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Which is the best beginning razor?

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I started all my girls with electric razors because they were ready to start shaving before I thought they were ready to handle a real razor. I personally use the Gillette Plus for sensitive skin. I have been using these for at least 30 years and it never fails that if I use something different then I cut myself. My dds like the Venus. In any case, one that has a swivel head and a lubricating strip helps.

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I started all my girls with electric razors because they were ready to start shaving before I thought they were ready to handle a real razor. I personally use the Gillette Plus for sensitive skin. I have been using these for at least 30 years and it never fails that if I use something different then I cut myself. My dds like the Venus. In any case, one that has a swivel head and a lubricating strip helps.


I recently bought one of these Venus ones (not the disposable) and I have been through 3 different heads without cutting myself once. I don't think they give the closest shave, but I think as far as safety goes, I was impressed.

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I actually prefer the guys ones. I think they are more flexible and prefer one with multi blades like Mack 3 or quatro. Generally i only have to have one swipe to take off all of the hairs nice and close. One swipe limits the chances of cutting yourself too.


Stay well away from anything disposable or designed for a single use, they are nasty!! What does your DH use and like? My DH has very sensitive skin and i find the ones he likes are the most flexible and therefore the ones that i like best too.


I don't think it has to be aimed or marketed towards teenage girls to be good so don't limit yourself to the ladies only ones. Just my 2c

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I double second the Venus reccommendation. I had been using the Venus for a few months when I ran out of blades and grabbed whatever was on the bathroom shelf--somthing hard and plastic and I could not use it. There is a big difference imho.



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The pink Daisy razors.


:iagree: Is there *really* any other kind?


Note: though I started DD with these, we've since realized that she needs a different brand. I'm tired of sharing razors, or having two in the shower and not knowing which is hers! I *think* I bought her Venus, but I could be wrong. I couldn't give up my beloved Daisy razors.

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I started with pink Daisy razors, but switched a few years ago after trying my husband's mach 3. Wow - those are awesome! It felt like I was smearing butter on my legs, not scraping them with 3 blades! I had to double check to make sure I was actually removing hair. It did and quite well, too. I was instantly hooked. I bought a competing brand that was similar because it was cheaper and it works just as well.

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