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Everything posted by SeekingSimplicity

  1. Yes, Beautiful Feet. Thanks for the links.... I'll go see if they have it.
  2. I never did find the guide I wanted used, so I went to BF to buy it. But I don't see an option on there to pay with paypal. :sad:
  3. :grouphug: This is what it sounds like to me too. A church should embrace everyone that comes in and make them feel like a member of the family. Sorry you're going thru this.
  4. I'm just watching this, anticipating suggestions. I have a very independent one. I just take her to the library, let her pick out her books that she's interest in. Make sure she reads them, then we discuss them and do any projects she might like to do.
  5. I've had them done without the shot. It was no deal.... it really didn't feel that much different that with the shot.
  6. Yes! I got an email yesterday too! I was so excited about it.
  7. Oh, I've been wondering that one too! LOL (bookshelves that is... not crazy offers.... altho.... LOL)
  8. You really do need the teachers guide for WT, that's where your stuff to do the lessons are. But you might could get away with not using the student book, because there are copies of student pages in the teacher's book. You could edit out the answers if you make copies... or jsut ask the student to write such and such in his notebook.
  9. When I make soup, I just take what ever is in my fridge and throw it in a pan. L/O veggies and meat, any rice or noodles I have, if I have broth then I put that in. If I don't have broth I boil bones or veggie peelings. Then I put in some spices and sea salt. Make some cornbread to go along with it.
  10. My daddy had aspartame poisoning. He was diabetic and drinking diet colas and using other foods with sweetener in them. His biggest symptom was leg pains. His legs were restless and hurt him so badly he could hardly sleep. He stopped using sweetener cold turkey and his symptoms stopped completely. For him it was just a matter of giving his body a little time to detox all the poison.
  11. Can you return books from the library that's further away to the one that's closer at home? I check out books from a town that's 30 miles away and am able to return them to the one 10 miles from home. It's really nice, especially when we get movies or cd's. They have to be returned within 48 hours and I wouldn't be able to drive to town that often.
  12. I'm still thinking on this. He likes to be read to, when he's in the mood for it. He doesn't like coloring or crafts. He does love music, singing, finger plays, ball and cars.
  13. I know how you feel We're applying too, and have been weighing all the pro's and con's. Still we're so excited we don't know what to do with ourselves. The kids are ready to start packing NOW! LOL I've lived all over the US, but have never been outside the country. DH has never lived anywhere except right across the road from where we live now. Big, huge change for him. We're doing our part, praying about it and letting God take care of the rest.
  14. We ordered from American Medical http://identifyyourself.com/ for my dd who has food allergies. Got her a silver bracelet that we put charms on to make it pretty, then a sports band to play in. I've seen T shirts you can order for preschoolers to identify allergies. Can't remember where I've seen them tho.
  15. I only have 2 that I've tried. One is from Hallelujah Acres, the other one is Juliano's Raw. Juliano's is good. There is one by Alissa Cohen that's supposed to be good, I plan to get it sometime when I have money to spend.
  16. have you called the church to see if it's actually been given away? I forgot to pick up my angel food once and they were real nice about it. They put the food in the fridge until I was able to pick it up the next day.
  17. OH, I didn't see your reply till after I posted LOL Thanks! I'll go see if I can find it.
  18. Is there a way to transfer paperbackswap credits from one person to another?
  19. If you're able to donate your time, see if they need help watching children, cleaning their house, or someone to house sit while they take care of funeral arrangements. I don't know what their financial situation is, but some times donations are more helpful than bringing things.
  20. I have some turkey cutlets to cook tonight. There's also a package of mushrooms that needs to be used up. Some frozen cranberries, and a salad already made up. What can I make out these?
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