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Please pray for my dd12 who probably got a fracture from moving her arm or bending

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As many of you have read in the past 6-8 months, my youngest daughter has osteoporosis of unknown etiology. She is currently on Fosamax once a week, vit D and calcium every day. She broke a toe a while ago and had a upcoming appointment with the orthopedist for re-evaluation of that. On Wednesday, she moved her arm like making the motions for the front crawl and got a bad pain in her lower shoulder blade area (scapula). SInce she had an appointment on this coming Monday and I wasn't sure she broke it, I gave her ibuprofens. On Friday late afternoon, after the doctors went home, she bent her shoulder and back a bit to look down at something while sitting and heard a loud crack and that same area now hurts a lot more. I have her in a sling and am giving her 600 mg. ibuprofen every 4 hours. I will be giving her benadryl to help her sleep since her sleep has been so bad with the pain. Tomorrow we get xrays. If it is broken where she has the pain, mostlikely the same treatment will be prescribed though I want them to also prescribe her narcotic pain killers since she still has pain with 600 mg. and even that is too much ibuprofen for her. If it is broken, the next course of action will be a bone biopsy since we can't really wait to see if the fosamx will eventually work while she breaks bone doing normal movements. I am tremendously worried. I don't want my child who did swim team and diving for the first time this summer because I thought it would be okay exercise for an osteoporotic child to become completely immobile. SHe isn't having the typical breaks of the type of osteoporosis where the chidlren outgrow in puberty. Please pray that the doctors are able to manage her pain, figure out what is going on, and if there is a way to stop it, to do that.

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Oh Christina! I must say, I am so sad for all her suffering. She sounds like such a brave little girl. I can't imagine how hard this is on you as well. Praying now.





Edited by Geo
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I my goodness, this must be terrifying, and awful to be so helpless in the face of pain. I know docs are jumpy about "controlled substances", so please consider keeping a careful log of when you dose her (and mention the benedryl) and what her "pain level is on a scale of 0-10, with ten being the worst pain imaginable" both before the pill and an hour afterwards. HTH.

I hate watching kids suffer.

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