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Anyone have this much trouble changing docs?

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My dh has knee trouble. He has had trouble with them his entire life. The last ortho he saw did surgery, and really botched up the job. This same doctor has worked on many people we know, and has not helped any of them.


We are TRYING to get a new doc. Dh is having severe knee pain, most likely to severe arthritis in his knee. He's had an MRI, which shows the trouble. It's been 7 years since he saw this last doc.


Trouble is...we can't get ANYONE else to see him. It's like he's suddenly got the plague, and no one will touch him. We've been trying for 2 months. He's not a drug seeker, he's got a genuine issue, we have decent insurance....yet they won't see him.


Dh finally resorted to calling for an appointment with the doc we don't want...because he's in pain, and no one else will see him. It's insane.

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Trouble is...we can't get ANYONE else to see him. It's like he's suddenly got the plague, and no one will touch him. We've been trying for 2 months. He's not a drug seeker, he's got a genuine issue, we have decent insurance....yet they won't see him.


Dh finally resorted to calling for an appointment with the doc we don't want...because he's in pain, and no one else will see him. It's insane.


I'm confused. Why won't they see him? What reason is given when you ask for the appointment?

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Well, at first it was because he was this other doc's patient and they "couldn't take patients from other doctors" despite the fact that we wanted the change.


The latest phone call. "We have nothing to offer him." Not even a consultation appointment to give him some ideas on how to manage the pain :confused: We realize there isn't a cure. We would just like to have a doctor sit down with him and explain his options. And not this doctor that he saw before. At this rate he's going to be immobile before he's 50.


ETA: We are not doctor hoppers. We've been with our same family doc for 8 years...

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I am going to guess that it has something to do with not wanting to take on the problems created by another dr. and then get blamed for them, or, some personal issue with the other dr.


I would call and ask for the head nurse. Lay it all out for her and basically beg for help. The other option is to walk into an office and not leave until you talk with the dr.



This is what I'm thinking. We've spoken with several other people who have had surgery by this doctor, and have had to had 2nd surgeries to fix what was messed up by him. (how does a doc keep his pratice like this?) So now there must be a "don't touch Dr.X's patients" policy around.


I do have a nurse at one office begging around for me....I'm still waiting for her call.

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The nurses do. I basically got: "That's all we can do" and she gave me a couple of offices to try. It's crazy.


Dh just told me that he was able to get an appointment with another doc in the same practice as Dr.X. He's seen this doc before, and he's ok....just prone to handing people off to Dr. X (which is how we ended up with him in the first place) So at least he has an appointment...but we'd still like to change offices. Here's hoping that nurse that's begging around for me can do something.

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The nurses do. I basically got: "That's all we can do" and she gave me a couple of offices to try. It's crazy.


Dh just told me that he was able to get an appointment with another doc in the same practice as Dr.X. He's seen this doc before, and he's ok....just prone to handing people off to Dr. X (which is how we ended up with him in the first place) So at least he has an appointment...but we'd still like to change offices. Here's hoping that nurse that's begging around for me can do something.


That stinks. I would make sure the family doc is aware of that.


Is there a medical school or referral center nearby?

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I agree that the actual doctor needs to know what is happening to his referral. I would schedule a time to speak to him personally, call his office manager, call him at home or something. We know doctors personally and sometimes the office doesn't pass along information that the doctor would want to know.

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Yes, our doc will hear about this. (He's on my facebook :lol:)


A pain management clinic will be on our list of things to try AFTER we find out exactly what is going on. The last thing he wants is to be on pain meds long term. He's had a doc tell him that he'd end up with knee replacement at an early age...sigh.


As far as other towns....our family doc is in our town, Dr. X is in another, and the clinics I have tried to make appointments with are in a third. Short of going out of state??????


Thanks for all the suggestions. We are just making our way down the list of things to try. I really just wondered if this was very common or are we just lucky :D ;)

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This is what I'm thinking. We've spoken with several other people who have had surgery by this doctor, and have had to had 2nd surgeries to fix what was messed up by him. (how does a doc keep his pratice like this?) So now there must be a "don't touch Dr.X's patients" policy around.



Someone probably got sued for trying to "fix" what the first doc did badly. Orthopods all over are very nervous about touching other orthopod's work. It has to do with docs being unable to FIND insurance after a suit, no matter how expensive.

Edited by kalanamak
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They have clinics in South Carolina and Colorado. Dr. Stedman is the orthopedic surgeon for the olympic ski team and has pioneered many "knee-saving" techniques.


We found out about the clinics while in Vail. We met a couple there that was doing their 6 week followup after surgery. His knee had been shattered in a car accident. The first surgeon in St. Louis, where they live, did a poor job repairing the knee and told the husband he would have to learn to live with the pain. The wife was upset because 3 years had gone by and the Dr. just told them there was nothing more to be done. The wife was so mad she couldn't sleep and was watching a show called "Charlie Rose". She said Dr. Stedman was on the show and it was an answer to prayer. She called the next day and got an appt. She said they were treated great even though they are not millionaires and had poor insurance. He said he only needed 2 ibuprofen after the surgery and was totally pain free at the 6 week check. They said Dr. Millet at the clinic was a miracle!


After much research, my Dad is having knee surgery there at the end of July. He has severe arthritis and has needed surgery for at least 7 years but was afraid because so many friends and neighbors had been left disabled due to poor knee surgery. I should add, this is the man who cancelled his Mayo clinic appt.


Since this type of surgery can be life altering, I encourage you to check into this clinic. If you would like the name and number of the couple in St. Louis, I will check with her. I am sure she would be willing to talk to you though because she said she doesn't want anyone to go through what they have with knee surgery.




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