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My library changed the floor plan

Guest Dulcimeramy

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Guest Dulcimeramy

so that now you have to walk through the trashy fiction to get to the children's section. Well, you have to walk through it or past it to get to any part of the library except the circulation desk.


This book, Secrets of a Housewife, is a sample of the type of book displayed on the shelves at child's-eye-level. I'll warn ya, that is a graphic link.


There were at least a dozen other salacious book covers displayed on the shelves. At least two appeared to glorify teen prostitution.


The librarian on duty told me who ordered this arrangement; it was the local manager. I have met the manager and discussed issues with her before, and I do not expect any changes to be made if I complain.


The other librarians completely divorced themselves from the issue. One librarian said, "I'm sorry you're offended, but complaining to me does nothing for you." They all said the books must remain on display unless the manager ordered the employees to move them.


What would you do?

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totally spitballing here...

can you put something (like a petition or something) on a bulletin board for parents to sign to change the situation however you (and they) deem appropriate?

TELL EVERYONE...word of mouth does wonders. Everyone having a problem with it will definitely put on the pressure.

Is there anyone over the manager? talk to them.

Get someone that is more forceful to talk to the manager (I would get my dad - he is very forceful and always seems to get what he wants)

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This book, Secrets of a Housewife, is a sample of the type of book displayed on the shelves at child's-eye-level. I'll warn ya, that is a graphic link.




I'm so sorry. Complain to the bosses boss. Get on to the newspaper.


And, having gone to the Amazon link, I want to know what "don't read this without your towel" means. To gag your screams of laughter when the kids are sleeping?

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Get a few other upset parents and speak up at the next City Council meeting. Here, if you want 3 minutes to speak up you show up about an hour or so before the meeting and sign in - only the first 10 or so folks get to speak at any one meeting. Your meetings may be different - check your city website or call for more info.

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Guest Dulcimeramy

:bigear: Thank you for these ideas! I'm printing this thread.


I did take some photos today, to the obvious annoyance of one of the librarians. Two of my photos show that between these shelves is the only path from the door to the children's department.


I guess Step One is contacting the local manager on Monday. I have the number for the Regional Manager for Step Two.


If those conversations do not lead to anything, I'll begin making a ruckus and working my way up the ladder.


Yuck. I didn't really need a new hobby right now!

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The librarian on duty told me who ordered this arrangement; it was the local manager. I have met the manager and discussed issues with her before, and I do not expect any changes to be made if I complain.


The other librarians completely divorced themselves from the issue. One librarian said, "I'm sorry you're offended, but complaining to me does nothing for you." They all said the books must remain on display unless the manager ordered the employees to move them.


What would you do?


The response from the librarians you spoke to make me think that they have already tried to address this issue with the manager and have not made headway.


Things I might consider.


Take some pictures of the current arrangement. Make sure that the photos show the covers of the adult oriented books and perhaps one of your kids with the books at eye level.


A comment through whatever comment system they are running. I would be most likely to do an online or mail in comment card because it is more likely to be seen by someone outside this branch.


Send a note to the director of your library system. Then follow up with phone calls.


Similarly contact whatever government provides funding to the library (city, county). This might best be done in person at a public meeting after you have tried the earlier methods. Bring copies of your photos and notes of the contacts you have had with the library giving dates, your request and the response. Ask them if they think it is appropriate for a public library to not provide a way for patrons to choose not to have to run a gauntlet of books like this. Emphasize that you aren't suggesting that the books be banned, but that the library should also provide a family friendly atmosphere.


Probably only after this point would I bring the media in. I think that frequently gov't tends to dig its feet in when the media get involved. You might be able to move this rock with less force if you don't make it public from the start. Having said that, if you have friends or family in the area who could be making similar comments and requests at the same time, that would be good.

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I am so glad I live in a small town and my librarian is VERY focused on the children. I have never seen more than the spine of a book that could be trashy and the kids' section is front and center. Makes me very thankful.


If I were you, I would write a letter to your local paper and try to have it published if the meeting with the manager does not help. Likely the librarians were the ones who had to move all of those books in the first place, so likely they are not thrilled that someone is complaining and they may have to move things again.


