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This just sends my mind spinning

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Stories like these just make me ill to my stomach. I have an 11 yr. old son and cannot fathom anything like that even entering his mind much less him acting upon it.


The way the girls family treated her afterwards is another horrible crime.:confused:

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That is so sad for that little girl. When dd was molested last summer it was by a 10 yr old boy so I am aware of young boys assaulting girls but could not imagine turning my back on my dd and blaming her for it. I hope that little girl gets the support to help her heal from the trauma of both the attack and the response of her parents.

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That story is awful on so many levels. The poor girl, how sad. I know this kind of stuff (the victim's family blaming the victim) happens in other countries, I just didn't expect to hear about it in the U.S., especially when this child is so young. How anybody could fathom that she could be responsible.. Praying that all involved, particularly the little girl, gets the help they need.

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It is horribly sad.


I do wonder at the charges being molestation, but they use "rape" in the article. Was she raped?


14 and charged as an adult, that's upsetting too.


As for the parents, I feel for them in that they lost their daughter. How terrible to believe something so wrong, that she brought it upon herself. How terrible to lose your daughter.


I hope the girl is able to make it past this, to see herself as more than a victim and to place the guilt where it belongs. I hope it gives her a sense of wariness, but not fear.


How terrible :(

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As a mom of 3 girls, I am sick to my stomach thinking that it could happen to them. My heart breaks for that young girl.


Good for the authorities, in charging the 14 year-old as an adult! I have some very strong opinions as to what I think they should do with boys/men who commit crimes like this. :angry:



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Warning: rape content




Nathan is 9 years old, and I cannot fathom this sort of filth entering his mind.


Moreover, the way these parents treated their daughter is just horrible.


The whole thing is just incomprehensible. It's just so upsetting.


As an adoptive mom to a Liberian son and daughter, my heart is grieved. During and after the horrendous civil war there, children were exposed to all sorts of atrocities...some of the 'peace keeping ' forces were even guilty of raping those they were supposed to protect. I wonder what these boys have seen, heard, been exposed to within the context of their own families. So very, very sad for everyone but especially that little girl who has been shunned :(

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