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Everything posted by SeekingSimplicity

  1. That would be better, but I dont have either of those. Just garbage bags. I'm thinking about putting them all in the floor. The only place I'd have to do that is in the living room, and when DH gets home he'd have to climb over everyone to get in and wouldn't be able to watch TV :tongue_smilie: I might do it anyhow tho.
  2. Sorry you had to go thru that. Children shouldn't be embarrassed in that way. My brother wet the bed till he was 12. The dr told him it was because he was too lazy to get up and go. For him it made him mad enough he stopped. But for this child, I don't think anything like that would work.
  3. It's my dd's best friend, they're related also thru my hubby. She lives right down the road from us, and they play together all the time. So yes, she'll probably stay more in the future. I try not to have overnights with her, but sometimes it ends up happening anyhow.
  4. She has a big bedwetting problem. Her mom won't put pull ups on her because she thinks it will encourage her to continue wetting the bed. I've talked to her mom several times, made a few suggestions as compassionately as I could, but her mom disagrees with me. So I'm just trying to do this without making the child feel bad, ykwim?
  5. Her mom has already dropped her off and gone somewhere for the evening. I don't have any kind of water proof pants that would fit her. She's 10 and almost the same size I am.
  6. my kids have a friend over that wets the bed. I'm trying to figure out what to do about sleeping arrangements without hurting anyones feelings. I'm thinking about making her a pallet on the floor and put garbage bags under the blankets. Then in the morning I can just throw the blankets in the washer. I don't want to single her out and make her sleep on the floor by herself, but I know if I don't put her by herself in the middle of the night all the girls will be soaking wet.
  7. An old-fashioned alternative to moon shoes: take 2 large, empty coffee tins and some string. Poke 2 holes in each tin to run the stings thru. Have dc stand on the bottom part of the tins while you measure the string so you can make sure you're getting it the right length. He can walk around (on the bottoms of the cans) wearing the cans and holding onto the strings. It's like making some stilts, and the strings are handle that help him hold on/keep his balance/keep the cans on his feet. I remember playing with these when I was really little, so I'm sure it's be fine for a 6 yo.
  8. Not to be scary or anything, just being honest and trying to give you something to think about. There are warnings about this causing suicidal tendencies, and my BIL was on this drug when he committed suicide. So please be careful while you're taking it.
  9. Yeah, I think I'm probably making it harder than it is. I guess we could start slow, add things in, see where he is in a couple months when it's time to buy new materials.
  10. I'm just going to do a lot of rambling here, see if I can work this out. :D OUr school year won't turn over till summer (may? depending), but I'm thinking about this now because I'll buy new books in a couple months and I'm trying to figure out what to get. My son will turn 5 next year shortly after the schools cut off for K. So if he were going to ps, he wouldn't start till almost 6 years old. This year, after he turned 4, I was planning to do some preschool activities with him, I had him a couple workbooks and math and science activities to do. We haven't done most of it because we had a lot of things happen this year and have been struggling to stick to any kind of schedule. He says he wants to do school, really he just wants to be a part of what everyone else is doing. We just started doing some things like phonics and math, together this week. It will be a while before he's ready to start writing- his fine motor skills aren't there yet. Not sure how he's going to do with reading yet, he seems interested sometimes- not all the time. He still has to learn the names and sounds of letter, numbers, and how to sit still to do anything. Originally, before my plans blew up, my plan was to do pk this year, and start K with him this summer. Late spring, early summer his sisters will finish up. They will have math and reading to do during the summer to keep on track, but nothing heavy. I would have a lot more time to devote to him. Now I'm not sure we'll be ready for K this coming up year. I had considered either getting him some K math and science materials, do phonics, and let him follow along with his sisters on SOTW2. Then I really want to try WP, and was looking at Sky and Sea. I thought I could get it for all my kids with the guides for both older and younger kids. Everyone doing the same thing together might be easier. And I'd get to satisfy my curiosity about WP. Then I thought, well maybe I'm rushing it. After all, he really doesn't have to start school till 2011. We could just take another year to play and learn and have fun. Maybe I should stick to some sort of learning thru playing pk program. Something with some fun manipulatives. Timerberdoodles, maybe? Then add in phonics when he's ready, and maybe do K the next summer when he's 5 1/2.
  11. I'm nodding my head and laughing about so many of these. We see them here too. Mine has to associate every little word or sound with something else. Like one day she read the work 'tusk'. She said Oh! like Kentusky! I never know what she's going to come up with. She gets really distracted by pictures, and will read the picture instead of the words. She also gets distracted by things in her surroundings and will space out in the middle of reading, loose her place.
  12. I keep trying to play bbc's dance mat typing. For some reason it loads about a quarter of the way and then stops. Is anyone else having this problem, or is it just my computer?
  13. We went paper free. Cloth pads, towels, TP, and kleenex. Saves us about $40 a month-- and that includes the cost of laundering. If my dh ever gets time to sit down and focus on it, we're going to figure out how to run rain water into the sinks but have it to where we can switch from county to rain water when we want.
  14. I'm an introvert and I need background noise. I actually feel a little anxiety if there's nothing going on to create noise. The TV is usually left on as background noise, tho it is rarely watched. When I was little the only way I could sleep is if there was a TV turned onto a static channel; later I learned to sleep with a radio on instead. I also need lots of mental stimulation tho. I can read a book and watch TV at the same time and keep up with both, no problem. I usually read books and knit while I serf the net. If I have to set still and focus my mind on something that I'm not really interested in, I have to have something to keep my hands busy. Like someone else said, if my mind doesn't have multiple things to do it goes into overdrive. TV noise helps.
  15. Does anyone know of any free resources/lesson plans, or library books to look for, on the industrial revolution? 4th grade history, btw I've tried guest hollow, bit none of the links there are working for me.
  16. My experience with it so far, using it with my 8 yo ld child.... We write part of each lesson we read. As words build on each other she is learning why words are spelled the way they are (it's important to her to know why things are the way they are-- you can't tell her just because). So far it's working. She's learning to spell.
  17. I had a dream last night that Cary Grant was stealing cans of tuna from my house. Strange. LOL
  18. What about the sky and sea package? I saw where they have a guide for K-3 so littles can follow along with the older kids. My older ones will be in 4th and 5th grades next year. Is this something the whole family could reasonably do together?
  19. I haven't read that one- will have to check it out. What else would be a good read? I love historical fiction.
  20. I have no clue. Sorry. Maybe it's just that it's processed? I've never heard of vegans not using oil. Even the raw vegans I'm familiar with will use some extra virgin raw coconut oil on occasion.
  21. Well I would think that coconut and olive oil would be just fine. But maybe she needs less fat, and subbed applesauce for that reason.
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