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Need natural cure for sinusitis

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I'm trying so hard not to go to the doctor to get antibiotics for what I'm pretty sure is sinusitis. I'm going on my third week of being sick from what I think is the flu. Now my head is all congested. I've been using saline solution in the nose, but I need something more. I ordered my olive leaf extract from East Park, but it won't be in until next week. Oh how will I get through the weekend!



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  • drink lots of pure water & hot herbal teas (thins mucous, promotes drainage, relieves congestion)
  • eat ckn soup w/lots of veggies (not a myth!)
  • eliminate dairy
  • make a drink of hot lemonade to help cut mucus and improve blood flow; mix juice of 2 freshly squeezed lemons w/ an equal amount of water and sweeten w/ a bit of maple syrup; drink 3x/day. If you can tolerate it, add 1/8tsp of cayenne pepper.

Nutritional Supplements:


  • Bromelain (enzyme from pineapple) is a natural anti-inflammatory. Take 500mg 3x daily, between meals.
  • Beta-carotene helps to heal mucous membranes. Take 10,000 international units 2x/day for 4-5 days.
  • Vit C and bioflavonoids reduce inflammation and fight infection. Take 500-1,000mg of each 3x-4x/day for 4-5 days.

Some herbal treatments:


  • Echinacea and goldenseal (take 250-500mg of echinacea and 150-300 goldenseal every 2 hrs while symptoms acute -- fever and sinus pain up to total of 6 doses. After acute phase, take one dose 3x/day for up to 10 days) stimulate the immune system , help clear infection, soothe mucous membranes. Work well when combined w/Bromelain (see above)
  • make an herbal tea: 1T fenugreek, 1T rose hips, 1T thyme, 1/2 T licorce brewed in 8 oz of water.
  • there's always garlic!
  • a warm, moist compress of water and ginger root placed over the sinuses helps to drain the area and relieve congestion. Grate a large ginger root into a pot containing 1 pint water and simmer for 15min. Use the resulting tea to make a hot compress.

General Recommendations:


  • use nasal saline flushes to cleanse the sinuses and thin mucus; 4-6x/day as needed. (Dissolve 1/4 tsp salt and 1/8 tsp baking soda in 4oz of water. Spray mixture inside nose w/bulb syringe; or instill w/eyedropper (more for soothing).

Hope you feel better and somehow avoid antibiotics like you wanted!

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Oh I have one. I'm not very good with it, though. I even bought a pack of saline/baking soda stuff to go in them last week. However, I couldn't get the hang of it. I may try again, though. It's just so messy!


Definitely try it again. I'm recovering from the same flu and the neti pot is really giving me some relief. Try adjusting how you are holding your head - you should be able to breath through your mouth while you are dumping the solution. :eek:Sounds freaky, but really it's not too bad.

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Pour it into a big bowl. Sit down at the table with your head over the bowl. Put a towel over your head to make a tent with you and the bowl inside it. Breathe the steam through your nose until there isn't any left.


It's called inhaling and is the standard British treatment. You can put something into the water if you want, like peppermint or menthol, but it's mostly the steam that does it.


Best wishes



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Yep, yep, yep - all my family's ENT's tell us that pure saline is the very best thing to cleanse the sinuses. I have a neti pot and gave my parents one at Christmas, too. We use saline mist regularly in our house, as well, but trying to find it without thimerasol is sometimes a bummer......



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Enzymes with cellulase in them. Often congestion is caused by yeast in the digestive tract. The cellulase eats them and no more mucous. When I have a cold, I hardly have any congestion at all.


But on 2nd thought, if it's allergies, then more omega 3's will help because they help to thin out the stuff. Also plenty of water. Another vitamin that helps is Vitamin C. I believe I read that it's a natural anti-histamine.


Good Luck! HTH!

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Pour it into a big bowl. Sit down at the table with your head over the bowl. Put a towel over your head to make a tent with you and the bowl inside it. Breathe the steam through your nose until there isn't any left.


It's called inhaling and is the standard British treatment. You can put something into the water if you want, like peppermint or menthol, but it's mostly the steam that does it.


Best wishes




Well, I learned this in Canada, too, but forgot about this. It's great for clearing things up and I ought to try it again sometime, especially since we've been keeping our house at 61F, which is somewhere around 16C.

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I've been trying those too. I read somewhere that digestive enzymes actually help to stop a cold. I really think my sinusitis is due to this flu bug I am trying to beat. I'm going on my third week of being ill. I'm trying as many as these suggestions as I can. However, my stomach has been revolting some. I don't know if it is the flu, the enzymes, or even some of the cod liver oil and evening primrose oil that I'm taking.


Oh I'll be glad when I feel human again!!

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...was also the only time I've used colloidal silver. Like magic, I was better in two days' time. I put it in the Neti pot (which for me was only a French's mustard bottle with the plastic tip cut down to function as a nasal rinsing tool. Ah, frugality! :rolleyes:


I know that silver is somewhat controversial, but imo, only if you use it...you know...USE it.


Might be worth the trouble of adding it to your Neti pot, assuming you have a health food store nearby that carries it. Beware, I think it's pretty spendy. But, cheaper than a trip to the doctor + abx.


Hope you're feeling better soon.



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When I take systemic enzymes, I almost never get sick. From what I've read and listened to on tapes, proteolytic enzymes, also known as systemic enzymes, eat protein which is what viruses are made of.


I take them religiously. And I can honestly say that while I have gotten the least sleep in our family, I love sugar, and I am 15+ lbs heavier than I want to be, and I don't exercise, I hardly ever get sick. My kids get sick and spit and sneeze on me. My dh gets sick and misses work. I'm up all night with kids, and I still don't get sick.


Now there was a time period of about 6 months where I was getting colds. As it turned out, I was taking only 2 proteolytic enzymes at night, the dosage was 3+, 3 x per day. When I increased that amount, the colds stopped.


The reason I only took two was that I had switched from the brand name Proactazyme and that dose was 2 per day. I didn't follow the dosage recommendation on the Vitazymes that I now take.

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During the allergy months, I use some stuff my mil gave me. You can use your NetiPot stuff or even just table salt.


Fill a LARGE bowl with warm water and 2T of salt. (I usually add this stuff my mil gave me also, but using salt alone is just fine.) Immerse your face. Blow OUT through the nose. After nose is clear of air, you will feel the water kind of gently in your nose--it is not painful in the least. Hold your face level in the water for a count of fifteen. Draw your face out of the water, towel your face, and blow your nose.


I usually repeat at least once.


When I am REALLY having a rough time I do this several times a day.


This is more effective than saline nasal spray simply because it coats the inside of the nose more thoroughly.

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I even used with my ds who gets lots of bloody noses this time of year. I think it is a mix of allergies and the dust at the baseball field.


Anyway, I Netipotted (word?) him and in a day they had stopped. The day before, during baseball practice, he had 4 nose bleeds.


Now we are doing it once a day, along with Claritin for allergies. Much better here!!


I use it to avoid sinusitis, which I have always gotten regularly. However, so far so good this year since using my Neti.


I should have known you gals would have some thrifty ways to use it!! Thanks for the ideas.

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My husband has had chronic sinitius since we met 20 years ago. He read Sugar-Busters shortly after we married, and says that it really helps IF YOU CAN STICK TO IT (which he can't).


He bought a Neti pot a couple of months ago on the advice of a friend. He LOVES it because it works! He uses it in the shower every morning.


Don't give up!


Denise in NE

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