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9th Grade elective choices....any ideas?

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Hi. My daughter will be starting high school this year. She will be studying the required courses such as English (grammar, composition, lit) Math (Algebra I), Science (Biology), History (World Geography) and Health/PE. She's not for sure what to choose for her two electives. She loves to read so I told her a British/American Lit course would be good and she's good with that but I'm wondering if it would be too much due to the fact that she'll be reading some Classical Literature in English. What do you think - too much?


She also loves music, any ideas on what to use for a music course? She is going to be taking keyboard/piano lessons in the fall. Thanks everyone!

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I would do the British Lit with World History too. Electives can be pretty much anything. Some ideas are, home economics, college and careers, computers, art, foriegn language(especially if she is planning on college),public speaking, drama, automotive care,scrapbooking (can be considered an art course photography/paper crafting)... that is about all that is poping to mind right now but I am sure there are plenty more out there.

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Any fun computer courses, art, personal finance or home ec.


Some ideas are, home economics, college and careers, computers, art, foriegn language(especially if she is planning on college),public speaking, drama, automotive care,scrapbooking (can be considered an art course photography/paper crafting)...


Agreeing with these ideas.


I think the Phy Ed is one elective, so you only need one more. I've included a Bible credit, so the total is 7 credits, but 6 is fine, too. Public schooled students often have foreign language and music as their electives for at least the first 2-3 years, but of course we have many more options.


More ideas would be:

- programming

- photography

- introductory logic

- cooking (culinary arts)

- speech

- college prep (study skills, ACT prep, etc)

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Foreign language!


Keyboarding and computer skills, if she isn't fairly adept already.


She could so a music history course that aligns with her history studies, learning about the musis and composers of the period. Oh, darn, you're doing geography this year, hmmm . . .


I'd certainly consider doing history and geography in the same year (more so than two different lit courses). imo, a steady study of history does soooo much to simplify all your other choices. Literature, art, music - - all are very easily matched up to history!


And if a student really gets into a certain course, say music history, it's simple enough to continue it the next year with the new time period. Music won't match up well to ancients, prolly not enough material, but that could be an overview year.

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I agree about the foreign language. THat one is important for college. I think the music lessons can count for a credit or a half credit depending on time. WHy are you trying to do seven credits in a year/ Most kids take six. My dd will be taking more this year but she is super driven and one of her half credits will take basically two full days.

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Foreign Language--most colleges require 2-4 years.


My dd is going to do Art for her gr 9 elective (painting).



This year she's doing Math, English, Science, Logic, Latin, German (she wants to do 2 foreign languages), Art, History. Lit will be included in English (she hates lit, so better for me to combine Grammar, lit, writing & vocabulary into one Eng credit at this point.) Most of what she's taking is required by law to graduate in this state and/or to get into university/college.


fwiw, my dd does school only because it's the law and because dh and I insist.

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After discussing it with my daughter, I think she wants to go ahead and get a foreign language credit and take a music history course along with her lessons that she'll be taking in the fall. She's taking 7 credits because she drives herself to be an overachiever. While that's good, I know I don't want her to burn out either. I try and make her maintain a good balance and not become too overwhelmed. Thanks everyone for your advice on this! :001_smile:

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