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Blood in the crib?

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My 16 month old was apparently bleeding in his crib last night and I had no idea and have no clue how or why. I'm guessing there is 1/4-1/2 cup of dried blood on his sheets. He has no injuries, no dried blood anywhere, not even on his clothing. He got up super early today and was acting sleepy but other than that he's been normal.


Any thoughts? Should I be freaking out or keeping an eye on him. I'm waiting for the dr office to reopen for the afternoon so I can speak to a nurse but in the meantime I'm freaking out just a bit.

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Could you not find where he was bleeding from? Dd had blood in her bed when her ear tubes were trying to come out and having trouble doing so. Hope you find out what is wrong and that it's not serious.


Nope. Can't figure it out. I'm hoping I'm not naive in assuming that it wasn't from his ears because there was no dried blood on his ears. I do worry because he is delayed and one of the things causing the delay was fluid in his ears. He's never had an ear infection, just fluid. The last time we checked the fluid was gone but he's still not walking or talking, so maybe the fluid is back and he's infected and not showing symptoms?

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Could he have thrown up? That would drive me crazy. I hope you figure it out soon and that all is well.


Laurel T.


That's what I thought it was at first. We had pasta last night and I thought the red color was from the sauce, but there isn't a chunk to be found and normally vomit ends up all over the front of his pjs, but his clothes are spotless.

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Any new teeth or a spot in his mouth that may be bleeding? Blood mixed with drool may not appear anywhere else if he was laying still.


My first instinct is to think it was this or maybe a nose bleed.

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Could it have been less blood than you are thinking? Liquids really spread out as they soak in. I would guess that a half a cup of liquid would pretty much soak a crib sheet. Even 1/4 a cup would be a VERY big area. Maybe take some milk or water and pour out enough to cover the size spot you saw might help you to determine exactly how much he bled.

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Any new teeth or a spot in his mouth that may be bleeding? Blood mixed with drool may not appear anywhere else if he was laying still.


My first instinct is to think it was this or maybe a nose bleed.


This would be my first thought too. Especially if there was no dried blood on his ears or nose or diaper or anything. Does he/has he been sucking on things?


If he's teething, he may have been sucking on the sheet while he falling asleep. There would be a lot of saliva mixed in then, and it wouldn't take a lot of blood to tint the saliva and then stain the sheets. Especially if it was dried when you noticed it.

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Teething would be my thought too. When Diva was a wee thing, we were at the library, and I was carrying her, so her head was on my shoulder. I hear this *pop* and she began to wail. I looked at her, and she had blood running down her chin! Her first tooth had literally popped through, hence the *pop* noise I'd heard. I asked the librarian for a tissue, and got her cleaned up. Course, the librarian looked at me like I'd been beating her :glare:

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Could it have been less blood than you are thinking? Liquids really spread out as they soak in. I would guess that a half a cup of liquid would pretty much soak a crib sheet. Even 1/4 a cup would be a VERY big area. Maybe take some milk or water and pour out enough to cover the size spot you saw might help you to determine exactly how much he bled.

Yes, and blood spreads much further than other liquids. (You lose less than 1/4 cup with your period, if that gives you a point of reference.)

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Okay, I'm not freaking out anymore. He seems fine. I'm going to assume it was a random nosebleed and won't worry unless it happens again.


You are right. It was probably alot less than I though. The sheets are thin so it would make sense that it would spread out.

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