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can alcohol be a stimulant/keep you awake?

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I made myself a hot toddy with rum last night to combat a runny nose/cough and give myself a good night of sleep. Well the runny nose and cough were dealt with pretty well, but I could not get to sleep, just laid there awake waaaaayyyyyy longer than I ever do "normally". My husband said the alcohol could have acted like a stimulant because my body isn't used to it, I hardly ever drink. Could that be true? I "felt" very sleepy when I went to bed and thought I would just fall right out! Frustrating, but I don't want to try it again to find out very bad...



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I am someone who often has the opposite side effects of medicine, so I assume anything is possible. What I hear more frequently is that alcohol helps you get to sleep but it can keep you from staying asleep or falling into a deep sleep.

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One thing that happens a lot with alcohol is that it initially will put you to sleep but then a few hours later will actually cause wakefulness. There is some metabolic reason for this that I can't remember now, something to do with a neurotransmitter, I think.

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One thing that happens a lot with alcohol is that it initially will put you to sleep but then a few hours later will actually cause wakefulness. There is some metabolic reason for this that I can't remember now, something to do with a neurotransmitter, I think.




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I'll go with the answers you received (about the "rebound awakening").


Funny thing for me was when I gave in (during graduate school) and started drinking coffee -- the coffee always made me fall asleep ! (No, it was NOT "Irish coffee", either !)

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I'm not sure it's technically a "stimulant" in the chemical sense. But there is absolutely no question that drinking can wreck your sleep. I'mk an expert:) I drink ONE drink a night (sometimes I drink no drinks, but typically I have one a night). If I have two, my sleep is in question. If I have three, there is simply no question - I will not be sleeping that night. It's an absolute sleep wrecker.


However, usually what would happen to me is that I fall asleep and can't stay asleep.

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I find that it depends how much I drink. If I drink a little, which is what I normally do (and by normal, I mean every few days I might have a bottle of something), it puts me to sleep. If I drink more than normal, I am up for HOURS, usually burning up, because I'm burning the alcohol off. Totally metabolic. But don't go by me necessarily. Apparently carbs in general cause these sorts of hot flashes with me and I'm putting a call into the doc about it.

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I find that it depends how much I drink. If I drink a little, which is what I normally do (and by normal, I mean every few days I might have a bottle of something), it puts me to sleep. If I drink more than normal, I am up for HOURS, usually burning up, because I'm burning the alcohol off. Totally metabolic. But don't go by me necessarily. Apparently carbs in general cause these sorts of hot flashes with me and I'm putting a call into the doc about it.



One drink will wreck my sleep, but we're all different.

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