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Everything posted by SeekingSimplicity

  1. Just my thoughts :) If you start at the beginning with this program I think that might work, but if you're switching from something else, you might have to look at the worksheets and see where your child is at. According to this chart Y2 is 1st grade work, and has multiplication, division, and some algebra that kids around here don't get to till higher grades. And it seems like I saw somewhere on the yahoo group that some users are saying Y1 = 2nd, Y2 = 3rd, etc.. Although they are doing higher place values in addition and subtraction in 3rd grade, Year 2 contains some things they're just now getting to in ps grade 3 in this area. A child probably wouldn't be able go from that to Y4. I would say, compared to what our ps is doing, Y2 is somewhere between 2nd and 3rd. Y3 would be somewhere between 3rd and 4th.
  2. Can y'all answer a history question for my 8 yo? Altho I know the bible story about the Israelites conquering Canaan, but I don't really know much about the history of that area outside what I was taught in bible class a bazillion years ago. Abraham and his people went to Canaan. Later, the Hyksos came from Canaan and invaded Egypt. Were these Abraham's people? Or were there lots of tribes in Canaan, and the Israelites just in conquered one?
  3. Cursive for her is just not going to happen anytime soon. It's painful. After talking to others here with similar problems we decided it's best to wait. She also has problems recognizing the same letter in different styles of writing. Cursive really gives her a hard time there too. I make puzzles for her. Lots of different puzzles, but one is where I cut out different styles of the same letter, say "A", and hide them in a block filled in with different letters, then she has to find all of the A's-- to help train her eyes so maybe she eventually will recognize different prints.
  4. We have black eyed peas for luck, hog jowls so we'll eat high on the hog all year, and cabbage for money.
  5. Yeah, I've gotten an odd egg every once in a while. But this was all 4 eggs. The thing is, I brought all 3 dz home and put them all in the egg holder in my fridge and threw out the egg cartons. And I bet I threw the receipt away. I'll try boiling some more tomorrow and see what happens. If they all turn out the same way, I'll throw throw them out I guess.
  6. LOL I did think about Willy Wonka and the Chocolate factory when I typed that. She was a bad egg. :tongue_smilie:
  7. I bought 3 dz eggs Friday. The date on them is 12-18-09. Just a little bit ago I boiled some. When I peeled them, instead of being firm the whites were smooshy. And they smelled. Not a real strong, knock you off your feet smell, but there definitely a bad smell when I peeled the shell off. I went and got another egg out of the fridge and cracked it into a cup. It smelled OK, looked OK. But after those eggs I boiled I'm afraid to eat them. I've never seen eggs do that before.
  8. Thank you. I'll check out those materials. On handwriting, I didn't say that right. My DH came thru the living room talking to me and I was distracted. We do practice handwriting, we are not going to do cursive any time soon is what I meant. We are going to try teaching her to type since kids are having to type so much now. But cursive we're going to hold off on until some point when she seems ready for it.
  9. Sounds a little like my dd who has visual perception problems. No depth perception, scoptic sensitivity (did I spell that right?), and some other little things going on that make reading challenging. I can show her her name in one type of print, but show it to her in another and she has no idea what it is. Her writing is all over the place, and I was told she would probably never have neat handwriting. We don't have a visual therapist in our area, and insurance wouldn't pay for it. But after finding out what all was going on with her, I was able to include activities at home that helped a lot. Simple things that I never thought about being theraputic, like mazes, playing ball, sewing... things that help train her eyes So if they can get a diagnosis, it might help her know what to do for him.
  10. Hi! I'm trying to figure out if I should start these materials with dd or go in a different direction. Looking at the first edition of the WTM (because that's what our library has), it says use phonics pathways, about half way thru that start spelling workout A, then half way thru that it says to start English for the Thoughtful Child. My dd is 8, has an ld and barely reads- although she's really making some leaps and bounds this year, and she also has problems writing. I've decided for now not to really work on improving her writing. We're going to try typing, but she can't look at a computer screen long so not sure how that will go. Anyhow, she's half way thru with phonics pathways. Using it she's made some good progress with reading, we've been using it for spelling also had positive results. So at this point, all things considered, do I need to add in spelling for her, as the WTM suggest? And with her writing difficulties, should I go on to EFTTC? Is there something out there that would be better for her situation?
