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Everything posted by mo2

  1. Our lab is 4 years old. Ok, so not OLD, but not a puppy anymore (although he thinks he is!). When we move to a new home, we probably will not have the nice fenced-in yard that we do now. He is a car chaser, and rather than risk losing him, I would like to move him indoors. Plus, he suffered heat stroke last summer, and the vet told us that once a dog has heat stroke, it is extremely easy for it to recur. I would just feel better all around if he were inside with us. Is it possible to housebreak him at this point? Any tips? He has not been neutered, and is constantly marking his territory. Sigh. I feel the need to explain the heat stroke so you guys don't think I did something dumb like leave him in a vehicle or let him run out of water. It was fireworks. Our neighborhood has a big 4th of July block party, and last year was much bigger than it ever has been before. Our dog gets worked up and barks at fireworks. It hasn't been a problem before, but last year the fireworks lasted for about an hour. He got too worked up and overheated. Of course we didn't hear him barking because the fireworks were too loud. After the show I went in the backyard, and could only hear him panting. He wouldn't come when I called. Found him in a dark corner of the yard and spent the next 2 hours running water over him, putting alcohol on his paws, and feeding him corn syrup. Checked his temp at one point (rectally, with a digital thermometer) and it was 110, which my vet says is not possible. She says he would have been dead if his temp was that high. I responded with, "Yeah, well, he pretty much was." We also found out after the fact that some dumb kid (not one of our neighborhood kids, but a guest of someone's) had shot a bottle rocket at our dog. Probably didn't help his poor nerves. :glare: Needless to say, this year on the 4th, he will be going to grandma's. OK, that's enough about my dog. I got off topic a little bit. I came here for housebreaking help, remember?
  2. Everyone thinks it's weird that I put grape jelly on my grilled cheese sandwiches. Dd eats cheese and mustard sandwiches. I like to dip french fries in ice cream. We mix baked beans in with our mac-n-cheese.
  3. Fifth's is no biggie, although if you happen to know anyone who is pregnant, you will have to keep your kids away from them.
  4. clwcain, great answers. Thank you for sharing. Are there any questions you have on what it's like to be a woman? ;)
  5. Poor you! I think it's one of those things you can't really understand until you experience it yourself. I was sick as a dog with my 1st, and had not a single bit of nausea with my 2nd. Do the sea bands help? I never tried those. Enjoy those crackers, and don't forget the 7-Up.
  6. I started FLL1 with dd6 recently. We are on lesson 15, and it is going beautifully. I love it, she doesn't complain about it, and she's actually much better at the memorization than I expected. (Maybe she's an auditory learner?) Anyway, I've decided to start WWE in August when we officialy "start" 1st grade. I plan on using the workbook with it. My question is this: Since FLL and WWE are written to correspond with each other, should I continue with FLL or should I put it on hold and restart it in August when we start WWE? Thanks for your input.
  7. Yes!! I never doubted this until I had a son. During diaper change, he's always grabbing his package. And he is NOT gentle. It obviously can't be too sensitive of an area! Unless, somehow, the sensitivity doesn't kick in until later??
  8. Actually I have thought that more than once here. I wonder where they find the time for maintenance?
  9. I don't know but I have the same problem. Are you and I married to the same man? And I have GOT to purge some stuff before we move. I just don't know where to start! I hope you get some good advice.
  10. Time to see a doc or counselor (or both). Trust me, I've been there. It's not going to get better on it's own. There's nothing to be ashamed of, and don't worry, no one is going to take away your children or anything. Getting some help is the responsible thing to do...for you and your family.
  11. I'm sure this is very hard for all of you. Thinking of you.
  12. Thinking of you! As someone who will be moving in with her in-laws in the next couple of months, I seriously wish for that NOT to happen to you! Keep us posted.
  13. OK, thanks. That was a "duh" moment on my part! I guess it's such a poor argument that I didn't even make the connection.
  14. How sweet! It melted my heart, and it's not even my kid!
  15. I just tried and can't get anything to download. I think I'll stay up for a few hours and try in the wee hours of the morning. Surely they can't be busy all night!
  16. Nevermind. Duh. Rainbow Resource. Of course I can find things I want to buy from there!!
  17. I have some money in my paypal account and want to purchase some books or curriculum. Which sites accept paypal? Amazon doesn't. Classical Academic Press says they accept Discover and American Express through Paypal...but can you pay with your paypal funds and not a credit card? Thanks for your help. I haven't had my paypal account very long (but you probably guessed that already, huh?).
  18. You ABSOLUTELY are NOT doing any wrong. Please don't change the way you parent your children because of this. If it makes your husband uncomfortable, perhaps he needs a little more help to work through his abuse issues. Children need touch. They need it like they need air, food, and water. (Insert standard disclaimer about this being all my opinion, I'm no expert, yada, yada ;) )
  19. Well I probably will not actually be AT the sale, so I think my sil would prefer that they were priced. Thanks for the tip though.
  20. My sil is having a garage sale and invited me to join. As we are getting ready to downsize to a smaller home, I figure this is a perfect opportunity for me to get rid of some stuff. I don't shop yard sales (never have) and I don't know what price to put on things. Off the top of my head, I'm thinking I will have clothes (mine from pre-baby), some books, toys, an end table. I'm sure I'll find more things to get rid of once I start going through my house. How do I know how much to mark things at? Is there some kind of rule of thumb I can follow here? I'm seriously clueless. :confused:
  21. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind? Oh, I LOVED that movie! I thought it was great.
  22. Wow. I can't believe we hadn't heard this before! Thanks for the heads up!
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