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Everything posted by abcmommy

  1. I also want to say that I think my mad exercise and dieting in 2013 was a BIG mistake partially fueled by an unhealthy "friendship". I also think it has had a direct and negative impact on my ability to maintain a reasonable weight and I suspect it reset my set point about 10 lbs higher than before.
  2. But Panda, choosy moms choose Jif! !!! :lol: I am brand loyal to very few things: whiskas or fancy feast bc that picky cat eats them Jif Tide/ All and Dawn dish soap private selection or boar's head deli meat
  3. Agree. And it does not explain the naturally thin people who do not ever move and eat much more. LOL
  4. Thyroid disorders are and always have been common tho- goiter was practically epidemic at one time, no?
  5. I do not understand how your school could deny access after you have successfully registered AND PAID. I would probably have a stomping screaming fit. Figuratively.
  6. ironically my relaxed homeschooled child has a perfect verbal score on the PSAT and all we do is read a lot of book when they are little. Then they go to highschool. Just saying there is no formula here.
  7. I always thought it was very simple CICO and I have never had a weight problem until recently. In 2013 I began an exercise regimen which was fairly intense, including many many hours of walking and running thru the week. Eventually I cut calories too. Weight really did not move. I tracked every step and bite of food. When I cut calories to 1100 a day I began to lose weight finally. That little food and that amount of time devoted to exercise is simply not sustainable for me (or anyone else most likely). And the minute I slipped up my weight BALLOONED and now I am fatter than I have EVER been. Its not simple. At all.
  8. Maximum Ride series has nekkid teens in the ocean together... I remember being bothered about it. I dont really remember a lot of sex in YA as a kid... The Dicey's Song books are so good. I dont think anyone recommended those yet. There is a book about rape but I dont think its part of the original trilogy.
  9. I thought I agreed with this. But those two are just my usual. Every two weeks I get fresh eggs, organic milk, farm sourced meats, and produce from a local delivery network Once or twice a year I order Bell and Evans chicken from a third grocery. I hit Costco once or twice a month. I have to go to walmart for cat litter now and then bc Kroger is too high usually.
  10. We really MUCH prefer the staedtler set we have found at Staples.
  11. Ours have never been from anywhere but online- amazn. However our last batch was terrible. Wouldnt sharpen and the leads were all borken in multiple places.
  12. 2 hours. Sonlight core 3 Singapore math 5 Rod and Staff spelling Easy Grammar 5
  13. I do not think I really feel embarrassed about it but my dad has purposefully shamed me about it. Which is odd bc he has a cleaner. And he lives in a tiny house with one old lady, he is retired, no indoor pets. I live in a house with 3 messy kids. I work, I knit, I homeschool. I have a dog and a cat. My house is big. (for me) Its all about priorities he says. He has issues.
  14. I let mine wear whatever she picks.
  15. Josh is a grown man. He needs to take responsibility for his actions. Continuing to blame the parents is ridiculous at this point. He has all the resources in the world to help himself. He chose not to.
  16. I still do not like the wording. I believe homosexual relationships are as loving and acceptable to the Lord as my own. I am a christian. The acts in the bedroom don't even come into question for me.
  17. I'm team viral. Rashes are a terrible diagnostic tool.
  18. Well I think Chelsea O looked fantastic before the fix and so I am already annoyed by the product Basically its $$ portion control.
  19. Really loved those CDroms and the fun projects we did with this program.
  20. uh oh. I was talking about Discovering Mathematics.
  21. Interesting article http://www.wsj.com/articles/are-you-likely-to-have-an-affair-1422295888
  22. I think this sort of cheating is very accepted behavior in certain Washington DC circles. To me it seems like narcissism contributes. I think probably the way marriages seem somewhat arranged in ATI and the very public nature of Josh's family also contribute.
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