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Anyone have 2 washers and 2 dryers?

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My mom and dad are moving in with us in the fall, and we'll have space for two washers and two dryers (stackable). My question for those who have a similar setup, what modifications had to be made to the washer/dryer hookups to make this happen? Also, did your drain line have to be modified to allow for the possibility of both washers draining at the same time? Any advice or warnings would be helpful.

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Got a friend with 5 kids... she uses 2 washers but only 1 dryer.... she uses the line to supplement drying & keep costs down.


She feels it is super helpful & a great blessing. Wish I had more info for you.


Just to ask... do your parents need to wash that many clothes? Could they not use yours? The utilities may shock you.... that might be the biggest negative.

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Guest Katia

Yes, I do.


I have one set (washer/dryer) in my kitchen and one set in my basement. The one in the basement has a very large capacity so I use it mostly for sheets/blankets/bedspreads. But, when my dad comes to stay and all the dc are home from college/work for the holidays (or like now in the summer), I use them both pretty consistently.


I don't have an extra drain. They use the same but we haven't had any problem with overflow. It's like if we use the clothes washer, dishwasher and shower at the same time; it's the same drain but there is no overflow....so we just make sure not to use other water appliances when I use both washing machines.


If you're worried at all about the drain, just go for an extra dryer. Washing goes so much faster than drying, but you can almost keep up with the drying if you use two dryers at the same time.


I love having two sets! Too bad I had to wait until I'd been married 26 years before we got them, as I sure could have used two when the dc were little and all at home.

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Why 2 of each? Well, there's 7 in our family, plus my parents. It seems like I constantly have a load running. I often throw one in and leave home. It can sit for a while before I transfer to the dryer. I'm picturing my mom and I moving one another's piles of laundry around because we keep finding each other's clothes sitting in either the washer or dryer. My turnaround time on laundry isn't that great, so I would like the added convenience of two. My parents both agree and are willing to buy one complete set. Now it's just a matter of getting it all set up.

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Why 2 of each? Well, there's 7 in our family, plus my parents. It seems like I constantly have a load running. I often throw one in and leave home. It can sit for a while before I transfer to the dryer. I'm picturing my mom and I moving one another's piles of laundry around because we keep finding each other's clothes sitting in either the washer or dryer. My turnaround time on laundry isn't that great, so I would like the added convenience of two. My parents both agree and are willing to buy one complete set. Now it's just a matter of getting it all set up.


Sounds great! I have to admit the last 2 weeks of having to go to the laundromat have been good - get it all done in two hours! When I have a washer and dryer I have to do 2 loads a day to keep up.

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Get a front loader.....that serves the purpose of two washing machines....right there.


From reading some of the threads here about laundry....people wash clothes that would be considered 'clean' in my house. I think if you need to wash clothes every day.....something is wrong (not unless you have 10 kids or soemthing, LOL).



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help avoid any potential problems that could pop up having 2 families living under one roof. No matter how big the home, if the bathrooms are limited and the washer/dryer are always in use, there could be some built up resentment from even the most patient. So much depends on personality. My parents are wonderful - we love 'em. But if they had to wait 3 hours to use the washer when they wanted clean sheets NOW... That would clearly bother them (they aren't used to waiting anymore!) that would put me under a cloud all day. Especially since my own personal laundry gets done last every week (if it even gets done). I think having 2 sets is a GREAT idea - especially with a family that large. I suppose if you decide against it you could have a posted schedule that might make it more manageable?

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Get a front loader.....that serves the purpose of two washing machines....right there.


From reading some of the threads here about laundry....people wash clothes that would be considered 'clean' in my house. I think if you need to wash clothes every day.....something is wrong (not unless you have 10 kids or soemthing, LOL).




I have 7 dc, and when we were in FL for 10 days, we did do a lot less laundry! There isn't any mud there (there is a ton here!) I probably did a load every other day down there.


Are you saying that will be normal?!?!?!:D:D:D

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Get a front loader.....that serves the purpose of two washing machines....right there.


From reading some of the threads here about laundry....people wash clothes that would be considered 'clean' in my house. I think if you need to wash clothes every day.....something is wrong (not unless you have 10 kids or soemthing, LOL).




How does a front loader serve the purpose of two washing machines? I mean, I have one, I love it, but I don't find it insanely fast or anything.