Can you really see the COVERS on the books just by walking by? I have never seen a library shelve books where you can see the cover. Normally, it is just the spine. Do you care to post one of the pics you took so we can see how bad it is? If that is not comfortable for you, I understand. I am really just curious as to how bad it is. I can't even imagine.

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Guest Dulcimeramy

After I get the boys to bed I'll link to the pics.


Really, the books were propped up to display the covers :001_huh: That's what the librarian meant, that she was going to set them up the same way unless the manager told her not to :001_huh: and that's why I was so bothered. What could they possibly have to gain from turning these books to showcase the cover images??


I'm not very hopeful, really. This is going to sound snobby, but I don't live in a very nice area of our city. We're dealing with increased crime and I fear that some of these book covers sort of reflect the tone of our immediate surroundings. I don't anticipate much parental support. This library often loans The Texas Chainsaw Massacre to children, for example. I've seen it.


Our township council meeting was canceled by the greater city gov't, so if I do get a minute to make my case it won't be to local authority and it won't be soon. This is a branch library on the poor side of town.


Of course I will try, but in the meantime I think I'll be driving to the next town to use that library. It is a town library with local oversight and a very family-friendly atmosphere.

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Personally, I can't imagine that my son would have even cared to stop and look through these books on the way to the children's section. (when he was younger) He was always on a mission to get there and ignored the rest of the library. The covers don't bother me (it's not like they are porn) and aren't any worse than what you would pass in Barnes and Noble on the way to the children's section there. Even now, at age 16, he's not interested in those books.


ETA: He's not a prude or anything, just considers those "mom" books.

Edited by RebelATX
added a sentence
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Our local news stations have "help me" segments. Viewers can contact the station, explain the problem they couldn't solve and if they think it makes a good story, they will try to resolve it for you. Maybe your stations have something similar.


As others have said, your local newspaper may be able to help.


I would also contact your local politicians - higher then the city council. Find out who your state legislator is and contact them with the issue as well.


Before any of these, I would give the library manager an opportunity to do the right thing. If she doesn't, well....

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I put the photos up on a temporary blog Carrie Nation Fan

I guess that makes me something other than a "wholesome, normal mama" that I wouldn't hide my children's eyes while passing these. I understand your concerns, but your rhetoric seems a bit extreme.
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It is a public library and therefore they are allowed to display what they want. And if it is gets circulation numbers up, the library will carry on displaying those books.


My son would walk right past those books and not even look at them.


It could just be this weeks promotion. Trashy summer novels. Next week it could be books about gardening.


If you feel the read with your children poster is in the wrong place, ask them to move that. It would be easier than moving a whole section of books.

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Guest Dulcimeramy
I guess that makes me something other than a "wholesome, normal mama" that I wouldn't hide my children's eyes while passing these. I understand your concerns, but your rhetoric seems a bit extreme.


Right there with you nmoria.


If you have no problem with your little ones looking at a book cover like this, then what can I say? <shrug>


I don't want to ban or burn the books, I just would like them put back at the other end of the library.

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If you have no problem with your little ones looking at a book cover like this, then what can I say? <shrug>


I don't want to ban or burn the books, I just would like them put back at the other end of the library.

I would not have a problem with my children having to walk past a shelf of books with that cover facing out. They've seen plenty of bikinis while swimming at a family friend's pool, so I don't think they'd look twice at the book; however, if one of them commented on it, I'd say something like, "I think it is silly for someone to go swimming with makeup on."
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Well, as much as I hate to say it, they walk past a lot worse when I take them grocery shopping. :glare:


Truthfully, from looking at the set-up, my kids would probably be so fixated on getting in the children's room they wouldn't notice the shelves.


Well, maybe my 10yo would. She loves to color in the models on the Sunday paper to make them more modest. I have to hide my Sharpies.

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If you have no problem with your little ones looking at a book cover like this, then what can I say? <shrug>


I don't want to ban or burn the books, I just would like them put back at the other end of the library.


I would say that in the range of modern covers, what you show in the blog pictures are pretty middle of the road.


I am much more annoyed by the article titles on the cover of Cosmo. The covers shown are as clothed as you would see at a pool. They aren't showing women covered only by a sheet or without clothes and turned away from the camera.


You have good ideas of how to make your voice heard in other posts. But don't be surprised if you don't get much of a reaction.

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