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Impetigo....Anyone ever contracted it from a tanning bed?

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My daughter and I recently started tanning at a local salon. She had gotten me tanning minutes for Mother's Day last year because we were going to be vacationing in Myrtle Beach so that was a good gift. I hadn't tanned in over 20 years, just not that important to me. Well, as of this past April I still had minutes left so I thought I'd finish using them just to get a little tan started. My daughter has never tanned because I haven't allowed it. She's only 13. After thinking on it for about a week I gave in and told her she could finish my minutes with me.


As we were about to finish our minutes she starts complaining with her scalp itching. She has dry scalp anyways and uses Head n Shoulders so I just thought that was what it was so I switched her to Scalpicin but that actually made it worse. So then I was thinking, okay this isn't normal. I called her pediatrician and she wanted me to bring her in so she could see her. Come to find out, she had impetigo. A fungus. Because people were wiping down the bed and not the pillow in the bed we now have a fungus! I am irate. My husband actually called the salon and talked to the owner but he denies the fact that we contracted it there at his tanning bed. He's never had that problem he said. We know that's not true because the pediatrician told us that was where it probally came from and why would my daughter and me both have impetigo? Neither of us have ever had a fungus.


We are both on an antifungal medicine along with a medicated shampoo. Hers seems to be getting better while mine is not. I called my doctor to see if she can up my dosage but in the mean time is there anything I can use on my scalp , something natural, that could help clear this up? Anyone ever dealt with this? It is absolutely miserable. And gross. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


And please, if you tan, take clorox wipes with you to wipe the bed and the pillow down. Don't trust that it's being done just because. Nine times out of ten the pillow is not getting wiped down like you think. I, on the other hand, will not be tanning for a long while.

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Um, ok... impetigo is bacterial, not fungal. What are they treating you for? :001_huh:


In any event, further irritating your scalp with harsh chemicals will probably only make it worse. It will certainly make it feel worse.


Tea tree, lavender and oregano essential oils are antimicrobial, as is garlic. You can try rinsing your scalp with diluted apple cider vinegar, too.


And, yes, I think this can be slated as reason #487 to avoid tanning beds.

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Yeah, I'll avoid the urge to get up on my soapbox here. Suffice it to say, I had skin cancer when I was 18, after I'd been using the tanning bed for about a year. That cured me real quick!


But anyway, there is definitely a need to take cleaning matters into one's own hands when using shared equipment.


A friend of mine just got MRSA from the gym. And that gym has a particularly good reputation when it comes to its sanitizing procedures. Now he's telling everyone he knows to wipe down every piece of equipment they use at the gym, even the benches. Ugh.

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My ds just had impetigo and the Dr. gave us an oral medicine and told us to put neosporin on the spots if he needed. So maybe you and try some neosporin on one area to see if it helps.


I didn't read the warning label on the medicine and my ds got a bad rash from being out in the sun while he was taking the oral.

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My then-3 yo daughter went to the ped. with what he diagnosed as impetigo 3 separate times. We were beginning to think it was a drug-resistant strain of impetigo because it wasn't getting better with the third antibiotic. Third time, he sent us to the derm. who took one look at it and diagnosed eczema. A steroid cream had it on its way to healing within a day.


So if it's not healing quickly, maybe you're being treated for the wrong thing. Not to alarm you, but has the dr. considered that it could be MRSA?



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So impetigo is bacterial and not fungal?



Here is a link that discusses two different types of impetigo. http://www.medicinenet.com/impetigo/page2.htm


It is possible to have a fungus infection, and then get impetigo in addition to it. But impetigo by itself is caused by either staph and/or strep bacteria. These both live on your skin naturally and in the right circumstances can get a strong foot hold and start a problem.


Try what the physician suggested, but make a dermatologist appointment too. If by the time the derm appointment gets here you are better...just cancel. But if it is not, then I would go see the dermatologist. Some infections of the scalp can lead to both short term and permanent hair loss.

