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How do you handle sick days?

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We started our school year last Monday. I unexpectedly had to bring my niece home and have her stay for four days. We did get some stuff done, but she's very clingy and we're already behind.

Now, my kids are sick. They have fevers and are lethargic. If they had a simple cold I would probably make her do as much as she could. She did ask my dh to read from The Hobbit tonight and that gave me the idea of reading our science and history read-alouds. I'll just save table work for when she's better.


In the past I have just let school slide when she's sick, but I'm trying to, for lack of a better term, take it more seriously this year.


So what do you do when you and/or the kids are sick?

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Read Alouds, a movie about a subject.... and we call it a 1/2 day. I also allow 1-2 sick days in the year b/c we got them in public school. You can't always avoid them. However, our allowed days are for seriously sick (doctors, fevers, vomiting, tough stuff)! Just feeling super bad and can't quite do the day (really bad colds, constant headache or body aches, sinus issues)... then I read to them etc. Feeling tired or a bit under the weather... take some medicine... rest an hour & get back to work.


You could even talk about germs, immunity & find some images on Google for cool pictures????


Get well soon!

Edited by Dirtroad
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I'm a hard-nose, and my kids have individual assignment sheets that allow them to work even when I'm somewhat out of it. Several weeks ago I had a very bad tummy bug, and they worked away while I was upstairs quite ill and had finished almost everything when I staggered down to have them call DH because had to go to the ER :001_smile:. We all got a flu-like bug in March and I cancelled school while I had a fever.


But when they have a fever or tummy bug themselves, I don't expect much at all. With a cold, I see what they can do and go from there.

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So what do you do when you and/or the kids are sick?


If one of the kids has a fever, then he doesn't do school at all. If it is just a head cold, then we proceed as normal. Fever usually means it is a bit more than a head cold and they probably feel like poo. My mottos is: A day of school is not worth vomit on the school table. ;)

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If one of the kids has a fever, then he doesn't do school at all. If it is just a head cold, then we proceed as normal. Fever usually means it is a bit more than a head cold and they probably feel like poo. My mottos is: A day of school is not worth vomit on the school table. ;)



Words to live by!!!!!

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I do read alouds. I have them do what I feel they are capable of, such as "just maths". I have them read themselves, if they are capable (if they have a headache I dont insist on that.). I pull out the documentaries and movies I have been meaning to watch but havent got around to, or I turn on the cable TV onto the nature channels and let them watch documentaries. And, I let them sleep as much as possible. Also, no sugar as it burdens the immune system.

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We've already fallen behind my grand plans because I was sick last week and now DD is sick. We went sorta half-speed after taking a day off last week, and I figure with DD being sick now, we'll probably just wind up taking 2 weeks to do a week's worth of work.



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If they are sick enough to want to sleep, I let them. Rare is the day when they are sick enough that they do absolutely nothing except sleep.


If they are well enough to hang out on the couch, they read. Sometimes I will put a science video on for a special treat. If they are not too sick, they read assigned history or science books. If they can't concentrate on that, they can read fun books (shhhh, they're mostly Sonlight books anyway . . .). Sometimes if they are not too sick and they can do a little math or Latin on the couch, they do that.


If they suddenly ask to play, then they are well enough to sit at the table and do some real work for an hour or so first!


What does tend to slide on sick or semi-sick days is "together" subjects. That's a bummer and sometimes makes me crazy.

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