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Does anyone have a child who gets headaches?

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My ds (9) has been having really bad headaches for the last couple of weeks. It started about two weeks ago when he said, "My brain hurts when I jump up and down - do I have lyme disease?" I blew him off because he tends to worry about weird things.


Then, we went camping on the weekend and his headaches were so bad that he was holding his head and wanting to lie down.


This week he ran out of Taekwon-do crying because his head hurt so badly and this morning he had to stop violin practice and lay down because of a headache.


I've made an appointment with my doctor, but I was wondering if anyone else has gone through this? It's definitely connected to movement, but I also wonder if maybe it's stress? He is a pretty anxious guy - he has some tics that have been around for more than a year, he sleepwalks and is very agitated when doing so, and he worries about strange things. My guess is that the headache is related. But, what does one do about that?

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My dd (7) has been getting them a lot lately also. She says it feels like her head is going to explode. I started getting migranes when I was her age, and I am praying she's not starting. She is very much a type A personality, so it's possible. Also, this is such a bad time with allergies, and she has complained periodically about sore throats, which I do get now & mine are allergy related, along with the headaches.


A friend brought up something though, that I never thought of. Maybe she is dehydrated. I've not been as good with giving the dc water throughout the day now as I was when they were littler, and the other day dd had a headache right after she got back from a long walk and it was hot out.


Anyway, I think it's good you're talking your ds to the doctor, I'm probably going to go that route myself.


Good luck!


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My ds15 has gotten headaches for a few years. Noone seems to know why. We try to watch the additives in the food, since he seems to be sensitive to that---no msg or artificial sweeteners, etc. Drink lots of water. Limit exercise while having a headache, regular exercise when he doesn't, to keep the blood flowing.


He grinds his teeth, moves a lot at night (sometimes upside down, even at this age), and has sleep-walked a few times.


I had headaches a lot when I was young, but I didn't have any of the other symptoms. The first big one I remember was when I was 7. We lived in a hot area, and I had a terrible headache, so asked the teacher if I could stay in during recess. She let me, and I went and curled up on the floor in the reading area. She must've known I was telling the truth, since I was usually active! When I was 11, I was getting them often enough that my mom made an appt. with a doctor. He did basically nothing, and told us my problem was (and this was really his "diagnosis!") that I was a dizzy blonde! :glare: I wasn't even blonde--light brown, but not blonde! My mom was NOT happy, but that's all he would say!


I never figured out what caused mine (and I still get them, sometimes migraines too), and haven't figured out what causes ds's. Is it some hereditary thing I wonder? I don't know.


I hope you can figure out what is causing the headaches in your son! His seems more like a sudden onslaught, so it could be something is not quite right somewhere. Could even be a nerve thing--it's sort of pinched somewhere and the exercise makes it worse??? Let us know what you find out! I'll be praying for your son, and you too!


My ds (9) has been having really bad headaches for the last couple of weeks. It started about two weeks ago when he said, "My brain hurts when I jump up and down - do I have lyme disease?" I blew him off because he tends to worry about weird things.


Then, we went camping on the weekend and his headaches were so bad that he was holding his head and wanting to lie down.


This week he ran out of Taekwon-do crying because his head hurt so badly and this morning he had to stop violin practice and lay down because of a headache.


I've made an appointment with my doctor, but I was wondering if anyone else has gone through this? It's definitely connected to movement, but I also wonder if maybe it's stress? He is a pretty anxious guy - he has some tics that have been around for more than a year, he sleepwalks and is very agitated when doing so, and he worries about strange things. My guess is that the headache is related. But, what does one do about that?

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Could it be a sinus headache related to change in pressure/weather/seasonal allergies? They can be extremely painful and would be worst during the spring months.


Another thing would be to have his eyesight checked.


Praying that you get answers and solutions to remedy the headaches!

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We just went though this with my youngest (age 12). Her headaches were so bad she didn't want to do anything, had no energy, and would sleep for hours. For about 2 weeks she just laid on the couch, doing nothing. It hurt too much to even watch t.v.


I took her to the pediatrician who immediately jumped to the conclusion it was stress related and that I should take her to a neuropsychiatrist. It would take me 4 months to get an appointment and meanwhile just keep giving her large doses of ibuprophen.


I knew it wasn't stress and didn't like his response, so I switched doctors.


The next doctor commented on the dark circles under her eyes. He said they call those "allergy shiners" and recommended Clariton on the days her head hurt the most.


BINGO! That was it. You might check into allergies.

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My 11 and 9yo boys will sometimes get severe headaches, and for the longest time I would have them drink water, eat, and then lay down. But, that didnt seem to stop most of them, so I finally had both of them in to see the doctor. He suspected that they are probably migraines (never had one myself, so I had not thought of that), and that the best thing to do at this point is to give them Tylenol IMMEDIATELY when they begin to complain of a headache. It seems as if that can sometimes head off the worst of it.


It does appear to be helping. Oh, and keeping aware of any potential triggers to the headaches. Common ones are caffeine, chocolate, dairy, etc.... HTH



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My ds (9) has been having really bad headaches for the last couple of weeks. It started about two weeks ago when he said, "My brain hurts when I jump up and down - do I have lyme disease?" I blew him off because he tends to worry about weird things.


Then, we went camping on the weekend and his headaches were so bad that he was holding his head and wanting to lie down.


This week he ran out of Taekwon-do crying because his head hurt so badly and this morning he had to stop violin practice and lay down because of a headache.


I've made an appointment with my doctor, but I was wondering if anyone else has gone through this? It's definitely connected to movement, but I also wonder if maybe it's stress? He is a pretty anxious guy - he has some tics that have been around for more than a year, he sleepwalks and is very agitated when doing so, and he worries about strange things. My guess is that the headache is related. But, what does one do about that?


My daughter gets lots of headaches during allergy season.



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I was thinking sinus headaches too. Mine are almost always associated with movement and the more I move, the more I hurt. Couldn't hurt to try a good allergy medicine while you wait to see the dr.


It sounds like your ds has a LOT of anxiety...but him asking about Lyme disease at his age reminds me of...ME. And I have OCD that manifests in the form of hypochondria (health anxiety). Once you nail down the headache issue, you really may want to seek help for the worrying. I sure wish my mom had gotten help for me before it got as bad as it is now. :(


Hope your son feels better soon!

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My son gets migraines that do not seem to be food related. The doctor sent us to a neurologist because he was getting them so frequently. He is on medication nightly now, but we are trying to wean him off. They are so severe they totally incapacitate him, and he almost always vomits and then goes to sleep.


I hope your dd's headaches are simply allergies or a sinus infection. It is hard to see your child in pain.

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some of which would make them sick. My dd went to ped but he said she was ok. Took her to my chiropracter, they adjusted her neck and back and the headaches stopped. Same with my son. I found with them that it is usually one of 3 things: Neck alignment, allergies, or dehydration.

Hope you figure it out soon. I am glad you are taking her to a dr.

Blessings, Tani

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I'm in the waiting room at th dr's right now. Thanks for all the replies; now I have some idea of what I can ask him about.


My friend suggested a chiro as well...something to consider.


And yes, we've been seeing someone for the anxiety issues.

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