everyone likes their tea sweetened with sugar.

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I was just in Hawaii in March, visiting my dad. I think I read or heard that the last home business sugar plantations in Hawaii have been sold off, and the land put to different use, because the market was saturated with cheap imports. I might be making that up.


The WSJ articles talks about companies wanting no tariffs on imported sugar. US sugar costs more to produce, since companies can't count on slave labor. So you're probably not making that up.

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The WSJ articles talks about companies wanting no tariffs on imported sugar. US sugar costs more. So you're probably not making that up.


I did see that, which is what stirred the vague memory. The poverty and homelessness in Honolulu is much worse than 10 years ago when I was last there. It's distressing to see the staggering displays of wealth in Waikiki and then walk two blocks away to see houses and schools that are total dumps. The economy has been hit hard.


I guess I'm thinking that when we hear rumors about shortages, that while, esp. with sugar, it's easy to have a knee-jerk reaction (who isn't addicted?!), it's a good idea to ask questions. Because with the food industry so globalized, it's probably a complicated issue.

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I picked up a magazine (Better Homes and Gardens) yesterday for the first time in a long time. I was surprised to see an ad touting the benefits of high fructose corn syrup, placing it on the same level as sugar. :001_huh: Hmmm, conspiracy theories anyone?

Yes they have their website up too telling you how good it is. I do my best to avoid it.

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We rarely purchase sugar. I use mostly honey and have a years' supply at a time. I see how it will affect people but honestly, we'd all be better off with much less of it so I am not really stressing.


Not meaning to hijack the thread...really.


But how do you get honey to last that long? I don't use honey much as I don't like it, but I will buy small bottles for use in recipes and DH likes it. However, those small bottles harden and crystallize on me within a month or so. DH tells me to microwave it to get it to pour again but it doesn't seem good to be microwaving that little plastic bear every time I need a tablespoon of honey.

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Not meaning to hijack the thread...really.


But how do you get honey to last that long? I don't use honey much as I don't like it, but I will buy small bottles for use in recipes and DH likes it. However, those small bottles harden and crystallize on me within a month or so. DH tells me to microwave it to get it to pour again but it doesn't seem good to be microwaving that little plastic bear every time I need a tablespoon of honey.


Rather than microwave it, put it in a pot of warm water. It should stay runny for a while.

However, honey certainly doesnt go off- its the one food in the world that cant go off- and the crystallization won't hurt you at all. I buy honey in a jar so that I can dip a clean spoon in. I buy raw honey for its superior nutrition and living enzymes, so it does crystallize in winter, but it tastes the same.

Dh however buys the pouring honey, and sticks it in the microwave. Eww. He is forbidden to touch my honey, ever.

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I hadnt heard of a sugar shortage- and we produce our own in Australia so I imagine it wont hit us here for a while, until you guys start buying ours at least- but surely its not a bad thing? Sugar should be a treat, an occasional food, not a staple.

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The letter is a taunt. The US Gov't has been provided farm subsidy for sugar for decades. There is anything but a sugar shortage in the USA. Probably those manufacturer are feeling pricing pressure, want to buy sugar on the world market where sugar is maybe 1/2 the price. Who can blame them? Thomas Sowell wrote in detail about sugar subsidy in his book, Basic Economics. Note the part stating that as of 2001, the US gov't was spending $1.4 million per month just to store surplus sugar: http://tinyurl.com/no88oc


And an interesting flowchart:


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The letter is a taunt. The US Gov't has been provided farm subsidy for sugar for decades. There is anything but a sugar shortage in the USA. Probably those manufacturer are feeling pricing pressure, want to buy sugar on the world market where sugar is maybe 1/2 the price. Who can blame them? Thomas Sowell wrote in detail about sugar subsidy in his book, Basic Economics. Note the part stating that as of 2001, the US gov't was spending $1.4 million per month just to store surplus sugar: http://tinyurl.com/no88oc


And an interesting flowchart:


Great info!

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