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Okay, I'm just going to ask....


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I have a bit of a background in French, so I actually had that one right. Good to know! :D


BUT, does anyone know how to pronounce Ecce Romani? Well, the Romani part I get. But how does one say "ecce"? I have no experience with Latin, I'm learning it alongside my dd. The pronunciation guide in the front of our book does not say anything about what to do with two c's in a row! I'm thinking of buying this program, but it's rather embarassing not even knowing how to say it! :lol:

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"Doe-lair" is the correct pronunciation. The name is French (although it's usually "de Saint Aulaire" not D'Aulaire) and "au" in French is pronounced like a long "o": faux (foe), plateau (pla-toe), chauffeur (sho-fur), etc.


Edgar D'Aulaire's mother's maiden name was actually Auler, but she "europeanized" it to D'Aulaire when she moved to Paris. Edgar decided to use his mother's maiden name as his last name, and his father's surname (Parin) as his middle name.



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"Doe-lair" is the correct pronunciation. The name is French (although it's usually "de Saint Aulaire" not D'Aulaire) and "au" in French is pronounced like a long "o": faux (foe), plateau (pla-toe), chauffeur (sho-fur), etc.


Edgar D'Aulaire's mother's maiden name was actually Auler, but she "europeanized" it to D'Aulaire when she moved to Paris. Edgar decided to use his mother's maiden name as his last name, and his father's surname (Parin) as his middle name.



Well, my grandmother's name is Fernande' Rondineau [fair nond Ron din o]. So I had it! I wasn't sure if D'Aulaire was French though. You should here people butcher my middle names! :lol:
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BUT, does anyone know how to pronounce Ecce Romani? Well, the Romani part I get. But how does one say "ecce"? I have no experience with Latin, I'm learning it alongside my dd. The pronunciation guide in the front of our book does not say anything about what to do with two c's in a row! I'm thinking of buying this program, but it's rather embarassing not even knowing how to say it! :lol:


I would pronounce it "etch'-ay". At least, that's how I'd sing it!



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