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Postal price freak out!

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So, I was in the middle of ordering the Geopuzzles from Timberdoodle, which is a silly name, but they have great looking puzzles. I had my little heart set on them, because I've searched high and low and been able to find nothing else even remotely useful. Then they say they are going to charge me US$175 for postage! I most certainly don't need them to arrive in the next week. I'm quite happy to pay "low fee but we're going to take forever to arrive" postal prices, but was that an option? No! I've emailed them, so cross your fingers they can managed something more reasonable, or inform me of an Australian supplier, coz I really want those puzzles :)




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Would a Canadian company be likely to have better shipping rates?



I presume you have checked with Australian puzzle distributors? I'm not having a lot of luck finding those at the moment, but might be easier for you.


Have you tried emailing the manufacturer (http://www.geotoystore.com) and asking if they have any other non-US retailers?


Here's a possibility---Toys R Us carries them in the US http://www.toysrus.com/search/index.jsp?kwCatId=&kw=geopuzzle&origkw=geopuzzle&f=Taxonomy/TRUS/2254197&sr=1 It looks like they have some stores in Australia---could you get it through them? I don't see a way to search their inventory through the Australian site to find out. Perhaps they could special order them for you?

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Oh, I can SO understand to your frustration!


There are a couple of things from Timberdoodle and others we're living without because the shipping costs are so ridiculous.


Lulu.com is charging $38 for shipping on a $25 book I desperately want, but I just can't justify the cost.


We started with Singapore's Primary Math and as we are happy with it, I don't want to change midway through. The same with Latina Christiana. It more than doubles the costs of the books. And they're not available locally.

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Have you priced having the items shipped to a friend or relative in the States..... then have them ship it to you?


Sometimes business add a good bit to shipping costs & it might add up differrently trying another method.


Not sure, just an idea!


We used to send supplies to Haiti for a Pastor. Now, they want $250-$500 per box :001_huh:... it is heartbreaking. Haiti is closer to me than New York City.

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How about this place:



International Fees:

Orders under $25: $15 standard shipping

Orders from $25 to $60: $25 standard shipping

Orders over $60: $30 standard shipping




has them too; I added one to my cart and the price to ship to Australia was more than that store (above), around $45 for one puzzle, but certainly less than $175!

Edited by stripe
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I was at a conference with Timberdoodle this weekend and asked about your situation and they said they are really frustrated too, but have no other options right now. I was hoping that seeing someone face to face may get a different option or suggestion for you...but alas...no luck.



Are there any other companies in Europe that can ship to you or is that just as expensive/more expensive? Sounds like you and other hsers need to get together and group buy some items and see if you can have it sent via freight! Maybe you can get someone to fly it in for you like a 'homeschool mule' LOL.

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I was at a conference with Timberdoodle this weekend and asked about your situation and they said they are really frustrated too, but have no other options right now. I was hoping that seeing someone face to face may get a different option or suggestion for you...but alas...no luck.



I emailed them, and they got back to me this morning saying there's no way known shipping would have been $175 and it was a bug in the program, and they wish they could offer surface shipping but USPS doesn't do it any more so they can't! What can we do? Start an international homeschoolers petition to the USPS? Heheh.


Thanks for thinking of us "off coast" people :)



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I goofed on an ebay listing a while back and ended up paying the buyer $15 to take my toy off of my hands :banghead: because I listed "first class mail" as an option. Bah -- I was too quick to list and I didn't do a thorough proofing job of the listing. I had to ship the toy priority mail as first class mail doesn't even allow you to ship an item over about 1 pound. No wonder the USPS is thinking about dropping Saturday delivery...most people are choosing UPS and FedEx for their shipping needs.


Hope it works out Rosie! Those puzzles are SOOOOO cool. I have one on my Timberdoodle wish list.

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I emailed them, and they got back to me this morning saying there's no way known shipping would have been $175 and it was a bug in the program, and they wish they could offer surface shipping but USPS doesn't do it any more so they can't! What can we do? Start an international homeschoolers petition to the USPS? Heheh.


Thanks for thinking of us "off coast" people :)




So, what shipping options are there from the US to Australia?

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Oh Woe! They won't ship internationally through Amazon! Grr. I'll have to wait and see if Timberdoodle get back to me with reasonable postage.





Yes, things can be shipped flat rate international for about $30-50, I think it depends on the size of the box. If these puzzles fit in any of those boxes, beg Timberdoodle to get one and tell them you will inform all your Australian friends what a wonderful company they are...and that you have many well-heeled friends! :tongue_smilie:

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