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How far will you drive for religious services?

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Guest Virginia Dawn

It takes us 50 minutes, 15 of that on a ferry, to get to the church we attend. There is one only 25 minutes away, but we would not be happy there.

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We wouldn't, but that's just us. When our pastor left the denomination that DH's whole family is members of, we "should have" started driving an hour and 15 minutes to another church of this denomination, but we did not do it. Instead we became a Christian church with our pastor. We are pretty much the black sheep in the family, but we are happy and the main reason we left the denomination is because of the fellowship issues. Anyway, we would not drive an hour because we like to be involved on Wednesday nights and other times and driving that much would not allow us to do that, besides it's getting pretty costly.



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Yes, we've always been willing to drive right past local churches if a church that we loved was further away.

For six years I drove 25 minutes to my church because I loved it (not especially because of the leader, but because of the people and the teaching quality.) There was a similar church only 7 minutes away, but I visited it and didn't have the same "feel."


We're doing the same thing now with our new church (Calvary Chapel). The drive is only about 20 minutes, but there are (I think) two other Calvary Chapels that are actually closer. But we like this one a lot, so we're sticking with it.


We'd be willing to drive up to 45 minutes for a church, I think. I wouldn't want a longer commute because we like to attend things besides the Sunday service, and it would be harder to do so if the drive was really long.

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Before we moved, church was 5 min. away, then we moved and we kept going even though it was 40 min. away. It was well worth it. Then things changed, leadership (if you can call it that!) changed and well...we stopped going. We found a church 10 min. from home and tried it for a few months...it just wasn't a good fit. So, now, we go to a church that is 30 min. away and we do co-op there on Tuesdays as well. For now...it's worth it.

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We have done the 30 minute or so thing before. With as much as we like to be involved in our church and its community, that doesn't work well. It doesn't allow us to be as involved as we would prefer. The driving, though it doesn't seem like 'that' much, really wears on us before too long.


We have also driven closer to 1.5 hr, but that was just to hear some 'good preaching' while we were between churches. We weren't looking for that to be our 'home'. It was simply to refresh us as we started out on our venture of finding a new church locally.


We prefer to be 'right there' within the community. It's easier on us..getting this size of a crew up and out in the mornings is quite a chore ya know ;) and it better enables us to do the church's work where it sits.


But we're also the folks who moved to allow us to get out of that 30 minute drive ;) And now we have moved 7+ HOURS to attend a church where we are comfortable and in which we can serve. We just so happen to have already been friends with the pastor :p

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>Yes, we've always been willing to drive right past local churches if a church >that we loved was further away.


I think that is a good reason, but it is very hard to participate and be a part of a church community if you are really far away and for me that is as important as listening to a sermon, singing, and fellowshipping for a very short amount of time once a week. I can do that at home.

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When we left our old church we tried one that was a half hour away, and we just couldn't do it. We liked it, but we found one much (like 3 minutes) away that we didn't like quite as much, but worked better. I like that my kids are in with kids on their soccer team and kids in their neighborhood. Otherwise, all the friends they meet are also on the other side of town. And, I am *NOT* one to drive across town for a play date. Just ain't gonna happen! :-)

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When we lived in central Florida, we drove over a half hour to our church even though there was another church of the same denomination less than two miles from our home. There were others in that congregation who came from farther away than us and passed 3 churches from that denomination to get there. If ever I felt that I had a church home, this church would be it. We still make a point to visit when we are in the area and remain close with many of the families there.

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We have hardly ever lived close to church. Currently, we live 16 miles from church. That's a 30 minute drive with traffic. What it means is that if we want to be involved (we do) we invest in gas, get in the car, and go.


It helps now that our son can drive himself to his activities.


The down side is that it is harder to invite folks over for Sunday lunch or host a women's tea or something. Some folks think we live on the edge of the world. We don't. We have in the past so that's how I know the difference. :D

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Yes, if it made the difference between getting something out of the service/homily and merely taking up space on the pew. Some people talk directly to your heart and others can't quite reach that place. Don't let proximity limit your religious experience.

Not sure I would be willing to drive from NJ to Va weekly, though, per the above poster's comment. :)

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Yes. You will drive... let's see... 45 minutes to my church. You will. You know you want to. :-) You could even come to Jewish services on alternate Fridays at Makom Ohr Shalom! How's that for one stop shopping! (I did tell you that Rabbi Debra is awesome, right?)


I'm kidding, of course, but in general there is something about a good fellowship that makes it worth the drive. We actually live 25 minutes or so from the church I serve, and we make the kids listen to "A Prarie Home Companion" on the way home. We love it, they complain, but we figure some day they'll hear Garrison Keillor and it will make them homesick for the good old days of mom and dad and Sunday mornings.


Love ya, Michelle!

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We drive 20 min now are we are some of the closest to our church. We have families over an hour away. We have friend that drive over 4 hours each way to church. That I cannot imagine. They are happy with the arrangement for now. They have been doing this for a few years. The time driving out is very special to them. They are praying about moving. The gas cost is huge.



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Yes. You will drive... let's see... 45 minutes to my church. You will. You know you want to. :-) You could even come to Jewish services on alternate Fridays at Makom Ohr Shalom! How's that for one stop shopping! (I did tell you that Rabbi Debra is awesome, right?)


I'm kidding, of course, but in general there is something about a good fellowship that makes it worth the drive. We actually live 25 minutes or so from the church I serve, and we make the kids listen to "A Prarie Home Companion" on the way home. We love it, they complain, but we figure some day they'll hear Garrison Keillor and it will make them homesick for the good old days of mom and dad and Sunday mornings.


Love ya, Michelle!


I did attend a service at Makom Ohr Shalom. It didn't even occur to me until I was halfway there that it was your church!


Rabbi Debra is good, and I did enjoy the service, although I haven't managed to go again. My DH is so resistant to synagogue, because he can't stand not understanding the Hebrew.


Anyway, there is another temple in Encino I'm curious about.

Michelle T

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Definitely. My wife and I both do this. I've driven as much as two hours to a service, though not every week.


Edited to add: I should mention that the reason we both travel is not just that we like the leadership of the distant churches better, but because the nearby churches don't offer solid orthodox teaching.

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We currently drive 45 minutes every week. We go on Saturday and Sunday, but I refuse to go a third time each week. I'd really like for the girls to attend some of the other activities, but I won't because of the drive. We'll see how that plays out as they become teens and have friends in the congregation.


There are several other congregations nearby, but they are much smaller, and we like where we are at. We once tried one of the smaller congregations and it didn't work out.

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DH & I would, but with the children, we prefer something closer to home. That way it is easier for them to participate in various activities with their friends. As of right now, we live less than 5 minutes (I can see the church from our bedroom window) from it. With increasing gas prices, it makes it easier for the girls (and I) to participate in activities. As it is, we are there Monday & Thursday, and alot of her friends from church are in her homeschool co-op. Fortunately, we like the church overall.

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The most we've ever driven is 40 minutes each way, but I don't know if I would do that again. We strongly believe in a community church and won't move somewhere where there is not a doctrinally sound congregation within about 20 minutes of our home.

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