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OH MY....Billy Mays found dead in home....

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That is sad. I know someone who used to work for QVC and has met him numerous times. Every time she mentions working for QVC, she always mentions that she met him and that he was so super nice. That tells you something.


I actually feel a tinge of sadness about his death and I wasn't affected at all by the death of MJ.


My dad just died 2 weeks ago so every time this week that I've heard of a celebrity death, I mostly just start thinking of my dad.

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That is sad. I know someone who used to work for QVC and has met him numerous times. Every time she mentions working for QVC, she always mentions that she met him and that he was so super nice. That tells you something.


I actually feel a tinge of sadness about his death and I wasn't affected at all by the death of MJ.


My dad just died 2 weeks ago so every time this week that I've heard of a celebrity death, I mostly just start thinking of my dad.

I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. Mine died almost 5 yrs. ago, and I went through the same thing you're talking about for quite a while.




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That is sad. I know someone who used to work for QVC and has met him numerous times. Every time she mentions working for QVC, she always mentions that she met him and that he was so super nice. That tells you something.


I actually feel a tinge of sadness about his death and I wasn't affected at all by the death of MJ.


My dad just died 2 weeks ago so every time this week that I've heard of a celebrity death, I mostly just start thinking of my dad.


Kathy, I'm sorry for your loss. :grouphug:

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? who?


Ok, clicked on the link - it is the screaming tv ad guy.

I clicked too, and still don't know who he was.
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That's wild. I wonder if they'll find that the plane's bumping landing contributed to it. When I told my dh about Farrah and Michael, he said, "I wonder who's next. These things always happen in threes." Coincidence, of course, but interesting!




Actually, I had considered Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcet and Michael Jackson to be the three . . . I was totally freaked out to hear about Billy Mays this morning. Too much death talk lately. *SIGH* It's very sad.


I read online that he was hit on the head by something during the landing, and then went home to bed after refusing medical treatment. So sad. Didn't that happen to someone else recently? I can't remember who . . . I think it was a skiing accident. She refused medical treatment and then died the next day.

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Tejas, I think you're thinking of Liam Nieson's wife.


And yes, Billy Mays is a surprise. We had just seen a few of his new "Pitchmen" Shows.


YES! That's who I meant. Thank you.


I had a sit down with Baby Boy this morning and reminded him that all bumps on the head are serious business. No matter how much you think you are all right. A few hours lost in the emergency room are not worth the rest of your entire life.


His poor wife and family. I hate to think of anyone dying no matter how famous, infamous, or unknown. I feel so bad for their family.

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Actually, I had considered Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcet and Michael Jackson to be the three . . . I was totally freaked out to hear about Billy Mays this morning. Too much death talk lately. *SIGH* It's very sad.


I read online that he was hit on the head by something during the landing, and then went home to bed after refusing medical treatment. So sad. Didn't that happen to someone else recently? I can't remember who . . . I think it was a skiing accident. She refused medical treatment and then died the next day.


Ah, yes, so there went dh's theory! ;)



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Didn't that happen to someone else recently? I can't remember who . . . I think it was a skiing accident. She refused medical treatment and then died the next day.

If I recall, she didn't refuse all medical treatment--she was watched by her trainer (possibly some medical personnel??) and when it appeared that she was having trouble, they took her to the hospital.

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I think there's a competitor to the ShamWow that he advertised. Can't remember the name of it. I think Consumer Reports may have compared them (or someone else did).


ETA: it was Zorbeez. Consumer Reports tested the ShamWow, and Popular Mechanics compared the two products and said ShamWow was better.

Edited by gardening momma
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