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Everything posted by mo2

  1. Oh, I love Estes Park! I lived there for about 2 years and am biding my time until I can move back. The Stanley is way overrated and overpriced IMO. Congrats on doing well in the show. You must be proud.
  2. And even sent me a lovely review...which I seem to have accidentally deleted from my computer. In any case, I downloaded the sample lessons and we have been working through them slowly, not pushing it, a couple of pages a day, stopping BEFORE dd starts to get frustrated. And (dare I say it?) it seems to be working! Now I have to go order the book, just wanted to pop in and say THANK YOU!!
  3. Ditto. Both my kids have been like this. They have a tendency to not do what they're "supposed" to.
  4. Thanks everyone. These should get us started!
  5. I think the majority of you are right. She's lonely. We're in a small town that doesn't even have Girl Scouts. There is 4H, but last time I checked, not for her age. There are playgroups sponsered by Parents As Teachers and such, but I think she would feel like she is too old for this, as they are mainly for preschoolers. Our library only holds storytime once in a blue moon (maybe every few months, and not regularly). Any other ideas to get her around other kids?
  6. My 6yo loves to play on the computer. Her older cousins introduced her to barbie.com, myscene.com, pollypocket.com, etc. I consider these to be, well, crap. They are filled with ads and I don't like the way the dolls are dressed. I think they set a bad example for little girls. Anyway, on to the question: What websites are there that are free that have educational games for children around this age? She's tired of starfall and pbs, which are the only ones I can think of right now. She is not a reader yet, so we run into problems with that a lot. I also work and have a toddler, so I don't really want to have to sit and read the screen to her. Any suggestions? TIA
  7. I know we loved the Museum of Natural History, but I can't remember what it cost to get in. We easily spent an entire day there though.
  8. Wow. As I am laughing, I am also sincerely hoping that your wrist is okay. And that your dog is okay. And that your sanity is okay. I totally would have cancelled all plans for the day and let the kids watch movies.
  9. I always thought it was just because she didn't really get to *finish* it. I have heard speculation that Rose "helped" with the writing, but we really have no way of knowing, do we?
  10. Really? They won't let me do that. They say in order to raise my sending limit, I have to link to a bank account. Maybe they've changed something in their policies since you opened your account.
  11. I second (third?) the Lansinoh. I personally despise pumps, but it may be a good idea if nursing really is excruciating. The last thing you want is for that breast to get engorged! Hope you heal soon!
  12. Do you all have your paypal accounts linked to your bank account? I am always wary of giving out my bank account number, but you're not allowed to use your paypal account unless you have a bank account linked to it. I have some money in my paypal account from selling some used curriculum, and I'm just dying to order Song School Latin, but paypal won't let me until I give them a bank account number! Is this safe?
  13. I posted this question last night, figuring I'd have to dig to find it this morning. I didn't expect 4 pages of responses! Frankly, I expected a lot more negative responses than I got. It's good to know that I'm not the only "bad mommy" out there. Actually, this is one of the few things dh and I disagree on. I say she's not big enough yet, he says she is. Usually dh defers to my opinion (he lets me make most of the decisions where the kids are concerned), but in this case, he overrules me. For those of you who asked, dd is 6. She is tall enough to reach the foot pegs, and really, she is so light it wouldn't make any difference if she leaned the wrong way anyway. But it's true, you can't help but lean the right way. She has a DOT-approved helmet, boots, and leather. No riding in shorts or without the leather, no matter how hot it is. I do wish we had a backrest though. Thanks for all the great responses, from all points of view!
  14. Good time to use all those receiving blankets everyone gives you and you never use!
  15. Let me say that we are a family full of bikers. My dad has always ridden, but I can't remember at what age I started riding with him. Dh took dd on her first official ride today (meaning not just putting around the yard). They actually went on the highway, and although of course I trust my dh, I was a nervous wreck! Thankfully everyone returned safe and sound, but I am not looking forward to this summer, when I'm sure she will be riding with him a lot. Just curious at what age/maturity level you think a child would be ready for this.
  16. My ds is 13 months old and shows no signs of weaning anytime soon (this is good). A couple of months ago I had 5 days of bleeding, like a period, but I haven't had any since then. Is it normal to have irregular periods while a person is breastfeeding? I feel silly asking, but my dd weaned abruptly at 13 months and my periods then returned, very regularly. And no, I'm not taking any birth control, but I took one pregnancy test and it was negative. Thanks!
  17. I also would suggest either calling social services (sounds like they need some help). Or just talk to them. See if they mind if you help out. Maybe they're just sitting there wishing someone would offer to help them!
  18. Why? Because all the other kids do. We live in a small town, with an extremely small homeschool group. The members are all very religious, and we, uh, don't fit in so well. (Don't get me wrong, they're all VERY nice!) Plus, due to the fact that dh and I both work, we have only been able to attend ONE function with them, due to schedule alone. So, the kids dd knows and plays with are our family and neighbors. I do think that is more than enough socialization for her at this point. (We have a very large family with loads of children.) But, they're all public schooled. So now dd wants to go. I know that I'm the parent and it's my decision, but it makes me sad. :( And I don't really know what to say to her. Is this just a phase and it will pass? Or something more? Has anyone else been through this? Thanks for any advice.
  19. Are you looking for the Internet-Linked Encyclopedia of World History? That is the one I would get, the links are awesome! It retails for $19.99 in paperback, Amazon might have it cheaper. I know it is definitely not oop
  20. I have 5 years between mine, and I am only saving the things that I absolutely love (like SOTW). I figure, what works for this child may not even work for the next child. But something like SOTW is easily adapted to different learning styles by adding/dropping readings and projects.
  21. Long story short: We're going to be moving in with a family member for awhile, and then probably to an apartment, which will undoubtedly be MUCH smaller than our current house. I need to downsize! Help me get rid of the things I don't need. You know, all the decorative figurines I'm keeping because so-and-so gave them to me and I don't want to offend them. The 5 billion toys my kids can't bear to part with (even throwing away a Happy Meal toy brings tears). The giant magazine collection ("But I might want to read that article again!"). Obviously I can't get rid of any books. :rolleyes: And I guess we need clothes. And dishes. But what else can go? I'm so bad at this!
  22. I had applied, been accepted, and then changed my mind at the last minute. Why? Because I didn't know what I wanted to do. I spent the first 22 years of my life wandering with no direction, and then---I got pregnant, and everything became clear. What was I meant to do with my life? Raise children! Don't need college for that!
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