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Everything posted by sassenach

  1. My perfect scenario is the one I grew up with. At my grandparents for Christmas Eve, then they came over later on Christmas Day. It helps that I only had one healthy set of grandparents so there was no competition for time. My grandmother was a firm and vocal believer in kids getting to stay home on Christmas Day. Because we moved away when my kids were young, they’ve had a mash up of family coming over for Christmas. We only traveled to family twice in all these years. Both times it was pretty rough and not at all my idea of a pleasant holiday. The last few years we have traveled home the week after Christmas and made the rounds. I hope that when my kids are grown, they’ll celebrate with us on Christmas Eve, but I also know that so much will depend on where they’re living and their spouses’ family plans. I also hope at least one of them is happy to have us over on Christmas Day.
  2. I can’t think of anything less appealing than using a bidet at work.
  3. Having not grown up with it, but being married to a man that did, you don’t need to feel any shame about this. You’re doing great. Want some evidence? Your adult daughter has a clear view of your mom’s issues. You’re doing a great job of raising emotionally healthy kids.
  4. https://m.bedbathandbeyond.com/m/product/smartbidet-electric-bidet-seat-for-elongated-toilets-in-white/1047302495?skuId=47302495&mcid=PS_googlepla_nonbrand_bath_online&product_id=47302495&adtype=pla&product_channel=online&adpos=1o4&creative=224060487099&device=m&matchtype=&network=s&mrkgadid=3140839786&mrkgcl=609&rkg_id=h-bf5d39a5f3e69ddeb1fdc4743d727125_t-1514397645&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI9N_K6OKq2AIVTlp-Ch0S4gssEAQYBCABEgJBWfD_BwE Here’s a picture with the sprayer clearly sticking out into the fallout zone.
  5. Another excellent question.
  6. The ones I’ve seen have a little nozzle that sticks out. My concern is the backsplash onto that nozzle. Let me see if I can find a picture...
  7. The toilet thread made me think of this burning question. I have never used a bidet, but I’ve seen them, and my first thought is, isn’t there back splash onto the sprayer? Then does the next person get sprayed with micro remnants of the last person’s backsplash? Help me understand how a bidet can be sanitary.
  8. Can she control it when she thinks about it? Dd does this and some repeating of syllables. I brought her in for a speech evaluation and when she was conscious of her speech, she was totally fluent. The speech therapist basically came to the same conclusion as you- she was stalling because her mouth was ahead of her brain, and she was trying to maintain our attention by not pausing. She still does this at 13 and I sometimes wonder if she maybe did need some intervention. However, she doesn’t seem to be impacted by it at all and she can still control it when I tell her to slow down. I would take her in for an evaluation, because 1) it can’t hurt, 2) it’ll be better than your dh’s homecooked approach.
  9. You’ll laugh about this one day. “Hey, remember the time Aunt Suzy stole your kindle charger?!â€
  10. I would go with number 2. Pulling 12 teeth seems extreme. The last guy is a clear no. I was kind of amazed at what our ortho accomplished with ds simply by expanding his palette. Firstly, those baby teeth start popping out pretty shortly after the palette starts widening. Ds had a few off kilter adult teeth that looked like they wouldn’t be able to emerge, but once his palette was widened, they came right down. I had one office tell me he’d need 2 phases and extraction. He ultimately needed a simple retainer widener, and 18 months of braces. Pretty huge difference.
  11. It’s come up a few times already, but I am in my last year of prerequisites and will start applying to nursing programs by this time next year. These next 2 semesters of school will be high stakes, so 2018 is going to be a year of hard core studying.
  12. Have you ever had a conversation w your 18 yo about this incident? She might have some insight. I have found that my 20yo is a surprisingly good resource for getting perspective on family interactions. I have a MIL with a PD (not narsistic but paranoid, so there are some differences). It sounds like you need to go into every interaction knowing that she has unspoken expectations that you’ll never meet. For something like the Skype call, you can ask questions ahead of time to try to understand them, and I would, but also understand that there will always be some other expectation that you’ll fail to meet. You might even start using that as a line, “Mom, I’m sorry that the Skype call didn’t meet your expectations.†“I’m sorry that my bathroom didn’t meet your expectations.†Rinse repeat. I speak very frankly with my kids about their grandmother. I agree with your dd, do not put any of this on them. Even if there’s a sliver of truth in it, this relationship is not the one to use to improve your kids’ conversation skills (or whatever she criticizes next). You know this. They will never meet her expectations. (((Hugs)))
  13. Here are some photos of mine Index The last page of the index is my phone call log Here's one page of my yearly spread. This follows my index. I got the stickers from Hobby Lobby Monthly spread broken down by week. Washi tape is my monthly attempt at artsy. This is a very typical looking couple of days. You can see my little round bullet points are appointments for the day. Following that is my task list, which I either got done (check) or migrated forward (arrow). At the bottom of Wednesday, you can also see a few notes I wrote from a school tour. Also note the pink pen at the bottom of Monday, which has nothing to do with color coding. It was just the first pen my hand found. My school page. I went the extra fancy step of using TWO types of washi tape since I'll be referring back to it all year. ETA: You'll notice that I don't use this as my calendar. I have an integrated digital calendar for dh and I and I never use my BJ as a scheduler. Instead, I copy my daily calendar at the top of my day. My yearly and monthly spreads are for tasks, not events. SaveSave
  14. This is pretty close to mine. 1) main index 2) phone call index (if I write notes while on the phone w someone, I add their name, organization, and pg number to the index) 2) 12-month spread for future tasks (takes up 4 pages) 3) monthly spread broken into weeks (1 page) 4) Daily spread- I write the days activities at the top, my tasks listed below. Takes up 1/2 to 1 page 5) I have pages dedicated to things like *my schooling *my son's caseworkers, medical stuff, various things to keep track of *trip planning I just toss them in and index I use a Leuchturm1917 and love it.
  15. My BJ is terribly unsexy. There is no color coding or habit tracking or 95% of what BJ blogs have. The closest I get to it being artsy is that I use washi tape sometimes.
  16. Every year, I do a Bible word study on my chosen word. My 2017 word was Hope and I clung to that like a life raft. The time I spent in scripture specifically around Hope carried me through some really hard situations. My 2018 word is Grow. I actually don't feel like I'm done studying hope, so I might not do as in-depth of a study on grow. But maybe I should!
  17. One year we had a lot of things go wrong and a lot of our traditions just didn’t happen. I learned that Christmas was not held together by our traditions but by our love. And it was all ok.
  18. What would you guys put in your squares? Here are some of mine: All the aunts and uncles are drunk Cousin R fights with uncle K K insults someone in my family Cousins smoking pot in the back yard N’s dog pees or poops in the house Sole healthy cousin leaves early Mom’s weird friends show up J breaks a piece of furniture Someone throws up Someone clogs up a toilet Mom is mad at a sib Mom is mad at her hubby Mil shames dh for not eating enough Mil shames dh for eating too much Mil asks me why I look so tired Mil talks crap about Fil
  19. I intend to be more purposeful and structured with my bible study time.
  20. My whole life I answered to 3 names interchangeably when my grandmother was around. I would also translate who she was talking about based on context. She was only 47 when I was born, so not an old lady. She just could never keep names straight.
  21. Do you have a tree in the house? I had an extreme reaction to a Christmas tree one year. Flonase is much more effective for my son’s nasal allergies.
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