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It is bacterial. Wiki link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impetigo


I had this as a child and it was horrible, much worse than chicken pox. I still have many scars from it today. It is my understanding is that while it is contagious it takes direct skin to skin contact or skin contact with wet material from the sores. So while it is possible that you got it from the pillows it is unlikely as it would have had to be the person that was immediately before you, they would have had to leave wet material from the sores and it would have had to have not had time to dry and be sanitized from the ultra violet rays of the tanning bed. It is much more likely that she got it directly from another person. Of course, I am not a doctor and I can't say this for sure but I would do a little more research on the web. So sorry you are going through this. It is miserable.

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Yes, my daughter is taking Griseofulvin orally and it says to avoid excessive exposure to the sun. So far she hasn't been out in the sun much since she's been taking it.


Impetigo is bacterial. Griseofulvin is an antifungal.


It looks like you are being treated for tinea capitis. One of my dds got this when she was around 4 and it was horrible to get rid of. It's basically ringworm on your scalp. Griseofulvin did not work for her.


I would be annoyed that the doctor told me one thing and treated for another. Can you say 2nd opinion... We ended up at a dermatologist as the ped kept misdiagnosing it!



Edited by Georgia in NC
left out something
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My daughter was put on a antibiotic first and thent the fungal medicine along with the medicate shampoo I believe. I can't remember. She's now just on the fungal medicine and medicated shampoo for a month. I was just put on the fungal medicine. I have taken 11 of the prescribed 14 Ketoconazole pills and mine is not getting better. I'll have to google MRSA to find out what it is, I'm not familiar with it. They haven't mentioned MRSA being the culprit. Just that it looked like a fungus.

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Both doctors told us that it was a fungus. The pediatrician diagnosed it as impetigo due to a staph infection because my daughter had scratch so badly that she had drawn blood. My doctor said that it was a fungus as well. So impetigo is bacterial and not fungal?


Yep. Staph or strep, likeliness of one or the other depending on location. There could be a secondary bacterial infection due to the scratching.


If it's fungal, antibiotics will just provide a better foothold for fungus to colonize, by killing off the bacteria that normally live on the skin.


MRSA is methicillin-resistant staph aureus. It is no longer just hospital acquired; there have been a number of cases in the news over the past couple of years of "C-MRSA", community acquired meth-resistant staph a. Many, many people live with resistant staph a. on their bodies and don't know it until they have a trauma that breaks or otherwise damages the skin. I think a lot of it has to do with the area where you live - I live in chicken country. There is LOTS of resistant stuff floating around here because of the sub-theraputic doeses of antibiotics chickens are fed to promote faster growth. Nice.

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Oh, goodness, I wasn't implying anyone had MRSA! Sorry!


I was just saying that recently it has become a lot more common to catch things from equipment that is shared.


MRSA stands for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. It's a staph infection, very difficult to get rid of and it can be very, very serious. I've had two friends get it in the past year - like I said, one got it from the gym and the other has no idea how he got it.


It's pretty nasty. So please, any time you're using any kind of facility/equipment that is shared by other people, clean it first!

Edited by Highereducation
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My daughter was put on a antibiotic first and thent the fungal medicine along with the medicate shampoo I believe. I can't remember. She's now just on the fungal medicine and medicated shampoo for a month. I was just put on the fungal medicine. I have taken 11 of the prescribed 14 Ketoconazole pills and mine is not getting better. I'll have to google MRSA to find out what it is, I'm not familiar with it. They haven't mentioned MRSA being the culprit. Just that it looked like a fungus.


Really, get into a dermatologist at this point. It's gone on too long from what it sounds like that if it IS something worse, it needs to be correctly diagnosed now.


If you are insistent on not going to a derm - ask the Ped if he can culture it so you know what you are dealing with and get the correct treatment.

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I think I will set up an apt. with a dermatologist like you all have mentioned. I don't want to shell out money for recurrent visits to my regular doctor when I can go to a specialist and take the guess work out of it. Thanks everyone for your advice, I so appreciate it!! I'm certain we'll get through this hopefully. Many thanks! Any more advice would be greatly appreciated in the mean time.

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