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Everything posted by Kassia

  1. I'm uncomfortable with a public forum, but I'm on Facebook and would love to join a group there.
  2. Aw, big hugs to you. That is hard. Especially for his birthday. My kids are only three hours away so we see them pretty frequently. I think the longest we've ever gone without seeing one of them was two months.
  3. Happy Birthday! I love working out so, for me, that is a great way to start your special day!
  4. I totally agree with this. We always write thank yous. I don't understand when someone receives a gift and doesn't even acknowledge it. My son's gf never sends a thank you for gifts I send her, but she always thanks us in person if we do something for her in person (like take her to dinner or whatever). I try not to let it bother me, but I don't understand it. If I receive something, I'm so excited to tell the giver that I received it and appreciate their thoughtfulness.
  5. I hate it, too. I started growing out my hair 5 years ago to donate, but it stopped growing so I haven't had it cut since then. It's not long enough to donate, but it's a good length for me. I don't know if I'll ever go back to the salon again until I eventually color my hair (almost 49 and no gray yet).
  6. This is exactly what happened with me and a close friend many years ago.
  7. This is a placement exam used by some colleges. http://webcape.byuht...nwcregister.php Georgia State University login: panthers14 You could also use something like EasyPeasy's final exam for Spanish and see how he does.
  8. She used it independently and just compared her proofs to the solutions given on TT.
  9. We used teaching textbooks for geometry last year and were happy with it. My daughter did do the proofs on paper to work them out on her own. I know TT doesn't have the best reputation, but we felt it was very thorough.
  10. When I was a kid, my mom forced me to eat whatever was on my plate. If I gagged, I would get in trouble. It was awful because I couldn't control it. I tried stuffing food in my cheeks and spitting it out in the bathroom, but she caught on to that. I never made my kids eat anything they didn't like because of that.
  11. I am a very picky eater. I hate eating at restaurants because it is so hard for me to find anything I want to eat. And I'm always nervous about being served food at an event or a friend's home because I don't know if I'll find anything to eat. I just want something simple like a bowl of cereal. My husband and kids aren't picky at all.
  12. I have fraternal twins who are almost 22 and I agree that either way would be fine.
  13. I wouldn't eat it. I go by, "When in doubt, throw it out." It's not worth the risk IMO.
  14. I worry about my daughter with this issue, too. She seems to have no interest at all in interacting with other kids her age (she's 13). She is an introvert, but is fine with people - she takes gymnastics, volunteers at the library, takes Spanish at the CC (lots of interaction in that class), and was in jazz band. She's very bright and just doesn't seem to care about the things kids her own age care about - boys, make-up, social media, etc. Her closest friend is very similar so they rarely communicate with each other and seem perfectly happy that way. Like your son, she doesn't have any interest in seeing people socially. One of her older brothers is the same way, but I suspect he has Asperger's so it's a little different. He's almost 22 now and, for the first time, he has been saying that he doesn't have any friends and he seems lonely.
  15. We also have BCBS and, like you, say we don't go to the doctor unless a limb is falling off. It's scary.
  16. That's us. We pay so much in premiums ($13-14,000/yr) and then have a high deductible (I think it's $8,000. If not, then it's more because I know it's not less than that). So, we pay the high premiums and then don't go to the doctor unless it's an absolute emergency which scares me in case we have symptoms of something serious that could be treated if caught early, but we won't see a doctor because of the high costs.
  17. Glad they figured it out and hope he feels better soon. I'm sorry you are all going through this.
  18. I would definitely want to be given the choice on whether I wanted my family to be exposed to someone who was sick. Sometimes we have important stuff going on where we absolutely can't get sick, other times things are quieter and it wouldn't matter as much. Obviously, I wouldn't want us to be around anyone with the stomach flu or a fever, but things like a cold would be okay if we were warned ahead of time. I would much rather have someone cancel than have them show up and get us sick!
  19. My son entered university as a first-year student, but had over 60 college credits from DE. Erica
  20. I'm so sorry about your father.
  21. Maybe I should have voted other, too. I voted divorced. My parents were unhappily married for 35 years and then my mother left my father for some guy she met on the internet. I grew up wishing they would divorce because there was so much tension in the house all the time.
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