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Did you particiapte in the census?

Did you participate in the census?  

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I blew it off because we have been so busy with the move. But some guy from the Census Bureau showed up at the house earlier this week while I was gone. He opened my front door and left a letter on the floor (kids were playing outside next door) He then walked around to the back of my house and went in my backyard! We got a letter a few days later that said we are required by law to fill it out. I was livid! My neighbor ran him off, but he went in my house and my backyard!

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We were selected to complete the "American Community Survey" which is somehow required by law, and apparently some sort of "pre-census" (correct me anyone if I am wrong about that). How is a "pre-census" the census?


I completed it on behalf of our family, and they must not have liked some of my answers, because we got follow-up calls. We have caller ID so I just ignored the phone! I thought the questions asked were WAY too personal: how much do we spend on utilities, how many hours do we commute, HOW do we commute (bike, car, rail, etc), how many kids do we have in school, how many hours a week do we work, how much did we pay for our home, how much do we pay for insurance on our home, on and on and on... and they asked the names of all living in the home, children included.


If you wish, convince me as to why the government needs to know so much about our personal lives?


Have I gotten political here?

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We were selected to complete the "American Community Survey" which is somehow required by law, and apparently some sort of "pre-census" (correct me anyone if I am wrong about that). How is a "pre-census" the census?


I completed it on behalf of our family, and they must not have liked some of my answers, because we got follow-up calls. We have caller ID so I just ignored the phone! I thought the questions asked were WAY too personal: how much do we spend on utilities, how many hours do we commute, HOW do we commute (bike, car, rail, etc), how many kids do we have in school, how many hours a week do we work, how much did we pay for our home, how much do we pay for insurance on our home, on and on and on... and they asked the names of all living in the home, children included.


If you wish, convince me as to why the government needs to know so much about our personal lives?


Have I gotten political here?



This is one of my issues. They want names, birthdays, income amounts, what we pay for our bills...It's 28 pages long! There are 7 of us in this family and it's taking forever!

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That is Obama at work... they have worked to change the census collection by door to door and want it run out of the White House (not from the non-partisan dept who traditionally handles it - I can't remember the name - sorry).

Census worker pulled up in my yard, but I have 4 dogs & thankfully the young lass was afraid of them. Yeah! Good job pooches!!!:D


I believe in a census count for our representative government. However, they have abused it for a long time and it is getting even more invasive. They are wanting every house confirmed with GPS (something of this nature) and they want to walk around your house to get an estimate on size, etc. It is none of their dang business if I live in a grass hut or brick mansion.


I will MAIL a reply to them (if they send it) and only with population numbers of my household. The rest is off limits to BIG BROTHER BARAK (or GEORGE or BILL, etc)


A friend of mine had the census worker threaten him with her "FEDERAL GOV"T STATUS". He told her it was his property & she was not paying for it or paying the taxes... therefore she immediately should remove herself from his property! She again used FEDERAL EMPLOYEE to try to humble him. He told her to leave & walked to his truck. She finally gave up & left.

Edited by Dirtroad
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they have worked to change the census collection by door to door



Sorry, can you help me out here? I'm a little lost. What the others above you have said is what I experienced in 2000 when they came around my house. I was given a huge packet to fill out and return (required by law) and it asked the same questions that are listed above- utilities, household income, etc. Now that I think about it, I had one after DD1 was born also- living in our own home not a rental at that point, different town. Seems the same to me.

How has it changed? Wait- no, I change my mind- I am SO lost.

I had no idea they were doing a census this year, they aren't due are they until 2010?


BTW- I remember on one of the forms, the explanation was that they needed to know where & how they needed to provide assistance for utilities, etc. I could be mistaken with this exactly. I did have a newborn and was likely sleep deprived when the second one rolled around.

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That is Obama at work... they have worked to change the census collection by door to door and want it run out of the White House (not from the non-partisan dept who traditionally handles it - I can't remember the name - sorry).

Census worker pulled up in my yard, but I have 4 dogs & thankfully the young lass was afraid of them. Yeah! Good job pooches!!!:D


I believe in a census count for our representative government. However, they have abused it for a long time and it is getting even more invasive. They are wanting every house confirmed with GPS (something of this nature) and they want to walk around your house to get an estimate on size, etc. It is none of their dang business if I live in a grass hut or brick mansion.


I will MAIL a reply to them (if they send it) and only with population numbers of my household. The rest is off limits to BIG BROTHER BARAK (or GEORGE or BILL, etc)


A friend of mine had the census worker threaten him with her "FEDERAL GOV"T STATUS". He told her it was his property & she was not paying for it or paying the taxes... therefore she immediately should remove herself from his property! She again used FEDERAL EMPLOYEE to try to humble him. He told her to leave & walked to his truck. She finally gave up & left.



No, I remember census takers hunting people down during the first Bush administration 20 years ago. If the census is directed and used in a partisan manner, there is equal opportunity in this behavior depending on what party is in.

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I had a very nice lady come to the door, she had her GPS thing. She didn't want to walk around our house, she said her job was to go to the front door of the houses and mark the spot - with the correct addy. She was perplexed with ours because she had used the addy someplace else - and the spot wasn't making any sense.


Our address was changed and the house wouldn't have been "counted" 10 years ago at this addy. I helped her figure out where to go for the "mess" next door too.


But no forms here - and i'd be reporting someone to the local office for entering my home/opening the door. Heck, you wouldn't have wanted to be the mom of the kid that did that on Halloween one year - and that was a KID wanting candy (porch light OUT since we'd ran out of candy, we didn't answer the door so he OPENED IT).

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Sorry, can you help me out here? I'm a little lost. What the others above you have said is what I experienced in 2000 when they came around my house. I was given a huge packet to fill out and return (required by law) and it asked the same questions that are listed above- utilities, household income, etc. Now that I think about it, I had one after DD1 was born also- living in our own home not a rental at that point, different town. Seems the same to me.

How has it changed? Wait- no, I change my mind- I am SO lost.

I had no idea they were doing a census this year, they aren't due are they until 2010?


BTW- I remember on one of the forms, the explanation was that they needed to know where & how they needed to provide assistance for utilities, etc. I could be mistaken with this exactly. I did have a newborn and was likely sleep deprived when the second one rolled around.


It has been "evolving" for a very long time. However, lately, there has been a much heated debate/controversy over how invasive it is getting, who will conduct it (Obama wants the White House to do it), and what all Uncle Sam wants from you. The Census is not wrong... it is needed for knowing how many reps in Congress we need. However, the powers in charge are getting greedier & nosier. Obama is the latest! (Notice I said it was any of George or Bills business either).


The utility analysis may be the excuse, but it is still invasive & NOT the intent or reason for our census. I don't buy it at all.


Some areas have had door to door. Most do not. Obama's involvement is to take it to every door. This had many hispanics mad (in the news months back) and many people who are weary of too much government, etc.


They are overstepping their bounds. They only need to know how many live in your house to meet the requirements set up "in the beginning". Why should they care how many toilets I have or what my education is? It is irrelevant to my voting for a congressman..... unless they need it to "profile or catalog me" for future desires, taxes, etc.

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Wow, just read through the replies here and I had no idea about the controversy. Filling out a (one page) form with basic demographic data is one thing, but there is no way I'd let someone into my house to "evaluate" it! Neither do I plan to fill out 28 pages. Geesh.... :glare:


I don't remember it being so involved last time. :confused:

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