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TX Native

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Everything posted by TX Native

  1. Examples of things many people regularly overpay for to save time, energy, and sanity that cost much less in money to do the old fashioned way: eating out, store brought bread, napkins, diapers, baby food, washing machines, automatic dryers, packaged foods, store brought veggies, butchered meat, shredded cheese, and homeschool curriculum packages. It will likely end up being a $5-$10 savings off the quoted uber price/trip if you count in your average cost of gas money, standard wear and tear on your car from the extra miles, and likely having to eat out more or buy more convenience foods at the store since you likely won't have time to do much food prep. With that each Uber trip for this temp situation, even if he just does the late night one 1-way 2-3x/week, will end up not being $20-$25 (if that was the price you quoted, I read it yesterday and forgot the exact amount) just thrown away...maybe it will be more like $10-$15. That $10-$15 2-3x/week a few weeks is going to end up costing tons less than if he was paying for his own vehicle/insurance/gas.wear and tear maintenance upkeep for 6 weeks. If he is making $10-$15/hour and stocking away about $100-$200/week ( depending on his wage and amount of hours, the exact amount is not my business, Let's say that's $600-1200 for his nest egg from this job), I promise he won't look back after college and think," geez, I could have saved $150-$200 more if my mom hadn't made me pay for an uber a couple times/week." This is all to say, you can relate monetary costs to saving time and energy for your health and sanity.
  2. Reason number 582 why I stopped my FB feed. I could not stand all the emotional drama over others' blunt comments about things that offended people, or in this case organizations.
  3. Be sure to give full detailed reviews of each experiment.
  4. I'm surprised no one has mentioned hot dogs yet, except that is more so lunch food. So not good for you, but the easiest and cheapest option besides pizza. I would serve with fresh fruit of choice, baby carrots, and salad to counter guilt about the main course.
  5. I buy average sliced thickness bacon, cold oven, large cookie pan with foil, about 400*, start checking it at about 20 min, sometimes I flip the pan around towards the end it if it is getting too done on one side and sometimes it cooks evenly. I store the leftover grease in a mason jar and use it instead of oil when I scramble eggs, which is often. I also put a dollop of bacon grease in potato soup or crockpot cooked beans.
  6. Curious, what is it that the Apple person showed you that gave your phone away as a fake?
  7. One child yes, one child no. The child that couldn't would understand the problem once the solution was explained.
  8. BTW: Congratualtions and I feel like an emotional roller coaster after having a baby. We had MIL stay for a week after our firstborn and it was stressful. I have a sweet MIL, but we clashed when it was just her snd I hear alone while dh was at work all day. I was sleep deprived and we had differences about what the baby needed. I also had narcotics for a very bad tear, almost C-section equivalent pain. The narcotics made me even more emotional. Next baby, she came a shorter time and mostly helped with my toddler. Much less stressful.
  9. Telling people your due date isn't until 2 weeks later is brilliant!
  10. I typed, paused for a math lesson, and posted before reading your update. Could the kids do a co-op, scouts group and soccer on the new side of town? It sounds like you don't have a permanent reasons stay on your current side of town which makes a big difference. With updated info, I would consider if I felt the house would be functional over the long run and pending inspection. I would still feel indebted to the seller, even though money isn't an issue for her.
  11. Would you buy the same house at market value? I would be tempted to do this as an investment if the deal was the same and I did not have a personal connection with the seller. If you buy this house from someone who is selling below market value and getting it in tip top shape as a personal favor only because of the personal connection, you may feel forever indebted to that person whether you realize it or not. There would likely be awkwardness with the seller if you resale at market value or if the house develops a major issue after you buy it. Also, unless I was in dire need of something, I would feel uncomfortable accepting such generosity from a rich friend. If she were to offer the house at near the same price to John Doe off the street, then I would feel less uncomfortable about accepting such a great offer.