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Well I can put two of my old washing machine loads in one load of my front loader.....that is how :)


I do probably do way too much laundry. But my 5 kids are all boys (think smelly!) My current top loader was the largest capacity available back when I bought it. For my situation, I agree with Dana Lynne who mentioned the logistics of two people wanting to do laundry at the same time. Laundry is already somewhat of a burden for me. But sharing that washer/dryer set with my folks just seems like it would increase the tension. And as I said earlier, they'll be paying for one complete set. And as far as the utilities that someone else mentioned, I'm not sure how that cost would increase. If we're always washing and drying full loads, wouldn't the cost be the same whether we're spreading those loads out over two sets versus one? Same amount of laundry, just getting it done in a shorter period of time. :thumbup:

Edited by ThelmaLou
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Washing goes so much faster than drying, but you can almost keep up with the drying if you use two dryers at the same time.


Are yours front loaders or top loaders? I'm wondering if the washing cycle is any different for front loaders. My top loader finishes pretty quickly.

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I dream about two sets too!


We have six people in our family, dh is a machinist and my kids get dirty playing. I get dirty gardening and keeping up with the 3+ acre yard.


There is no where in my house where another set would fit though.


I *do* love my front loader. I still do 2-3 loads every other day or so.

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Why 2 of each? Well, there's 7 in our family, plus my parents. It seems like I constantly have a load running. I often throw one in and leave home. It can sit for a while before I transfer to the dryer. I'm picturing my mom and I moving one another's piles of laundry around because we keep finding each other's clothes sitting in either the washer or dryer. My turnaround time on laundry isn't that great, so I would like the added convenience of two. My parents both agree and are willing to buy one complete set. Now it's just a matter of getting it all set up.


I thought a big family might be in the equation! You will need it!;)

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We do. For the exact same reasons as you. My in-laws moved in with us. We already had two dryers (one was here when we moved in and dh wanted to keep it and hook up our larger one). When my in-laws moved in we added hook-up for their washer so that we would not have to worry about having laundry in our washer when they wanted to do laundry and vice versa. It helps make things a little more sane.


We did a few things in preparation, for one, we had new water lines run from our house to the main out front. We live in a 100 year old house and the lines had some seriously clogged arteries. We thought about getting a larger water heater but didn't have the funds. I'm glad now that we did not b/c we don't run out too often.


Another thing we did was to hook up the dryers to the same vent with a Y-shaped connector. The only thing with this is that when you turn a dryer on, the air "fills up" the other dryer and then goes out the vent. B/c the air is moist air from the clothes, it will add moisture to the other dryer. This is only a problem if the unused dryer is full of dry clothes. Those previously dry clothes become slightly moist and can then start to smell mildewy (ask me how I know). There are several work arounds to this problem, the most obvious being, fold my dry clothes :D.


We also have a separate little laundry shelf for each "household" so they don't have to worry about us using all their detergent or bleach and vice versa.


ETA: we have a double utility sink in the basement between the washers, each washer drains into it's own side.

Edited by urban mama
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Get a front loader.....that serves the purpose of two washing machines....right there.


From reading some of the threads here about laundry....people wash clothes that would be considered 'clean' in my house. I think if you need to wash clothes every day.....something is wrong (not unless you have 10 kids or soemthing, LOL).




I have the largest capacity front loader too and it doesn't help either. My old top loader had a huge capacity and I would never be able to fit 2 of those loads into my current machine.


We are planning on getting a second set here as well, but not until we move (in a year and a half!!!). With little kids, it's hard to keep clothes clean for a second wearing around here.


A friend has 2 sets and loves it. She has 6 kids and says she's done in about 2-3 hours. Sounds fabulous to me!!!!


Liz in NC

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I have the largest capacity front loader too and it doesn't help either. My old top loader had a huge capacity and I would never be able to fit 2 of those loads into my current machine.


We are planning on getting a second set here as well, but not until we move (in a year and a half!!!). With little kids, it's hard to keep clothes clean for a second wearing around here.


A friend has 2 sets and loves it. She has 6 kids and says she's done in about 2-3 hours. Sounds fabulous to me!!!!


Liz in NC


I have 7 kids, but the only thing about laundry that takes me any time is the folding of the clean laundry. Unfortunately I tend to pile it on the couch and wait until Mt. St. Laundry threatens to topple over before I do something about it, or my dh folds it (he hates it piled up.)


So, I guess in my case it wouldn't save any time because folding the laundry and putting it away takes the same amount of time whether I have 1 set or 2!:D What I need is to teach my children to fold their own and put it away and then I wouldn't have to worry about it, huh? (I mean the 5 that are 8 and under - my 2 oldest do their own laundry.)

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