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Everything posted by mo2

  1. Maybe I was just oblivious to what other girls were doing. I always did tend to live in my own head rather than in the world around me. Anyway, the only reason this came up is because my dd is 6 and extremely hairy. She always has been. Most of the women on dh's side are quite hairy. But some of her cousins and such have teased her about being hairy, and she recently asked me if she could shave her legs. I said no. ;) But it just made me wonder when girls did start doing this sort of thing. Thanks all.
  2. This is kind of a spinoff of the underarm shaving post. It seems that girls start shaving their legs way earlier nowadays. I didn't start shaving my legs until I was, like, 14 or so, but my cousin has girls in elementary school who shave. Is it just me, or is that crazy??
  3. Thanks ladies. I don't check the boards as often as I would like, so I must have missed those threads.
  4. If I wanted to learn Latin ahead of my children, what program would you recommend? I have absolutely NO Latin exposure.
  5. I work from home 5 hours a day, so by the time we finish with our core subjects, there is little time for the "extras." So I figured if I did history and science (which require a little more preparation than the core subjects) on Wednesday, which is my day off, that would leave plenty of time for them and I wouldn't feel like I had to rush through the core subjects. Thanks for responding!
  6. I am trying to move to a more LCC type structure, but the subjects my daughter absolutely loves are science and history. So I'm thinking of doing core subjects 4 days a week and science and history on the 5th. We would probably do core subjects on Mon, Tues, Thurs, and Fri, and then science/history on Wed. Do you think this would work?
  7. Maybe they don't count as history, but I would say they can definitely count for free-reading time. I read lots of books myself that I wouldn't classify as "educational," but I still read them.
  8. I have the Usborne Illustrated Dictionary of Math. My kids aren't old enough yet to need it, but it looks good.
  9. I think this is great for a 6yo. My dd just turned 6, and her narrations aren't anywhere near this good. At least you can tell she was listening while you were reading!
  10. This is great news! We are almost finished with Life and will start Earth next. I hope they get the new ones out in time for us. I was starting to wonder what we would do next. Thanks for the info.
  11. I have some curriculum and books I want to sell but I don't know what to price them at. I don't want to overprice, because I want to get rid of them, but I don't want to underprice because they are in really good shape. Can anyone give me some basic guidelines of where to start? TIA
  12. Yes, 1B is supposed to be done the same year as 1A. 1A took us WAY too long because dd just didn't get it. I think she'll do better with MUS.
  13. go on to the next, or wait until the next "school year?" For example, we finished up Singapore Primary Math 1A. We're not going on to 1B because I've decided to switch to MUS. We have 3 months of our year left. Would you go ahead and order and begin MUS, or wait until the next "year?"
  14. Oh yes, please do post it if you have time. Thanks much.
  15. Hmmm... I don't remember at exactly what age she did start speaking, but I remember thinking she was never going to talk! People always used to says, "Well, maybe she just doesn't have anything to say yet." Otherwise, no, nothing unusual. As far as I can tell, her vision is fine too.
  16. Dd really wants to try this. I got the demo DVD and she really liked the guy, and the blocks appeal to her. Singapore is not working for us, so I had planned on trying something different for next year (1st grade), but the price of MUS is kind of holding me back. For those of you who have used it, do you think it was worth the money? Or, is there a cheaper program that is similar? Thanks.
  17. Dd6 has no interest in learning to read. None whatsoever. Whenever I pull out ETC, Phonics Pathways, or the flash-card based games I made up for us to play, she throws a fit. She doesn't complain if I get out science, math, copywork, or history, but she absolutely reverts to her toddler-stage temper tantrums when I bring out the phonics. Do you think I should push it, or back off for awhile? If I back off, when should I try again? How will I know she is ready? Is it something I'm doing, the methodology, her attitude, or is she just not ready? Of course you can tell by this point that she's my first, and I'm totally stressing teaching her to read. I could read before I went to kindergarten, and reading has always been so easy for me, I guess I don't really see how it can be so hard for her, and I don't know how to make it easier on her. Any advice would be appreciated! TIA
  18. I just now downloaded your SOTW 1 pages, and I think they look awesome. I wish I had known about it before I was halfway through the book! I think it's amazing that you (A) had time to do that! and (B) are generous enough to share. I would definitely use the 2 pages next year.
  19. I got an unbelievable amount of help from the book Sewing for Dummies. I had already been sewing for a couple of years when I got the book, and I still found it quite useful.
  20. Last question on this topic, I promise!
  21. Dd is 6, knows letter sounds and is beginning to blend CVC words. She is definitely wiggly, not a workbook type of gal. Short, to-the-point lessons work best for her. She can write well but not for long periods of time, as her "hand gets tired." It seems to be easier for her to build words than to break them down phonetically, if that makes sense. *I* need something that is fairly well laid out for me, as to what to do each day, but NOT scripted. Computer games, DVDs, CDs, etc., are not necessary and probably would not get used. Did I just describe any program that you know of?
  22. I have been wanting to buy Happy Phonics for a long time now but it just hasn't been in the budget yet (hopefully soon). Does anyone know where I can get some free printable phonics games? I'm not really looking for games to play on the computer, but more like ones I can print out and play with her. TIA
  23. We could watch anything by National Geographic or Discovery repeatedly. We also enjoy animal documentaries such as March of the Penguin.
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