  12. I am so trying not to critique, but I can't get over peeling boiled eggs being too much work, except when they are old or overcooked and the peeling sticks to the egg. I can't get over washing one pot of boiling water for 12 eggs being more work than washing 6 cereal bowls and spoons. I also can't get over buying prewashed/ready to eat veggies and a container of nuts being more difficult to prep and taking more time to buy at the store than anything that comes in a box. I can't see where seasoning frozen chicken breasts or fish before placing in the oven to bake is that much more difficult than popping a box of frozen corn dogs in the oven. I think all that comes down to retraining where those items are in the store and changing our mindset of what really is harder. I think comfortable is easier, and that's probably what seems labor intensive about it. Again, I do buy and eat the convenience processed stuff, but I could not justify never eating healthy because it is so difficult when the processing plant already washes and chops the veggies for me and Costco even cooks the chicken, all I have to do is pull the meat off the bones.
  13. I am not meaning anything judgemental in this response, but this is my experience of hesitantly switching to high cost "healthy" foods. I started stocking up on the nuts, salmon, and such and got afraid of my grocery budget. I started buying Ezekiel bread at double the price, but found one piece of that with PB and J filled my kids up compared to 2 pieces of white bread with PB and J that left them still hungry. These more expensive higher nutrient options keep my kids full longer. At first they ate large quantities of the nutrient rich things I switched to, but once their bodies adjusted to the higher nutrients, they started eating less amount because their bodies started telling them when they had enough. The processed, packaged cheap carb heavy stuff does not send a message to most brains of when to stop. The body still craves nutrients after these foods, and that is why the body feels hungry a short time later. The cheap food is cheaper for me, but my kids get hungry again so fast and need more cheap food. It becomes an endless cycle. Granted, we do eat granola bars, chips, hot dogs, etc...so again there is no judgement in this post. However, buying more of the "fast food" things that Pegasus is trying to promote did not increase our grocery budget at all after my kids' bodies adjusted to naturally eating the smaller amounts required to feel full after a nutritious rich meal or snack. Our favorite fast food on the go options besides boiled eggs are baby carrots, apples, bananas, grapes, nuts, hummus with veggies or chips, cheese sticks, nut butters, fruit and spinach smoothies, grape tomatoes, sliced cucumbers, raisins, cubed chicken breast, and whole grain bread. We do get pizza take out, fast food burgers, and all other such foods often enough to not brag about healthy diets. I just want to defend Pegasus point that it just requires a change of mindset, discipline, and planning to make choices that don't leave us with junk food or no food as our only options when busy. It is just as easy to put EVOO, salt, and pepper on Salmon fillets with chopped veggies and bake a few minutes than to whip up a quick batch of Hamburger Helper. When really busy, I get prechopped, prewashed veggies and I use foil on the pan for less clean up. Somewhat expensive yes, but I likely won't be having hungry kids raiding the pantry for our stash of chips and granola bars an hour or two later. I confess that we had those precooked frozen meatballs for our main course last night only for my convenience. This post is half hypocritical, lol. Edited for errors darn autocorrect!
  14. Now if time were no object, that would open a whole new can of worms as to what I would add.
  15. Like others, I would keep what we are using, which is very cheap. I would add outside art instruction, a cleaning service, more symphonies, some travel, and more sports. Oh, I would like to buy the orignal prints of the artists we study. 😉
  16. I discovered today that a PDF transcript of the audio files is available for free download. This is great to read after listening to the audio to see how the phrases, sentences, and words he is speaking are spelled. I am following the recommendation to just do one lesson at a time. I have been reviewing my scribble notes from the prior day before starting a new audio lesson. Since the audio lessons only average between 7-12 minutes each , I am planning to follow this format: 1. listen to the audio and jot down a few quick notes while listening 2. Read the PDF of that audio. 3. Practice mentally transforming new words learned taken from my everyday conversation to Spanish 4. Next day review the written notes of the previous lesson and quickly skim through the PDF transcript of the previous lesson. 5. Repeat step 1. Hopefully, I will be more fluent in Spanish within the year. If so, we could start a Spanish subgroup, lol.
  17. MFW past K was a turn off for me before looking over a manual to form my own opinion because I heard the sales people are pushy at conferences and I hear the lesson plan is redundant. I did get the K program used, but didn't go past that when hearing those 2 critiques over and over. Plus, I am definitely not a box checker. This is why I have never been tempted to consider Sonlight even though several friends sing praises about it. I resold a used RightStart Level B set after 2 lessons because it was over the top scripted, had too many manipulatives, and I didn't know where to store the balance. I like SCM products because they use good quality paper (especially for the copywork books).
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