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Everything posted by Hilltopmom

  1. The problem I've found, is that even the janitorial & dishwashing staff at our local hospitals & nursing hones do require a high school diploma or equivalent (neither of which my kid can accomplish). Whether or not theyll accept a homeschool one is questionable... In my state homeschool diplomas are not valid. Some of our kids with disabilities wont ever be able to work in a field that provides a living wage (working daycare does not either, imo, & also want a diploma.) Hopefully, community vocational programs for people with disabilities will be able to help them out.
  2. As for math facts, yeah, I never memorized them either. Still made it through Calculus in college.
  3. Lands end used to make a nice one, not sure if they still do.
  4. Lands end tankini was perfect for that stage! They go up to kid size 16.
  5. Ok, my unschooled kid started "doing textbook math" in 7th grade with the key to series, & then moved to pre Algebra. Took about a year to "catch up". (He did do 4th grade in public school & had no problem jumping right in at grade level.. Although we never did textbook math, he played a ton of mathy games in younger years) But, he's pretty bright & motivated. Eta- I do NOT recommend this approach though. Our next kiddo turned out to have severe learning disabilities that we didn't catch with this approach & should've been remediating much earlier. My next set of kids will do math daily starting in K
  6. We're starting with Measurements. I think Rainbow Resource had a suggested order list, iirc, or maybe it was Cathy Duffy reviews- I know I just saw it this week.
  7. IVe done it in the past with my current teens when they were younger & will do it this fall with my 3 yr old. The only drawback I see from your plan is the 2 day a week short preschool time. By the time you do drop off & pick up, you'll barely have any time at home to make use of. Is there a different preschool option for your two littlest ones instead?- more like half day daycare but everyday? Mine is signed up for 2.5 hours three days a week & I'm starting to lean towards daily instead. But, I plan to send her to K the year after instead of homeschool this time around. I might also put the middle schoolers in for a year too. Hope you start feeling better!
  8. We're in this boat too & are currently focusing on volunteering. Not necessarily at places she could work eventually, but possibly, but more to see what's out there and what she likes/ dislikes. She started this year at a very nice assistive living home & hated it, for a variety of reasons. She is now at the childrens room in our library & loves, loves, loves it! She also works at her dance studio TAing 2 classes a week & loves that. (Preschool teachers aide is on her list of possible jobs too)- she may add volunteering at a preschool next year. I do plan to have her do a half day vo tech program her last year's of high school, ours are open to homeschoolers. She's thinking either cosmetology or childcare in that program, but still has a few years. We'll vist there for open house soon. I am also considering an accredited diploma if I can find a place to work with that accepts modified & special Ed materials for high school (NARHS or Clonlara). Curriculum wise, I plan to do some traditional subjects but much more - life skills stuff, child care, health, consumer skills, mental health topics, everyday English, etc. lots of interest based stuff too
  9. EE and MLA essay were both great classes. My kiddo learned a lot,we highly recommend! Worth every cent, IMO, especially if you have a "reluctant to work with mom on writing" child.
  10. I looked up the great courses guarantee. You can always exchange one for a different one or for credit, but only money back for the first year. My unopened ones are over a year old, so no go. but if anyone is wondering.. I've got Modern Electronics, Physics in your Life, Cybersecurity, Everyday engineering, robotics, & Nanotechnology.. he did watch the robotics & engineering ones, just no time for the rest.
  11. I keep wanting her to try Prodigy, but it doesn't work on my old iPad :( Her brother owns the only computer here right now & is pretty much always on it for school.
  12. I listed mine on online used curriculum places & the marketplace here for pretty cheap IMO. They haven't sold yet though. Trying local too, but we don't have many high schoolers here. I bought a bunch of tech ones, but my techy kid is too busy with DE classes & robotics to use them anymore. - maybe sell on eBay? I've never done that before, but I've bought them there.
