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I need book referral for children with anxiety issues

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My 10yod struggles with anxiety and I need practical ideas of how to help her cope, de-stress, and relax. Daily I find myself telling her to "take a deep breath or two", try to relax, everything's going to be ok. But she tends, at times - not always, to fixate on whatever issue is bothering her. This week has been a bad week. I've been sick in bed for most of it. My dh is out of state working, our cat is missing and we think is probably dead, and dd had a doctor's appointment on Thursday that required bloodwork that very nearly sent her over the edge. She's needle-phobic and when she found out the lab didn't have numbing spray she went into a complete panic attack. This breaks my heart to see this. It's draining and I confess I get tired and at times don't deal well with it. I personally have a propensity for stress/anxiety/depression, but I guess I've learned to hide it better (or at least recognize it when it's happening). I'm not sure I can say myself that I've learned how to cope with it. I don't expect dd to hide it - I don't want her to hide it at all, but I definately want to help her. Anybody...? Book recommendations?


One last thing....my dd in general is a very happy, outgoing, social little thing. She likes school except for math, she loves playing with her friends, she gets lots of exercise, and we're on a healthy diet of protein, complex carbs, fruits and vegies.

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I have given my daughter books from the library and she reads them but it hasn't helped much. My dd is older and we will be looking for a psychologist soon. I know I need to help her with these anxiety issues before college. (SHe has issues with spiders, space, infinity, etc, etc)

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While there's enough going on there to play havoc with any little kid, and 10 is still pretty little, it may well be dietary. Anxiety can result from a lack of good fats in the diet. Try reading New Vital Oils and The Jungle Effect for more info. I'm sure there are other books, but these are my two favourites. Try introducing some cold pressed oils to her diet and lay on the avocado.



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Perhaps you could try searching for one of the books by this author http://www.amazon.com/Earthlight-Maureen-Garth/dp/0717127788/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1244316367&sr=1-3 You could adjust the stories and visualizations as fits your particular family etc. but I found these really beneficial for my son. He would be wound up so tight at bed time that he just could not settle. He loved the stories, the visualizations and the process of releasing the tension in each body part.


Perhaps if your daughter tried some of these at night time you could use them or refer to them during the day?

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One search led to another on Amazon yesterday and I found both these titles and requested them through our library. I'm glad to see that I'm on the right track. Thank you! :001_smile:

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Thank you for the referrals Rosie. I'll definitely explore her diet a little more (which is probably a good idea for me too).


I have suffered from anxiety attacks all of my life and have tried medications to no avail. I found out 1 year ago that almost all of my anxiety attacks are caused by dairy. I would consider an elimination diet to see if she is allergic to something.

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I have suffered from anxiety attacks all of my life and have tried medications to no avail. I found out 1 year ago that almost all of my anxiety attacks are caused by dairy. I would consider an elimination diet to see if she is allergic to something.


I'll look into this. I'd like to get the upper hand on dd's anxiety sooner rather than later. Thank you.

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I highly recommend EFT for this. You can read more about it here. It's basically like a needle-free version of acupuncture. It balances the system and is amazing for release of emotional issues. It's very quick to learn, and is something she can do herself whenever she feels a need. This is one of my default approaches any time I'm bothered by just about anything!


Please feel free to PM me if you have any questions. Love and light to you both!

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If your child suffers from anxiety she may well deal with this her entire life so the sooner she learns ways of managing it the better. Many people have made some great book suggestions but may I also recommend that she get started pretty soon with relaxation training, biofeedback, visualization and meditation. These give you the tools to actually physically effect your bodily responses to stress. Once you have learned to do this you mind will fall in line. One particular thing that I have found helpful at least in the beginning is to have my hubby with me and focusing my complete attention to looking into his eyes and trying to regulate my breathing to his own while he is guiding me with a calming voice. If you spend a good six months or so on this and are not making any progress what-so-ever then perhaps look into a mild anti-anxiety medication to help with the calming until she can make firm connections with being calm while trying to induce calming states. This will help build muscle memories and then eventually she will be able to do with meds. This is actually one of the easier psychological issues to deal with. Good luck.

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If your child suffers from anxiety she may well deal with this her entire life so the sooner she learns ways of managing it the better. Many people have made some great book suggestions but may I also recommend that she get started pretty soon with relaxation training, biofeedback, visualization and meditation. These give you the tools to actually physically effect your bodily responses to stress. Once you have learned to do this you mind will fall in line.


I personally can really relate to this. Thank you so much - I definitely need to see the bigger picture in this. I agree if she can't control her physical reaction to stress (which I struggle with too) the mind will be of no help.

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