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Potty Training question: boy specific

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Jake has been taking off his diapers and shown interest in sitting on the big potty. I got our potty seat for toddlers down from the attic and attached the splash guard for boys. When I sit him on the potty, the splash guard is right up against his body. That doesn't seem right?


Also, how on earth do I get him to stay put long enough to do his business?



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I didn't have a splash guard for DS, i just sat him down and made sure his bits were tucked in. I think it really helped that we let him loose in the yard with no bottoms on over the summer so he realised where his wee was coming from. We taught him to aim and it wasn't long before he was standing on the step at the toilet inside.


Getting them to sit still i always read to my kids on the potty or told them a made up story. Once they clicked what the potty was all about i didn't really need to keep them there.


DD is 20m and she wee's on the potty occasionally, no pressure but the potty is in the toilet and she will go an get it and sit on it at random times.

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I took the splash guard off the potty that had it and the other we have doesn't. They usually just tucked it in themselves. There was definitely times where the floor got sprayed but I figured it was ok if he was learning. Very quickly my first went to standing to pee as he wanted to be like Daddy. My second already tries to stand to be like his brother.


As for sitting I usually read books to C5 when he was learning. H2 likes to have C5 go in and hang out with him...he's very good about it and will take cards to play with him or other stuff to occupy him. Actually he's doing more potty-training of his brother than I am. :)

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We have a little potty in the carpeted living room, so we use the splash guard. C sort of understands what it's about, but his timing is off, lol. While he's wetting his diaper, he'll stand there saying "Uh oh! Uh oh!" and *then get on the potty.

He doesn't mind sitting with a few books or some trains (and he can even roll his trains on the fireplace hearth while he sits, lol), which is why we put a potty in the living room. I just don't have the time to sit in the bathroom with him (on the other side of the house) for half of the day!

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I used a trick my MIL taught me: he sat on the big potty, only backwards (eg: facing the tank).


When he got big enough, he simply didn't do it any longer - he stood like dad or sat down and tucked.




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I find standing up MUCH easier also. Gregory (the now 6yo), would stand on a sturdy stool, hold onto the back of the toilet (for proper pointing!) and go. In childcare, I had smaller toilets so no stool but used the same method.


In childcare, I would send them every 30-60 minutes depending on the kid. At home, I gave the kid LOTS of water, juice, etc as well as saltier foods, so they had to go every 15-30 minutes (usually closer to 15-20). The kids at home trained in a 1-5 days vs the 1-3 weeks of the childcare kids.


Oh, and we didn't bother with pants. They wore undies only. I put pants on kids before parents were expected.

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Getting them to sit still i always read to my kids on the potty or told them a made up story. Once they clicked what the potty was all about i didn't really need to keep them there.


Me to. I sat on the floor and read books as long as they would sit. I also had a prize jar and if they sat on the potty for 1 min according to a timer, they got a prize. Then just keep uping the ante as appropriate.

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My ds stands to pee. No diapers for a week now!!!! Unfortuneatly, poo is giving us a problem. Any remedies for a kiddo that does NOT want to poo on the potty? I basically have to catch him at the right moment, run to bathroom and plunk him down before he has a chance to get away....

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Thank you! Okay I should clarify... I am more concerned about getting him to poop on the potty. I am worried that he will pee at the same time and spray the floor by accident. Tucking does not work. It causes "growth" from rubbing against the edge of the potty seat.


He is big for his age but he just turned 2. I know plenty of people with 3 year olds potty training. I don't understand why the potty opening seems way too small.


He will sit on the big potty longer. I will try that. When DD was potty training, we just popped cartoons on and she sat there and watched. He is so active that won't work.

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So, you all have gotten 2 year old boys to stand and pee??? Hmmm, maybe this would be a good idea to try with my 2 1/2 year old. He talks about the potty, knows what it is for, but keeps saying he won't do it and only sits on it for a few minutes at a time. He's frustrating.

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My boys all started with trees.......... We spend a lot of time out in the wilderness.


I'm having culture shock training a little boy after three relatively easy dds. Yesterday he jumped down from the table and had to go. He took off - out the back door. Of course, I'm yelling - "WHAT ARE YOU DOING??" He explained that it's more fun to pee on the tree.


It's all my fault really. He kept pooping on the sidewalk outside so we discussed that I don't mind if he pees outside, but he needs to poop in the potty. That's all it took to have him whizzing on the tree apparently! :glare:

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Lol... I blame my parents. They used to send the boys (I have three nephews, too) on the back porch for distance contests (omg). They also recommend pork chop bones for teething, and feel free to pop one into a baby's mouth, regardless of the horrified expression on the mother's face. They're great people, lol.

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It is normal for poop training to take about 6 months longer than pee, especially for boys. I would not let THAT hold your child back (which is a common thing parents do).


As for "ready..." Almost all children who have hit their second bday can potty train pretty easily. I do think it is easier at 2.5 though. I wouldn't wait past that for a normally developing child though. I know it's common these days, but....it just really isn't that hard. A few days is all it takes usually and then THEY are trained rather than mom being trained.

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I tried sitting him on the potty backwards. That worked! There was more room. Now to get him to stay there is the trick. I think he is just not ready.

Woohoo! Luke actually pooped without me today (thank goodness!).


With both of my boys I "trained" maybe two days (doing the potty every half hour for a few minutes), then I gave up. For Luke that was about two weeks ago. Something about the freedom of underwear, along with me saying, 'you have to go potty on the potty to wear your Spiderman undies,' gets them every time, lol. After that, they both seemed to have trained themselves.

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Thanks Julie. How old is Luke.


Why I am more worried about poop: I don't mind changing the pee diapers. He doesn't poop while he is asleep. He is still nursing. He has been taking his diapers off. He has pooped on the floor twice and gotten poo that leaked out of his diaper everywhere three times.

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