  13. I've been selling baby & kid stuff off too, not just curriculum though. I just realized I need to pay for another year of Derek Owens math though too. Sigh
  14. $216 a credit hour I didn't think I had much to sell worth money either, really, but sorted through everything with a fine tooth comb for our move and realized we could sell a lot. I'd work if I didn't have the toddlers at home ;)
  15. So far, I funded the first year of DE by selling off unused stuff- mostly curriculum, but also household stuff. Seemed crazy to me, but it's working. I've got enough for this summer tuition, but still need to fund next year which will be almost all DE... Running out of stuff, lol. Still have to part with some high school curriculum & a bunch of unused Great Courses (totally overbought those one year, oops.. So many awesome courses though, right?!) Anyone else getting creative to fund tuition, DE or otherwise? (I'd do a garage sale, but kept all that stuff for our robotics team sale)- I've had the best luck selling online for pricier things, but some local sales too. Good luck! Thought I'd post about this for anyone who might also need to pay for DE & doesn't have the $ laying around :)
  16. Maybe for the geometry try a shorter easy course? I had my Ds re do Alg 1 too after MUS Algebra. He did it at the same time as geometry, using TT for both. (I think MUS geometry is supposed to be pretty quick to work through too? But I know there are others that are short courses) I wouldn't stick with Saxon if it's causing agony- there's only so much one can push through, kwim? Also, are you sure you need those 4 math classes to graduate him? I'd double check if that's your homeschool regs or public school regs, that's a lot. I'd go for solid at this point, & not rush though. Work through the summer. Hth.
  17. Other than Math Mammoth (pages way too busy) and the Key to.. Series, is there another place that does math workbooks by topic, not mixed grade content? Looking for topics like- measurement, decimals, money, etc. by themselves. For a jr high student with dyscalculia. (So, not babyish pages) (Not MUS either, btdt) Thanks!
  18. Do it :) it's so freeing! I'm now on a pixie, I think I'm done with long hair forever. I actually found chin length rough, too long so it still blows around, too short to stay behind my ears.
  19. I was "just" going to come ask if people think the khan prep is good or not. Ds is retaking in August (May & June he's just too busy to prep between now & then) and he needs/ wants to raise his math 60 points for scholarship cut offs at a certain school.
  20. We had the same issue. I used to make up my own review pages (with a few problems of each earlier thing on them) or use something like Spectrum workbooks, but eventually just switched to TT instead (not the computer part, only the texts) for lots of review in every lesson. (We tried CLE but didn't like the layout)
  21. Im probably no help, but I'm actually NOT planning on homeschooling my littles. Big age gap (14 years between oldest & youngest) & I just dont want to do the whole homeschooling little kids thing again, truthfully. Finding friends, arranging field trips, setting up co ops, choosing curricula... Just no. I will finish up with my 14 year old, or at least another year or two, she'll attend our local vo tech when shes old enough. If things dont work in ps, I know I can always pull the littles & homeschool but at this point (ok, theyre only 2 &3), I hope not to. For yours still at home- maybe shake things up (dystopian lit unit study?, etc), get tickets for a bunch of theater productions in the fall or join one, robotics club, a new outside class or sport, volunteering, I dunno- fun stuff. Good luck
  22. It's been a couple years, but at least an hour a day. We used the text, the section review quizzes,the review packet for each chapter & the tests. Did our own labs. Did not use any of the online student features- videos, etc. those would've added many hours on top of just the text.
  23. ^^ this. Texts for students with special needs. Don't order from Weiser Ed though- Amazon has them used for pennies, since they are used extensively in public schools for kids with needs
  24. We attended open house at a small polytechnic this weekend. I'm not sure if my son realized it, but it's the place he fits most out of everywhere we've gone so far. Like completely. I think he was more impressed by the dept at another very big state U college (but only barely) although they had a robotics club that he was drooling about. Big U was BIG, definately a party school, big into sports- not his thing. (Although small school does do some high school robotics mentoring at least & were all for starting a college level robotics club) But this small place... Every kid there was like him. Not sure that's entirely good? And friendly, students came out of their rooms to introduce themselves and also met with kids interested in their departments/ put on demos, etc. (I'm sure there was incentive, but still) So, my question- how do you recognize "fit"? What things did you consider? (Assume here that finances & academic offerings/ rankings are equal)
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