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Are there pencil grips that make them hold the pencil properly?

Renee in NC

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My 11yo is most likely dysgraphic and one of his problems (among many) with writing is that his pencil grip is so bad. Getting him to change it is not as easy as just making him do it - trust me. I have used the HWOT method of flipping the pencil to make him initially hold it right, but he quickly shifts it back to his normal position.


If his handwriting were better and he could write without his hand getting tired so fast, I wouldn't worry. However, even a page in HWOT tires his hand quickly and you can tell by how sloppy he gets after the first couple of lines.


So, I thought a pencil grip that would prevent him from holding it badly would be the best. Anyone have one they like?

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I second the crossover grip. There is a ridge in the middle that prevents the thumb crossing over to the finger side.


Pocket Full of Therapy also has the best selection of grips I know of. If you scroll down the page, you will see pictures of them. The PFOT people are also helpful over the phone.



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I have one kid who likes the cross-over grip and another who likes the stetro grip. I'd recommend getting a few different types and testing them out to see what works best.


The cross-over is great for my ds6 who tend to cross the thumb over, and the stetro grip is better for my dd4 who has trouble placing her middle finger correctly. I've been googling around for these recently actually....they tend to get lost in the couch cushions;)




I've struggled with my ds....I've found good progress using these too. http://www.rainbowresource.com/product/Easy+Grip+Triangle+Colored+Pencils+-+Set+of+10/029981/1244902255-1722786 These not only help with grip, but that thick colored lead is encouraging for a kid with less fm control.

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A lot of people like the C.L.A.W., but my daughter didn't. We got the set of 7 from Peterson handwriting, the one that worked in K didn't work in 1st, she liked the EZ grip last year and the solo grip this year. (Well, liked is a strong word. Tolerated is a better fit.)


I wish RR had more choices, I spent a bunch in postage ordering all the grips trying to find one that would work. (I lost my original set of 7 and ended up ordering a new one as well as the CLAW. The original set was a casualty of our last move.) Ironically, the solo grip was available at a local educational store here but I didn't think it worked because I tried it out on my fingers--it's so small, it only fits on a child's finger's. Silly me. I should have asked for help instead of assuming they had a bad grip, I would have saved a lot of postage.

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