  11. Not sure if this should be here or in the special needs board, but I'm going to try it here. :) I'm wondering what materials I actually need to use for my dd8. Looking at the first edition of the WTM (because that's what our library has), it says use phonics pathways, about half way thru that start spelling workout A, then half way thru that it says to start English for the Thoughtful Child. My dd is 8, has an ld and barely reads- although she's really making some leaps and bounds this year, and she also has problems writing. I've decided for now not to really work on improving her writing. We're going to try typing, but she can't look at a computer screen long so not sure how that will go. Anyhow, she's half way thru with phonics pathways. Using it she's made some good progress with reading, we've been using it for spelling also had positive results. So at this point, all things considered, do I need to add in spelling for her, as the WTM suggest? And with her writing difficulties, should I go on to EFTTC? Is there something out there that would be better for her situation?
  12. Every year mine gets a summer sausage and a bag of pistachios. If I find something that would be interesting to him, like some sort of pocket sized multi tool, I'll throw that in too.
  13. My 4th grader hates writing, always has. One of the reasons I chose WT for her is that I thought it would be an enjoyable way for her to learn to write. She's enjoying the stories and the games. The worksheets are fine. The writing part is still like pulling teeth. It's torture! Today she was supposed to write a rough draft of Julius Caesar. She was supposed to strictly retell the story, in her own words. She handed me the rough draft and as I read through it, I realized I neglected to tell her not to add creative flourishes. She had Julius going off to war, finding kittens and a puppy that he brought home to take care of. Then he had a party for them. :001_huh: She said, " you told me to tell the story in my own words." I said oh well. At least she wrote something, she followed grammar and punctuation rules, and she was happy with what she wrote. So it's all good. Right?
  14. Around here, only children with a certain degree of learning disabilities qualify for 4 y/o preschool (at the public school). No one is very pushy about it if you don't have your kids in some.... I guess because there's just not anything here. I was at the health dept a few months ago and a guy there was recruiting for Head Start, he was a little pushy. He kept asking, I kept saying no- because I couldn't see putting my then 3 yo who doesn't like to be away from me on a bus all by himself and sending him away for the day. Finally he asked oh why not? I said because I homeschool my children and don't want to send any of them to a school. He looked startled then said oh and walked off. When my middle child was 4 I took her to Wal-Mart one day. We were in the bathroom when a woman with a northern accent came in and asked dd why she was not in school. I said because she's 4. The woman said, "I know. Shouldn't she be in school?" Uh. No, she's only 4. We talked about it for a minute and I explained we don't have preschool here. She said where she's from kids have to start school at 3 because they want them reading already when they start K.
  15. I have an aunt Shirley. On her birth certificate, filled out by a midwife who was not exceptionally literate, it is spelled Surely. They call her Sam. Long ago I went to church with a woman name Eula Mae. She had married a man named May, so her name was Eula Mae May. I remember when my mom met her and ask for her name she said Eula Mae. And mom asked her what her last name was and she said May. She said it was easier just to tell people her name is Eula Mae than to tell them it's Eula Mae May.
  16. Texas http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ima_Hogg I remember learning about Ima in social studies... about 5th grade? The part about having a sister named Ura is a tale tho.
  17. Oh, We had a set of twins named that in a school I went to in MS. This was more than 15 years ago, so they'd be grown now. They've gotta be related :lol: They pronounced it something like Lay-monj-allo and Or-ahnj-allo. There was also a girl that was pregnant and talking about naming her baby (don't know how to spell it, but this is how it was pronounced) Way-ter-malon. Yep, the fancy pronunciation of watermelon. Bless her. :001_huh:
  18. Thank you! I'm browsing their site now. It looks a lot like what I'm looking for.
  19. OK, it overlaps with geology and meteorology. That's good. Great actually. Those are the areas we haven't covered yet :) OK, is real science written from a young or old world perspective?
  20. Oh, and if it could somehow not be text booky that would be good too. If there is such a critter.
  21. Is there a good full year astronomy curric for 4th-5th graders that is written from an old world perspective. I like secular, but don't mind religious content, I would like it not to have a young world view. Thanks
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