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Fruit testing? HELP we poisoned our tree!

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I was sanitizing our rabbit cage outside. Had it sitting with 3-4 cups of Mr. Clean in it, with about the same amount of water. Dh thought it was just water :001_huh: so he poured the entire thing at the base of our plum tree! :willy_nilly:About 4 hours later I noticed it and that's when he told me what he did. I ran outside and flooded the tree with fresh water... but the thing was very thirsty (as in, hadn't watered it at all this year) and had that 4 hours to slurp up Mr.Clean!


The options:

don't eat any of the fruit this year.

have the fruit tested


So where do we go to have fruit tested? I can't fathom feeding my dc fruit that may not be healthy, nor can I fathom giving the fruit away if we can't attest to it's "healthfulness"... or whatever...


What would you do? Who tests fruit? Is there some lab or company that does this? How would I find them?


Any input? :confused:

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Just me, but I believe trees have a spirit.

I'd talk to the tree and love on it and give it some extra nourishment - fish emulsion from Alaska is practically organic.


I would tell the tree I was sorry; it was an accident.

Please still give us healthy food; we love you.


And I would still the fruit.

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Honestly, the amount that actually got to the tree (mostly went in the dirt I expect) is minuscule. If any of the chemical did get to the tree, it is in full leaf right now so that would have been spread all over the entire tree, from the roots, trunk, branches, leaves, and possibly any fruit that is on the tree right now. Then I would expect a lot of that to evaporate. The amount, if any that got to the fruit would be sooooo tiny. I would think that if you used Mr. clean to clean something in your home one time, the amount absorbed through your hands, would be more than you would get by eating All of the affected fruit.


Mr Clean is probably less of a worry than any chemicals used at a orchard anyways!


I would have done just as you have, and flush the ground and water the tree well to get rid of anything extra I can. If you notice your tree dying in a few weeks, I would suspect more got to the tree that expected and wouldn't eat the fruit. Pay attention to the tree and see if it is weary but if it shows no signs of wear and tear....I wouldn't have a problem.

Edited by Tap, tap, tap
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you already diluted it as you cleaned


grass diluted it


soil diluted it


more water from hose diluted it


IF any was absorbed.... the roots, trunk & branches dilute/filter, etc.


if you really don't trust it though.... call your local agriculture university (horticulture dept) OR your local extention agent.


the tree will suffer before you will from eating fruit... but I imagine the ground kept most of the solids...

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I just asked Wolf...He's familiar with how your yard is laid out, and suggests skipping this year's fruit. His other suggestion is keep an eye on the birds in the tree. If they eat the fruit and are fine, you will be too. If your yard suddenly becomes Bird Heaven...you have your answer.

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Just me, but I believe trees have a spirit.

I'd talk to the tree and love on it and give it some extra nourishment - fish emulsion from Alaska is practically organic.


I would tell the tree I was sorry; it was an accident.

Please still give us healthy food; we love you.


And I would still the fruit.


I don't share the same belief about trees having spirits, but all the same - this really made me smile. :)

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Not sure about the Bird Test ... birds can ingest substances that people can't. If you want to do an animal-eats-fruit test, it needs to be something more physical similar to people ... a mammal preferably. Got any annoying neighbor's pets? (Just joking there.)

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If your local Ag type of office can't help you, Primus might be able to point you somewhere if you want it tested...




What is the poison ingestion stuff for Mr. Clean? Or how about asking them - get ahold of the MSDS for it?


Start here - not sure what version you have! LOL!!




From the multi-surface version, sounds like your add lots of water was the key thing to do. Really, septic systems here only need like 12-24" to filter water... the odds are not a lot ended up "doing anything".



Personal Precautions: See Section VIII below.



(household) quantities may be disposed of via sewer with large quantities of water. Incineration is

preferred where permitted.

Methods for Containment: Prevent spills from reaching a waterway.

Methods for Cleanup: Use water spray to dilute and/or wash away spills to avoid exposure and to

protect persons working to stop/repair leak. Absorb spilled product onto absorbent material.

Other Information: (if applicable) N/A


Edited by TraceyS/FL
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I agree with the idea that the absorbed amount from actually using the Mr. Clean or touching what was cleaned is probably greater than the amount that the fruit would have in it. I do understand the worry though as some of our tomato plants were in the path of spray when the bug guy was here (carpenter ants were eating our porch and garage). We tossed those plants, but they are so much smaller than a plum tree.


Hopefully you can save your fruit. If the extension office does not know where to test fruit or a local nursery, then I have no idea who would know.

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Thank you everyone for your advice, even the goofy advice! :lol: I think plum-scented cleaning products are a great idea! ;)


Thank you for those links Tracey, I'll look into that!


I'm still slapping my forehead. This has been a lingering Homer Simpson D'OH! moment here.

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